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ANNEX 3: Agenda

Sunday 28 January 2001

Participants arrive in Bamako
Monday 29 January 2001
Opening ceremony and welcoming of participants
Transfer to Sélingué
Round table: introductions and participants expectations
Tuesday 30 January 2001
Telemetry tags
Fish anaesthesia and tagging

Practical sessions on fish anaesthesia and tagging
Round-up of daily progress

Wednesday 31 January 2001
Effects of tags and tagging on fish biology
Basic principles on localizing telemetry transmitters

Practical sessions: transmitter search (“fox hunting”)
Round-up of daily progress

Thursday 1 February 2001
Radio wave propagation in the aquatic environment
Calculation of reception range for radio transmitters

Practical sessions: fish tagging and transmitter localization (continued from Wednesday)
Round-up of daily progress

Friday 2 February 2001
Acoustic wave propagation in the aquatic environment
Calculation of reception range for acoustic transmitters

Practical sessions: area cartography and transmitter-equipped fish localization

Saturday 3 February 2001
Radio tracking strategy: choice of waves and frequencies
Use of automatic stations

Cartography and localization: mathematical foundations and application

Sunday 4 February 2001
Monday 5 February 2001
Habitat use by fish: fundamental calculations
Accuracy of localization: calculation and implications for habitat mapping.

Practical sessions: revision
Round-up of daily progress

Tuesday 6 February 2001
Alternative methods to study fish behaviour in natural environment (hydro-acoustics, tagging and recapture, types of tags, selection criteria)
Presentation of a project proposal using the radio-tracking tool by K. DA COSTA

Tracking cycle of tagged fish in the natural environment

Wednesday 7 February 2001
Definition of study projects involving biotelemetry: criteria, structure and implementation
Presentation of a project proposal using the radio-tracking tool by T. KONE

Capture of tagged fish, tagging evaluation, data recovery from electronic recorders (data storage tags and data loggers)

Presentation of a project proposal using the radio-tracking tool by A . CHIKOU

Round-up of daily progress

Thursday 8 February 2001
Biotelemetric data recovery from data storage tags and a biotelemetric automatic recording station

Presentation of a project proposal using the radio-tracking tool of S. ALHOUSSEINI, M.E. DIOP and H. TRAORE

Round-up of daily progress

Friday 9 February 2001
Presentation of a project proposal using the radio-tracking tool of A. TOGUYENI
Presentation of a project proposal using the radio-tracking tool of S. BOUDA

Workshop general debriefing
Workshop official closing ceremony

Saturday 10 February 2001
Return journey to Bamako
View web sites of telemetry equipment manufacturers
Participants leave Bamako

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