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Summary of Recommendations and Proposals for Further Action

As a result of the Expert Consultation there was a broad consensus and the experts agreed on the need for the following activities:

While some countries in the Region are well advanced in the field of fish production from water bodies of irrigation systems in the arid zone of Asia, other countries experience major difficulties which have arisen from the recent changes in their political and economic systems. These are especially the countries of Central Asia and Mongolia. Such countries require major assistance.

The Expert Consultation therefore recommended that a study be urgently carried out to provide insight into the potential for fishery rehabilitation of irrigation reservoirs in particular, using regular stocking of seed/fingerlings produced in hatcheries, in countries of Central Asia and Mongolia.

The Expert Consultation stressed the need for evaluation of the effectiveness of regular enhancements of fish stocks in irrigation and multi-use reservoirs in the arid zone of Asia.

The Expert Consultation encouraged countries to promulgate the use of artificial breeding technologies for production of stocking material, where such technologies are not yet in a routine use.

The Expert Consultation recommended that each country prepare a review on the present status of indigenous fish. The information would then be collated by the FAO.

The Expert Consultation recommended that a regional review of the current use of irrigation and drainage canals for fish production be prepared. This to be based on reports of the individual countries.

The Expert Consultation recommended that pilot studies in Syria and other countries in the Region should test the potential of canals using one or more fish species, both indigenous and introduced and already well acclimatized to the Region.

The Expert Consultation recommended that countries in the Region with experience in optimizing fish production in irrigation reservoirs and in irrigation and drainage canals prepare an account of their management practices.

The Expert Consultation requested countries in the Region to collate information on residual (drainage) water bodies such as terminal lakes, their morphological, hydrochemical and biological characteristics, including fish species diversity and their current use for fisheries, and on organization(s) responsible for the fisheries and environmental management of such water bodies.

The Expert Consultation recommended that a review of the efficiency of the new type fish passes in high rainfall Asia and in Australia be prepared with suggestions for their modification for their use for the existing irrigation systems in the arid zone of Asia. viii

The Expert Consultation therefore recommended that fish passes could be constructed on a pilot scale.

The Expert Consultation drew attention to the need to minimize damaging trans-boundary impacts, using regional collaboration and discussions as a mechanism for solving such problems.

The Expert Consultation recommended that FAO initiate steps for the collection of information on the world-wide suitability and use of collectors/drainage water canals for production of fish, including fish of medical significance, i.e. for the control of vectors and hosts of water-borne diseases. The study could be prepared in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Expert Consultation stressed the need for more information on the fishery potential of water bodies storing drainage (residual) water.

The Expert Consultation recommended that FAO consider the preparation of draft guidelines for optimal utilization of irrigation water bodies serving agricultural production in arid zones.

The Expert Consultation, recognizing the urgent need for improved information, has requested FAO to include countries of Central Asia and Mongolia on distribution lists for inland fisheries publications, and to consider the possibility of establishing a free-of-charge information source, using Virtual Journal or Website, specifically devoted to fishery and agriculture aspects of irrigation systems.

The Expert Consultation recognized as urgent the need to standardize methods for monitoring fishery resources among the riparian countries in order to better assess the impacts on fish stocks of water resources manipulation for irrigation needs.

The Expert Consultation recognized the need for critical revision or reformulation of laws and regulations pertaining to inland fisheries in countries of Central Asia and Mongolia. The Legal Office of FAO, Rome, Italy, should be approached for advice on how to undertake such revisions.

The Expert Consultation requested that, in order to speed up the rehabilitation and further development of fisheries in irrigation systems in countries of Central Asia, each country government give full support to organizing a national conference on fisheries which would review the current situation, analyse achievements and problems, and identify the necessary steps for improvement and advancement. FAO has been requested to assist in the organization of a follow-up regional conference.

The Expert Consultation requested that assistance be given to specialists of Central Asia and Mongolia to sparticipate in international workshops on the application of fishery in irrigation systems developed elsewhere in Asia, especially in India, Pakistan, Turkey and the countries of Southeast Asia.

The Expert Consultation recommended the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia (ICWC) in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, as a suitable location for coordination of activities in fisheries management of irrigation water bodies in landlocked countries of Central Asia and Mongolia. ix

The Expert Consultation recommended that an FAO ad hoc Working Party be established as soon as possible to address critical issues related to fisheries in irrigation systems of arid Asia and to assist in the development of strategies for fisheries rehabilitation and further development.

The Expert Consultation recommended that other countries in the Region, which did not take part in the present Expert Consultation, be included in the follow-up activities initiated.

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