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Appendix F. Draft outline proposal for monitoring fishery resources in transboundary river systems modified for irrigation and other demands


Some river basins extend over several countries. Water resource manipulation in an upstream country may affect a downstream country or countries. Furthermore, fishery management measures, such as species introductions, stocking and control of unwanted fish species, may impact transboundary fish stocks, and in some cases result in reduced fish production or in intrusion of unwanted fish species. A wanted species introduced upstream may become unwanted downstream for reasons such as competition with indigenous fish, or being a vector of a new fish disease. To avoid this, all riparian countries in the same river basin need to participate in regular monitoring of the situation, using standardized methods. The absence of river or lake basin cross-boundary coordination and monitoring is one of the major obstacles for achieving sustainability of fish yields and hence of fisheries in some irrigation and multipurpose reservoirs in Kazakhstan. At present, fishery management efforts in one country may be nullified by action in another riparian country sharing the same water resource.


To establish unified methods of monitoring fishery resources in all riparian countries sharing the same river or lake basin.

To be achieved by:

Expected results

Executive agency

Kazakhstan Scientific and Research Institute of Fishery Industry, Almaty.

The Institute already has a database on fishery resources and fisheries of Kazakhstan and some neighbouring countries. It has contacts with fishery specialists of the neighbouring countries sharing the same catchment rivers. The Institute also has specialist manpower experienced in monitoring of irrigation systems, especially their irrigation components.

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