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General Working Group Guidelines

Water and Environment

The working group should review the current water and environmental management practices employed for the major food fish species (by farming system and province/region), including existing related guidelines/legislation, current issues and constraints, and future directives.

It is expected that the group will discuss and describe the perspectives, regarding the water and environmental aspects of aquaculture, of the following groups:

(i) the Government;

(ii) technical experts on water and environmental management (e.g. public sector, university, research institute, etc.); and

(iii) aquaculture producers.

Nutrition and Feeding

The Nutrition and Feeding group should review the current feeding practices employed for the major food fish species (by farming system and province/region), including existing related guidelines/legislation, current issues and constraints, and future prospects.

The group is expected to describe the perspectives of the different groups:

(i) technical experts on nutrition and feeding (e.g. public sector, university, research institutes, etc);

(ii) commercial feed manufacturers;

(iii) dealers/producers of locally available major feed ingredients for farm-made feeds (e.g. de-oiled cakes and brans of rice, wheat, etc.); and

(iv) aquafarmers/ producers.

Disease Control and Health Management

The group should discuss and describe the current diseases and health management practices employed for the major food fish species (by farming system and province/region), including existing related guidelines/legislation, current issues and constraints, and future prospects.

This group should review the diseases control strategies and health management situation, from different perspectives:

(i) the Government;

(ii) technical experts on health management (e.g. public sector, university, research institutes, etc.); and

(iii) aquaculture producers.

Seed Resources

The group should discuss and describe the current situation on seed resources available for the major food fish species (by farming system and province/region), including existing related guidelines/legislation, current issues and constraints, and future prospects.

This group should review the diseases control strategies and health management situation, from different perspectives:

(i) the Government;

(ii) technical experts on hatchery/seed management (e.g. public sector, university, research institutes, etc.); and

(iii) aquaculture producers.

General Discussions

All the groups are furthermore expected to discuss and describe the following broad issues relevant to the group’s subject:

· policy and legislation;

· awareness, extension education and communication programmes;

· research and development;

· resources and funding; and

· regional and international linkages.

Suggested Outline for Country Papers and Presentations

Overview of Freshwater Aquaculture Food Fish Production in Your Country

This section should cover the following areas:

· national/ provincial government policy plans and targets;

· anticipated and perceived constraints;

· production methods, levels and trends;

· current government support on financing, inputs, market, extension, research, training, etc.; and

· future prospects and outlook.

Main Areas of Interest

There should also be a section on each of the main areas namely: (i) water and environment; (ii) nutrition and feeding; (iii) disease control and health management; and (iv) seed resources.

Summary and Recommendations

In this section, the authors would provide a summary of main technical issues, including opportunities and constraints of intensification of freshwater aquaculture production in their country. Recommendations for future actions should be formulated, based on consideration of perspectives and expectations by government planners and policy makers, technical specialists, and aquaculture producers.

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