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KAINJI (NIGERIA) (continued)

Table 1. Physico-chemical and biological data across the River Niger adjacent to Shagunu Research Station on 20 July 1965 (from White ed.. 1965)

      Margin of sandbankMargin of sandbank  Foge Island Shore
Sampling station No.12345678 
Position -metres from west bank77117154190240283329375384
Flow ratev.fastv.fastfastfastv. slowv. slowv. fastfast 
Depth (m)  0.50  1.15  0.60  0.80  0.13  0.13  0.80  1.20 
Temperature (°C)30.5430.3230.2630.2630.7430.8630.2330.28 
Conductivity (umhos at 20°C)63.463.463.963.264.766.262.863.9 
OxygenSupersaturated at all stations
Light  (vertical extinction coefficient/metre)    7.57    8.76    8.58    7.55too shallow to measure     7.88    6.48 
Phytoplankton(organisms per ml  1 110  1 120  1 000  1 030  1 010  1 070     940     960 
 (chlorophy11A - mg/l)0.01250.01270.01170.01370.00970.01170.01100.0105 
Bottom algae(organisms per cm2no sample    500     500     50054 70042 900     500no sample 
 (chlorophy11A - ug/cm2)no sample  0.002  0.002  0.002  0.941  0.645  0.002no sample 

No differences in temperature, conductivity or oxygen concentration were observed with depth at any site

Table 2. The average chemical composition of the waters at the main sampling stations (from White ed. 1965)

R. Niger10.
R. Swashi11.78.314.47.458.20.00.0
Tungan Kikwashi  9.19.512.510.858.10.00.0
Kpan pool (bridge 206/1)12.57.614.58.457.00.00.0

Percentages based on molar concentrations

Table 3. General comparisons among some large African man-made lakes (from Balon and Coche, 1974)

Characteristics L. KaribaL. Nasser/NubiaL. KainjiL. VoltaL. Kossou2
REFERENCES Personal dataEntz 1973;
Entz & Ramsey 1973
Henderson 1973
Imevbore 1970
Entz 1969b;
Fao/Undp 1971:
Bretschko, pers. comm.
Lessent (pers. comm.)
Krzelj (pers. comm.)
GEOGRAPHYCountryRhodesia-ZambiaEgypt/SudanNigeriaGhanaIvory Coast
 Latitude16°28'–18°04'S23°58'–20°27'N9°30'–10°35'N6°15'–9°10'N7° –8°N
 Longitude26°42'–29 03'E30°35'–33°15'E4°25–4°45'E1°40'W –0°20'E5°25'–5°45'W
 Altitude, m a.s.l.48518014285204
 Vegetation typeforest + wooden savannahdesertforest + Guinean savannahforest + Guinean savannahforest + Guinean savannah
METEOROLOGYClimate (Köppen)BSwh'BWhsAwAmw'-AwAmw'-Aw
 Mean air temp. °C24.3–24.7(24)(26.5)26.4–27.826.3
 Abs. min temp. °C  2.8  5(mean) 14.1
(Dec. + Feb.)
20(mean 25.7)13 (mean 21.1)
 Abs. max temp °C40.648(mean) 39.0
(mean) 28.040 (mean 31.3)
 Rainfall year, mm610-660–1352
 Gross evapor., mm2500–360038241500–200013981500
HYDROLOGYRiver catchmentZambeziNileNigerVolta
White Bandama
 Area catchment above dam, sq. km823 2002 400 0001 600 000394 00032 400
 Annual inflow,106 cum39 000(recent 47 300)     84 000     80 000  37 000  5 680
 Avg. ann. inflow, cu. m. sec-1566–2516 (1200)450–9 500(800–2000)1 16757–320 (179)
 River flow ratio (min:max)1:131:171:16-1:5.6
 River flood seasonMar.–AprAug.–Oct.(White floods (Jul.–Sep.))
(Black flood (Dec.–Feb.))
 Closed in:December 1958May 1964August 1968May 1964February 1971
 Normal water level in:March 1963(? 1980)19681968(? 1978)
 Hydro-electric max. capacity, Kw1 5002 100  960  882  175.5
MORPHOMETRY1Length, km   277  482  137(1296)  180
 Mean breadth, km    19.4    13.0     9.3     6.8     8.9
 Area, sq. km53646276128088451600
 Volume, cu. km  156  158    15.8  165    29.5
 Max.depth, m    93  130    50    75    54
 Mean depth, m    29.2    25.2    12.3    18.6    18.4
 Length shoreline, km21648804  720ab. 53003500
HYDROLOGY Ann. gross evaporation,      4.2    24      1.9–2.56    12.4      2.4
 Water level max. m   489   180  142    85.3  206
 Water level normal, m   485   170–175(?)      -    84.1  204
 Water level fluctuations, m       3–4       7–10      9–10      3–4      3
 Water exchange ratio1:4.0 (1:3.1)           1:2      4:1      1:3.7      1:5.2
WATER PHYSICSTemp. range, °C      17–32      16–32    23–31    25–34    23.8–34.1
 Thermal cyclewarm monomicticwarm monomictic(± monomictic)warm polymicticwarm dimictic
 Temp. homothermy,°C20–22 (Jun.–Jul.)18.023–27.528.5 (Jan.–Mar.)
≤ 27 (Dec.–Feb.)
 Thermal strat. periodOct.–JuneMay–Aug.Feb.–mid MayApr.–Jun. and Nov.–Dec.Mar.–Jun. and Oct.–Nov.
 Depth of mixed layer, m15   –   25 13   –  20 15 –  2025   –  35  5 –    10
 Secchi D.V., cm50   –1060 (405) 20   –400 10 –30010   –45010   –300
 Depth euphotic zone, m  2   –   24 (10–16)   1   –  10ab. 1–8ab. 10-
WATER CHEMISTRYpH  6.8–      8.9   7.1–    9.4   6.0–    8.0  6.8–    8.5  6.8–     9.0
Conductivity k20 μmhos50   –  115 (72)210   –250 40   – 5450   –  8036   –128
 Total solids, mg/L40   –    70260(35   –40)60   –  80-
 Diss. oxygen surf. mg/L  6   –    10    2   –   7-  5   –    8(1 – 10)
 Oxygen stratificationOct. –JuneJune–(Dec.)Mar–mid May; Oct.–Nov.Nov.–Jan. & Apr.–Jul.Oct.–Nov. & Mar.–Jun.
FISHERY MANAGEMENTBush clearing, typelarge areas totally cleared and dispersed around the lake, within the littoral zonenoneFoge Island and access stripsin front of the dam only- Front of the dam
- Strips 100 m-wide for navigation and for fishing (ab. 950 km)
 Total area, sq. km954-512-95
 Area, percent surf.area  17.8-  40-  6

1 For additional data on morphometry, see Table 38.
2 Physical and chemical data for 1973, filling phase.

Table 4. Basic data on six tropical and sub-tropical African man-made lakes
(from Petr, 1975)

LakeSize of the full lake
Dam formed on the river
Geographic or vegetation zoneDam closedPeriod of filling
Maximum depth
Maximum drawdown
Ratio of annual outflow to volume
Volta8482Volta (Ghana)Savanna-woodlandMay 196457441:4
Kariba5364Zambezi (Zambia, Rhodesia)Savanna-woodlandDec. 195893  8o1:9
Kainji1270Niger (Nigeria)SavannaAug. 19683 months65114:1
Nyumba ya Mungu  148Pangani (Tanzania)SavannaDec. 196545--
Ayame  186Bia (Ivory Coast)Rain forestAug. 1959-20--
Nasser/Nubia3330Nile (Egypt)Desert        19641097101:2

o McLachlan, A.J. & McLachlan, S.M. (1971).

Lake surface areas given by Fels & Keller (1973) differ from those above which are taken from various papers and reports published by workers directly involved in research on these water bodies.

Table 5. The major man-made lakes in the tropical belt (Petr, 1978)

LakeSize of the full lake (km2)Dam formed on the river (country)Geographic or vegetation zoneDam closedPeriod of filling (yrs)Max. depth (m)Max. draw-down (m)Ratio of annual outflow to volume
 Volta8482Volta (Ghana)savanna-woodlandMay 19645  75  41:4
 Kariba5250Zambezi (Zambia, Rhodesia)savanna-woodlandDec. 1958120141:9
 Cabora Bassa2739Zambesi (Mozambique)savannaDec. 1974115136-
 Nasser/Nubia3330Nile (Egypt)desertMay 1964>10130101:2
 Kainji1270Niger (Nigeria)savannaAug. 19683 months  50114:1
 Kossou1600White Bandama (Ivory Coast)forest-savannaFeb. 19717(?)  54  31:5
South America        
 Brokopondo1560Surinam (Surinam)forestFeb. 19647  46  34:3
 Argyle3089Ord (Australia)savannaNov. 1971<1o  68oo--

  o filled to tunnel intake level within the first wet season
oo dam height above original river level

Note: the data as presented in this table may differ from those of other authors. This table is based on the most recent information available.

Table 6. Fish species caught in the coffer-dammed lake and in the River Niger as described by Daget (1962) and White (1965)
(from Motwani and Kanwai, 1970)

Fish speciesLakeRiver NigerLake
Personal data
    1.Protopterus annectens (Owen)-XXX
    2.Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri (Heckel)X-XX
    3.P. senegalus senegalus (Cuvier)-XXX
    4.P. bichir lapradei (Steindachner)-XXX
    5.xClupisudis (Heterotis) niloticus (Cuvier)XXXX
    6.*Microthrissa miri DagetXXXX
    7.xHyperopisus bebe occidentalis (Günther)X--X
    8.Mormyrus hasselquisti Cuvier & ValenciennesX-XX
    9.xM. rume Cuvier & ValenciennesXXXX
  10.xM. macrophthalmus GüntherXXXX
  11.xMormyrops deliciosus (Leach)XXXX
  12.xM. oudoti DagetX--X
  13.M. engystoma BoulengerX---
  14.Petrocephalus bane ansorgei (Boulenger)X---
  15.P. bovei (Cuvier & Boulenger)--XX
  16.P. simus Sauvage--XX
  17.Marcusenius ihuysi (Steindachner)-X-X
  18.M. isidori (Cuvier & Valenciennes)X-XX
  19.xM. harringtoni BoulengerXX-X
  20.xM. psittacus BoulengerXXXX
  21.xGnathonemus tamandua (Günther)X-XX
  22.xG. abadii BoulengerX-XX
  23.xG. pictus MarcusenX-XX
  24.G. petersii GüntherX--X
  25.xG. deboensis DagetXX-X
  26.xG. niger (Günther)X-XX
  27.xG. senegalensis SteindachnerX-XX
  28.G. cyprinoides LinnaeusX-XX
  29.Popyrocranus (Notopterus) afer Günther-XX-
  30.Xenomystus nigri (Günther)X-X-
  31.xGymnarchus niloticus CuvierXXXX
  32.Hepsetus odoe (Bloch)-XXX
  33.xHydrocynus lineatus BleekerXXXX
  34.xH. forskali CuvierXXXX
  35.H. brevis Günther-X-X
  36.xAlestes dentex sethente (Cuvier & Valenciennes)XXXX
  37.xA. baremose (Joannis)XXXX
  38.xA. nurse RüppellXXXX
  39.A. leuciscus GüntherXXXX
  40.xA. macrolepidotus (Cuvier & Valenciennes)XXXX
  41.A. imberi PetersX---
  42.Micralestes acutidens (Peters)-X-X
  43.Micralestes sp.-X--
  44.xDistichodus rostratus GüntherXXXX
  45.xD. engycephalus GüntherX-XX
  46.D. brevipinnis Günther-XXX
  47.xCitharinus citharus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire)XXXX
  48.xC. latus Müller & TroschelXXXX
  49.xC. distichoides PellegrinXXXX
  50.Citharidium ansorgei Boulenger--X-
  51.xLabeo coubie RüppellXXXX
  52.L. pseudocoubie Blache & MiltonX-XX
  53.xLabeo senegalensis Cuvier & ValenciennesXXXX
  54.L. parvus BoulengerXXXX
  55.Barbus occidentalis Boulenger-X-X
  56.B. ablabes (Bleeker)-X-X
  57.B. atokorensis-X--
  58.B. macinensis Daget-X--
  59.B. leonensis Boulenger-X--
  60.B. senegalensis-X--
  61.Barbus sp.-X--
  62.Barilius senegalensis SteindachnerX--X
  63.B. niloticus (Joannis)-X-X
  64.Chelaethiops elongatus brevianalis DagetX-X-
  65.Heterobranchus bidorsalis (Geoffroy St. Hilaire)-XXX
  66.Clarias lazera Cuvier & Valenciennes-XXX
  67.C. anguillaris (Linnaeus)-XXX
  68.xEutropius niloticus (Rüppell)XXXX
  69.xSchilbe mystus (Linnaeus)XXXX
  70.Siluranodon auritus Daget--XX
  71.Physailia pellucida BoulengerX-XX
  72.Arias gigas BoulengerX-XX
  73.xBagrus bayad macropterus PfaffXXXX
  74.xB. docmac niger DagetXXXX
  75.xClarotes laticeps (Rüppell)XXXX
  76.xC. macrocephalus DagetX--X
  77.xChrysichthys auratus longifilis (Pfaff)XXXX
  78.xC. furcatus GüntherXX-X
  79.xC. nigrodigitatus (Lacepede)XXXX
  80.Auchenoglanis biscutatus (Geoffory St. Hilaire)-XXX
  81.A. occidentalis (Cuvier & Valenciennes)--XX
  82.xSynodontis batensoda RüppellX-XX
  83.S. budgetti BoulengerXXXX
  84.xS. courteti PellegrinXXXX
  85.xS. clarias (Linnaeus)X--X
  86.S. eupterus Boulenger-XXX
  87.S. filamentosus BoulengerXXXX
  88.xS. gambiensis (Günther)XXXX
  89.xS. gobroni DagetX-XX
  90.xS. membranaceus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire)XXXX
  91.S. melanopterus BoulengerXXXX
  92.S. nigrita Cuvier & ValenciennesXXXX
  93.xS. omias GüntherX--X
  94.S. ocellifer BoulengerX-XX
  95.xS. resupinatus BoulengerX-XX
  96.S. robbianus J.A. SmithX-XX
  97.S. schall (Bloch & Schneider)XX-X
  98.xS. sorex GüntherXXXX
  99.xS. violaceus PellegrinXXXX
100.xS. vermiculatus DagetX-XX
101.xMalapterurus electricus (Gmelin)X-XX
102.xLates niloticus (Linnaeus)XXXX
103.Hemichromis fasciatus PetersXXXX
104.H. bimaculatus GillXXXX
105.Pelmatochromis güntheri (Sauvage)XX-X
106.Tilapia nilotica (Linnaeus)XXXX
107.T. galilaea Artedi-XXX
108.T. monodi DagetXXX-
109.T. melanopleura DumerilXXX-
110.T. zillii GervaisXXXX
111.Ctenopoma petherici Günther-XXX
112.C. kingsleyae Günther-XXX
113.Epiplatys senegalensis (Steindachner)-X--
114.E. bifasciatus taeniatus (Pfaff)-X--
115.Aplocheilichthys gambiensis Svensson-XXX
116.Parophiocephalus obscurus (Günther)-XXX
117.Mastacembalus sp.--XX
118.Tetraodon fahaka strigosus (Bennett)X-XX
119.Lutjanus agennes (?)X---

Table 7. Fish observed in fishermen's catches between Bussa and Yelwa on the River Niger.
I = Bussa,
II = Old Bussa,
III = Amboshidi,
IV = Shagunu,
V = Tungan-bori,
A = our data,
B = White (1965)
(from Motwani and Kanwai, 1970)

SpeciesNumbers examinedStationSize Range (total length, in mm.)
IIIIIIIVVA (1966)B (1965)
Polypterus ansorgei16--xxx300–560-
P. bichir lapradei  3--xx-405–450250–630
P. endlicheri endlicheri  3-xx--290–460330–520
P. senegalus senegalus  5--xx-250–325-
Clupisudis miloticus  9x-xxx530–795-
Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis16xxxxx285–445210–490
Mormyrus rume16xxxxx230–700-
M. macrophthalmus  1x----295210–420
Mormyrops deliciosus20xxx--150–730-
M. oudoti  1x----500-
Petrocephalus bane ansorgei  2x----100–140-
Marcusenius psittacus  1x-x--175130–190
Gnathonemus abadii  1---xx250140–290
G. pictus  3--xx-130–220170–280
G. senegalensis  5--x-x230–290-
G. tamandua  9xx-xx325–370230–410
Gymnarchus niloticus  3x-x-x345–430-
Hydrocynus lineatus  2-----620–630-
Alestes baremose  3x---x225–285200–360
A. dentex  4x-x-x130–220150–330
A. macrolepidotus13xx---420–550-
A. nurse  6x-xx-105–190110–250
Distichodus brevipinnis  3----x--
D. engycephalus14xxx--320–750-
D. rostratus41xxxxx160–825-
Citharinus citharus12x-x-x255–380140–400
C. latus  1x----495-
Labeo coubie39xxx-x150–720-
L. pseudocoubie  6-xx-x185–500-
L. senegalensis  4x---x410–510160–540
Heterobranchus longifilis  1--x--310-
Clarias anguillaris13--xxx200–450-
C. lazera  4--x--230–390-
Eutropius niloticus  9x-x--105–180-
Schilbe mystus  8x-x--120–300-
Bagrus bayad  1--x--345-
B. docmac  1x----490-
Clarotes laticeps  7x-xx-190–375-
Chrysichthys longifilis  1--x--210-
Auchenoglanis biscutatus  9--xxx190–400-
A. occidentalis  5x-x-x240–480-
Synodontis batensoda10--xx-145–190-
S. budgetti28x---x230–450130–410
S. courteti28xxx--335–680-
S. clarius  1x----290-
S. filamentosus  1----x105160–280
S. gambiensis17xxxxx100–385140–420
S. gobroni18xxx--380–780-
S. membranaceous  3x---x290–370-
S. nigrita35x-xx-  80–170-
S. ocellifer15--xx-110–210-
S. resupinatus  3----x165–265-
S. sorex26xxx-x280–470210–430
S. violaceous  8x-x-x260–420-
S. vermiculatus  7xx---410–470-
Malapterurus electricus  1--x--390-
Lates niloticus  6--xxx225–500-
Tilapia nilotica  9--x-x140–330110–420
T. zillii  2--x--125–245110–260
Tilapia spp.60x-x-x110–250-
Parophiocephalus obscurus  1--x--250-
 600  3414431929  

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