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Table 1. List of fish recorded from the Middle Zambezi area (from Jackson, 1961). Some names have been changed in accordance with recent systematic approaches (e.g., Jackson, 1975; Trewavas, 1980; Skelton et al., 1980)

Adults > 18 cm lengthAdults < 18 cm length
Anguilla nebulosa labiataAlestes imberi
Protopterus annectensMicralestes acutidens
Mormyrus longirostrisBarbus barotseensis1
M. deliciosusB. fasciatus
Hippopotamyrus discorhynchusOpsaridium zambezense
Hydrocynus vittatusChiloglanis neumanni
Distichodus mossambicusAplocheilichthys jonhstonii
D. schengaPharyngochromis darlingi
Labeo altivelis 
L. congoro 
Barbus marequensis 
Eutropius depressirostris 
Synodontis zambezensis 
S. nebulosus (?) 
Clarias gariepinus 
Heterobranchus longifilis 
Malapterurus electricus 
Oreochromis mortimeri 
Tilapia rendalli 
Serranochromis codringtoni 

1 This is an Upper Zambezi species which has never since been found in Kariba. Original specimens were probably misidentified.

Table 2. Main morphometric features of major African lakes. Data from Welcomme (1982), Balon and Coche (1974), Bernacsek and Lopes (in press), Bowmaker et al. (1978) and Marshall et al. (1982)

 KaribaCahora BassaNasser/NubiaVoltaKainjiKossou
Length (km)   320   246   482   400   137   180
Width, mean (km)     19.4     10.8     13.0       6.8       9.3       8.9
Width, maximum (km)     40     40     20     24     24 
Depth, mean (m)     29.2     20.9     25     18.6     12.3     18.4
Depth, maximum (m)   120   156   130     75     50     54
Shoreline length (km)2 1641 7758 8044 828   7203 500
Shoreline development       8.3       9.7     31.2     14.5       5.7     24.7
Area (km2)5 3642 6656 2768 8451 2801 600
Volume (km3)   156.5     55.8   158   165     15.8     29.5
Approx. outflow: Volume ratio       1:3       2:1       1:2       1:4       4:1       1:5

Table 3. Average annual water budget for Kariba (1975/76–1979/80). Data from Central African Power Corporation (From Marshall et al., 1982)

Gains:Rainfall on lake surface  5.0  7.6
 Inflows - Zambezi R. (Livingstone)51.778.4
  -Secondary rivers  9.214.0
 Total 65.9 
Losses:Gross evaporation  8.613.2
 Outflows  - Turbines27.642.3
  - Spillage29.044.5
 Total 65.2 

Theoretical Replacement Time (Volume: Inflow) 2.4 yrs

Table 4. The potential fish yield from some African man-made lakes using the MEI relationship (from Marshall, 1982)

Volta (Ghana)1  6.1  32.77
Nasser-Nubia (Egypt & Sudan)1  9.240.4
Kainji (Nigeria)1  6.634.6
Kariba (Zimbabwe & Zambia)2  2.823.2
Mwenje (Zimbabwe)310.042.1
Darwendale (Zimbabwe)416.853.6
McIlwaine (Zimbabwe)317.154.1
Claw (Zimbabwe)417.254.2
Mazoe (Zimbabwe)334.675.2

Sources: 1 Henderson and Welcomme (1974)
2 Marshall et al. (1982)
3 Mitchell and Marshall (1975)
4 Thornton (1980)

Table 5. Average ionic composition of Lake Kariba surface water compared to average African and World fresh waters (from Coche, 1974)

IonLake Kariba 1965 averageWorld fresh waters averageAfrican fresh water averageEast and West African lakes and rivers
Magnesium0.160200.42170.313  3.80.239212.9
Potassium0.042  50.08  3??0.182167.1
Total cations0.820100  2.35100  --1.137100  25.5  
Fixed CO20.756891.7174??(0.725)(64)(21.8)
Salinity1.67   -4.66-(4.5)-(2.27)(100)  (39.3)
SiO2   12.3 mg/L      17.1 mg/L -23.2--15.5  
ReferencePers.dataGorham, 1957Livingstone, 1963Visser cited in Imevbore, 1970

Table 7. Provisional chemical budget for Lake Kariba.
(From Coche, 1974)

   t × 1 000
Imports- Zambezi River 1 695
 - Secondary Rivers    419
 - Rainfall      42
  TOTAL2 156
Exports- outflow 2 346

Table 6. Water quality of some African rivers, major inflows for lakes and rservoirs (from Coche, 1974)

RiverRange temp.
Spec. cond. at 20°C micromhosSalinity
mg L-1
Cations, mg L-1Anions, mg L-1 
Zambezi (L. Kariba)17–30  36–12120–70 4.7–16.90.9–  7.31–80–212–36(3)(3)Original data
Blue Nile (Khartoum)-140–390-19.6–28.15.0–  6.54.5–9.01.7–2.949–802.0–7.3-Hammerton, 1972
White Nile (Khartoum)-220–500-14.2–19.07.5–11.725–416.9–9.269–996.0–9.5- 
Nile (L. Nubia)17–28(190)-25    717    41344.5  9Entz (pers.comm.)
Niger (L. Kainji)(25–30)34–80-4.112.603.492.4112–191.36TImevbore, 1970
Volta (Ajena, L. Volta)(25–30)(60)-6.672.9   (2.4–3.5)(1.4–2.6)40.34.6  12.7Entz, 1969 (Biswas, 1968)
Bandama (L. Kossou)(25–29)  90–200-4.4–5.0-5.8–6.41.6–2.524–361–3.50.2–1.0CTFT, 1972
Welcomme, 1972
Kafue (Flood Plain)15–32135–350Avg. 20218–102 7–571.7–150.8–4   25–1141.6–10(T)Tait, 1967
Luapula (L. Mweru)21–27  44–10832–724.3–12.81.8–8.63.7–6.20.6–1.715–381.8–5.81–3De Kimpe, 1964
Symoens, 1968
Congo (Matadi, April 1966)-4030.72.711.813.151.729.466.485.32Symoens, 1968

Table 8. Fish species of Lake Kariba, Middle Zambezi and possible invaders from Upper Zambezi. (Data from Jackson, 1961; Jubb, 1961 and 1967; Bell-Cross, 1972; Balon, 1974)

 Present before KaribaPresent in Lake KaribaWidespread in Middle ZambeziIntroducedPossible Upper Zambezi invader
Protopterus annectens (1)X    
Anguilla nebulosa labiataXXX  
Limnothrissa miodon X X 
Mormyrops deliciosusXXX  
Hyppopotamyrus discorhynchus XX  
Marcusenius macrolepidotus XX  
Mormyrus longirostrisXXX  
Hydrocynus vittatusXXX  
Alestes lateralis (2) X  X
A. imberiXXX  
Micralestes acutidensXXX  
Distichodus mossambicusXX   
D. schengaXX   
Barbus poechii (3) X   
B. paludinosus XX  
B. unitaeniatus XX  
B. lineomaculatus XX  
B. barotseensis (4)X   X
B. fasciolatusXX   
B. marequensisXXX  
B. radiatus XX  
Labeo cylindricus XX  
L. congoroXX   
L. altivelisXXX  
Opsaridium zambezenseX?X X
Chiloglanis neumani (5)X    
Schilbe mystus (6) X  X
Eutropius depressirostrisXX   
Clarias gariepinusXXX  
Heterobranchus longifilisXX   
Malapterurus electricusXX   
Synodontis zambezensisXX   
S. nebulosusXX   
Aplocheilichthys johnstoniXX   
Serranochromis codringtoniXX   
S. giardi X ?X
S. carlottae X ?X
S. macrocephalus (7) X ?X
S. robustus (8) X XX
Pharyngochromis darlingiXXX  
Pseudocrenilabrus philander XX  
Oreochromis andersoni X ?X
O. macrochir X XX
O. mortimeriXX   
Tilapia rendalliXXXX 

(1) Inhabits temporary pools, habitat destroyed
(2) Jubb (1976) claims that it was recorded from Middle Zambezi also that it may not be A. lateralis
(3) Found in N. Bank tributaries above and below Kariba (Balon, 1974, 1974a)
(4) Possibly misidentified. Occurs, however, in Kalomo River above Kariba (Balon, 1974)
(5) Inhabits running water, habitat destroyed
(6) Recorded from Middle Zambezi before Kariba (Jubb, 1967)
(7) Found in Chezia R., N. Bank tributary (J.F.R.O, 1967)
(8) Found in N. Bank tributaries (J.F.R.O, 1961; Balon, 1974) Also introduced (Toots and Bowmaker, 1976)

Table 9. Fish abundance in relation to vegetation

Habitat typeSpeciesNo. ha-1kg ha-1Source
Gentle slope, rich vegetation1420 200500(1)
Intermediate slope, poor vegetation12  7 700132 
Steep and rocky, very poor vegetation11  1 100  48 
Intermediate slope, no vegetation, (9–12 m deep)  6  1 800  27 
Open water, 20 m deep  3     300    9 
Permanent Salvinia mat25 816(2)
Rooted hydrophytes present24 263 
Poor vegetation20   98 
Good vegetation in coves (5 stations)2343 283 (3)
Poor vegetation in coves (3 stations)17  1 988  

Sources: (1) J.D. Langerman, Unpubl. (1981–82 data)
(2) Mitchell (1976)
(3) Balon (1973)

Table 10. Changes in the abundance of major fish species, lakeside station 1960–1982. Expressed as numbers per 50 standard gillnet fleet settings

Hyppopotamyrus discorhynchus----13N.D.N.D.20N.D.225318
Mormyrus longirostris--5-4  - -24
Mormyrops deliciosus----32  - -6
Marcusenius macrolepidotus-----  90 602294
Hydrocynus vittatus2 9002 0002 7733 2582 058  1 370 2 8762 718
Alestes imberi3 1502 2009681 233180  110 -6
Labeo congoro850900614563179  - 4-
L. altivelis10 8003 7001 482821477  - --
Eutropius depressirostris--4614618  80 664900
Synodontis zambezensis----26  - 6318
Clarias gariepinus6001 45082866745  90 20942
Heterobranchus longifilis-----  - -6
Distichodus schenga1502001094675  50 56
D. mossambicus2504501 7756339  - --
Tilapia rendalli-15023469  40 8318
Serranochromis codringtoni-150216  140 401162
Oreochromis mortimeri1 900501 050408139  480 915192
O. macrochir-----  - --

Hyppopotamyrus discorhyncus5561 0901 028532159378389500286565N.D.270
Mormyrus longirostris166814127741346044315991122 284
Mormyrops deliciosus---2061179818 26
Marcusenius macrolepidotus8003713242666896165275112184 33
Hydrocynus vittatus5 9366 0424 4667 0204 2192 9061 9791 8081 3321 646 2 095
Alestes imberi3650302069941 0931 3798271 6491 364 878
Labeo congoro--22-111-- -
L. altivelis-64222844289087 18
Eutropius depressirostris1 260694295604212160601299324735 162
Synodontis zambezensis365099167881031258057103 84
Clarias gariepinus481721044583452311682947378 204
Heterobranchus longifilis-346121316212 4
Distichodus schenga-661224141- 1
D. mossambicus---------- 1
Tilapia rendalli801416419330431414413224880 117
Serranochromis codringtoni3121 6351 1451 9672 4391 8601 118723571534 1 567
Oreochromis mortimeri3561 0397572 6822 0321 6131 4811 173135170 328
O. macrochir---21619125151 4

1 Some commercial fishing took place from 1978 to mid-1980

2 Incomplete - 10 months data

Table 11. Standing stock of major fish species (i.e., > 1% of total standing stock) in Lake Kariba

 Balon (1973)Mitchell (1976)Langerman (unpubl.)
kg ha-1%kg ha-1%kg ha-1%
Mormyrops deliciosus9215.1  126  30.0    
Hippopotamyrus discorhyncus9615.9  7016.7    
Marcusenius macrolepidotus    81.8  
Mormyrus longirostris183.04510.6    
Hydrocynus vittatus315.1102.56415.3  
Alestes lateralis294.8  61.4133.1
A. imberi    133.0
Labeo altivelis  61.0  5312.6  
Eutropius depressirostris  91.5    
Clarias gariepinus528.6133.2  
Heterobranchus longifilis142.3  71.7  
Malapterurus electricus488.0102.351.3
Serranochromis codringtoni132.2122.9338.0
S. macrocephalus    122.9
Pharyngochromis darlingi   1.1  
Oreochromis mortimeri9716.0  225.2256.1
Tilapia rendalli569.35412.7  190  45,3  
TOTAL580  96.0  409  97.2  408  97.6  
Sampling period1968–19711972–19741981–1982

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