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Provisional Agenda item Relevant documents
Monday, 6 April 1987
Morning, 09.30 hours
1Opening of the Session 
2Election of Chairman and Vice-ChairmanCIFA:DM/LV/87/1
Under Rule XI-1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa, the Sub-Committee is required to elect its office bearers at the beginning of each session. 
3Adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the sessionCIFA:DM/LV/87/1
4The State of Lake Victoria FisheriesCIFA:DM/LV/87/2
The members are invited to present statements on the state of the fisheries in the Lake Victoria waters under their jurisdiction, particularly with respect to levels and composition of catches; scientific evidence on the impact of Nile perch on the fisheries should also be presented. The Committee is invited to consider joint policies for the development and management of the fisheries of Lake VictoriaCIFA:DM/LV/87/4
Afternoon, 14.00 hours
4State of Lake Victoria Fisheries (continued) 
Tuesday, 7 April 1987
Morning, 09.00 hours
5State of advancement of nationally and internationally financed projectsCIFA:DM/LV/87/5 
The Committee is invited to consider the progress in the implementation of fisheries research and development projects and to offer advice and suggestions on plans for future action. 
Afternoon, 14.00 hours
6Fishery Statistics of Lake VictoriaCIFA:DM/LV/87/6
The document reviews the collection, interpretation and dissemination of fishery statistics of Lake Victoria. The Committee is requested to consider the need for harmonization of the fishery statistics and data collection systems and offer suggestions on promotion of further collaboration and the exchange of information on fishery data and statistics. 
Wednesday, 8 April 1987
Morning, 09.00 hours
6Fishery Statistics of Lake Victoria (continued) 
Afternoon, 14.00 hours
6Fishery Statistics of Lake Victoria (continued) 
Thursday, 9 April 1987
Morning, 09.00 hours
7Introduction of Exotic Species into Lake VictoriaCIFA:DM/LV/87/7
The Committee is requested to consider the implications of the introduction of new fish species into the Lake Victoria basin and to offer suggestions and advice for future guidance.
8Any other matters 
9Date and place of the Fifth Session 
Friday, 10 April 1987
Morning, 09.30 hours
10Adoption of the Report 

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