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0001 Agnew, S., 1969 Local names of fishing grounds and winds of Lake Chilwa. Dziko, 2:1–3

0002 Agnew, S., 1971 The Lake Chilwa fisheries. E.Afr.Geogr.Rev., 9:45–57

0003 Agnew, S., 1973 The indigenous growth towards cash economy in Africa: a case study of a lacustrine economy in Malawi. Geoforum, 16:25–35

0004 Agnew, S., 1976 The waters of Malawi: developments since independence 1966/76. Occas. Pap. Chancellor Coll.Dep.Geogr.Earth Sci., (1):49 p.

0005 Agnew, S. and C. Chipeta, 1979 Fishing and fish trading: socio-economic studies. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:343–68

0006 Agnew, S. and M. Kalk, 1979 The people and the land. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:309–42

0007 Agnew, S. and A. MacGregor-Hutcheson, 1967 Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Proc. South.Afr.Sci.Cong.Rhodesia, 1967:1–2

0008 Agnew, S., et al., 1970 In Decline and recovery of a lake, edited by M. Kalk. Zomba, Government Printer, 59 p.

0009 Ahl, E., 1927 Einige neue fische der familie Cichlidae aus dem Njassa-See. Sitzungber.Ges.Naturforsch.Freunde Beri., 1926:51–62

0010 Alabaster, J.S., 1981 Review of the state of aquatic pollution of East African inland waters. Rome, FAO, CIFA Occas.Pao., (9):36 p.

0011 Allanson, B.R., J.P. Carmouze and A. Viner, 1981 Hydroclimate (physical, chemical relationships in waters). In The ecology and utilization of African inland waters, edited by J.J. Symoens, M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet. UNEP Rep. Proc.Ser., (1):19–26

0012 Amer, J. and A. MacGrogor-Hutcheson, 1966 A key to development in southern Malawi - the Nkula Falls hydro-electric scheme. Soc.Malawi J., 19(2):29–51

0013 Ancey, C.F., 1894 Resultats des recherches malacologiques de Mgr. Lechaptois sur les bords du lac Nyassa et de la Rivière Shire. Mem.Soc.Zool.Fr., 7:217–34

0014 Andrew, A.R. and T.E.G. Bailey, 1910 The geology of Nyasaland. With a description of the fossil flora by E.A.N. Arberi notes on the fossil non-marine molluscs and a bivalved crustacean (Estheriella) by R.B. Newtoni and a description of the fish scales of Colobodus, etc., by R.H. Traquair. G.J.Geol.Soc.Lond., 66:189–252

0015 Appleton, C.C., 1979 The Unionacae (Mollusca, Lamellibranchiata) of South-Central Africa. Ann.S.Afr.Mus., 77(9):151–74

0016 Archer, D.R. and E.Z. Laisi, 1980 An appraisal of the rainfall and climate in Karonga and Chitipa. Malawi, Water Resources Branch (WRB-No.TP10):35 p.

0017 Archibald, A.E., 1978 Hydroelectric power development on the Shire River; past, present and future. Soc.Malawi J., 31(2):6–16

0018 Ardizzone, G.D., 1976 A bibliography of African freshwater fish. Supplement 1 (1968–1975). Bibliographie des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique. Supplément 1 (1968–1975). CIFA Occas.Pap./Doc.Occas.CPCA, (5):40 p.

0019 Arnold, C.W.B., 1952 Lake Nyassa's varying level. Nyasal.J., 5(1):7–17

0020 Arrundale, J.F., 1980 Fish handling and marketing in the Mzuzu area of Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 3:28 p. (mimeo)

0021 Axelrod, H.R., 1973–75 African cichlids of lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, Editions 1 to 3

0022 Axelrod, H.R., 1974 Freshwater fishes. Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 224 p.

0023 Axelrod, H.R., 1976 Fishery resources of Lake Malawi. In Actes due Zème Congrès Europeen des Ichthyologistes organise par le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Maison de l'UNESCO. 8–15 Septembre 1976, edited by J.C. Hureau and K.E. Banister. France, Nantes, STPM, p.483

0024 Axelrod, H.R. and L. Burgess, 1973 Breeding aquarium fishes. Book 3. Hong Kong, T.F.H Publications, 320 p.

0025 Axelrod, H.R. and W. Burgess, 1976–83 African cichlids of lakes Malawi and Tanganyika. Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, Editions 4 to 10

0026 Axelrod, H.R. and W. Vorderwinkler, 1974 Encyclopaedia of tropical fishes. Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 631 p.

0027 Balon, E.K., 1976 Ecomorphological principles of early ontogeny in Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927 (Mbuna, Lake Malawi): advanced protective strategies in fish reproduction. In Actes due Zème congrès Europeen des Ichthyologistes organise par le Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, Maison de l'UNESCO. 8–15 Septèmbre 1976, edited by J.C. Hureau and K.E. Banister. Nantes, France, STPM, pp. 484–95

0028 Balon, E.K., 1977 Early ontogeny of Labeotropheus Ahl, 1927 (Mbuna, Cichlidae, Lake Malawi) with a discussion on advanced protective styles in fish reproduction and development. Environ.Biol.Fish., 2(2): 147–76

0029 Balon, E.K., 1978 Reproductive guilds and the ultimate structure of fish taxocenes. Environ.Biol.Fish., 3(1): 149–52

0030 Banda, S.C.W., 1967 The khungu of Lake Malawi. Malawi Sci.Teacher, 3(1): 68–70

0031 Banister, K.E. and M.A. Clarke, 1980 A revision of the large Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) of Lake Malawi with a reconstruction of the history of the southern African rift valley lakes. J.Nat.Hist., 14(4):483–542

0032 Barbour, C.D. and J.H. Brown, 1974 Fish species diversity in lakes. Am.Nat., 108(962):473–89

0033 Barel, C.D.N., 1983 Towards a constructional morphology of cichlid fishes (Teleostei, Perciformes). Neth.J.Zool., 33(4):357–424

0033a Barel, C.D.N., 1984 Form-relations in the context of constructional morphology: the eye and suspensorium of lacustrine cichlidae (Pisces, Teleostei) with a discussion on the implications for phylogenetic and allometric form-interpretations. Neth.J.Zool., 34(4):439–502

0034 Barel, C.D.N., 1985 et al., Destruction of fisheries in Africa's lakes. Nature.Lond., 315: 19–20

0035 Barrett, A.J., 1981 Open water fishing methods in Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 23:8 p. (mimeo)

0036 Bazigos, G.P., 1972 The improvement of the Malawian fisheries statistical system. Rome, FAO, FAO/MLW/16:23 p. (mimeo)

0037 Bazigos, G.P., 1972a Aerial survey of the Lakes Malombe and Malawi. Analysis of the results of the survey. Rome, FAO, FAO/MLW/16: 12 p.

0038 Bazigos, G.P., 1973 Deck sampling: a pilot trawling survey at Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, St.E/2, UNDP/SF/MLW.16:39 p. (mimeo)

0039 Beadle, L.C., 1974 The inland waters of tropical Africa: an introduction to tropical limnology. New York, Longman, 365 p.

0040 Beadle, L.C., 1981 The inland waters of tropical Africa: an introduction to tropical limnology. New York, Longman, 475 p. 2nd ed.

0041 Beauchamp. R.S.A., 1940 Chemistry and hydrography of Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa. Nature.Lond., 146:253–6

0042 Beauchamp. R.S.A., 1953 Sulphates in African inland waters. Nature.Lond., 171:769–71

0043 Beauchamp. R.S.A., 1953a Hydrological data from Lake Nyasa. J.Ecol., 41(2):226–39

0044 Beauchamp. R.S.A., 1964 The rift valley lakes of Africa. Verh.Int.Ver.Theor. Angew.Limnol., 15:91–9

0045 Beauchamp. R.S.A., 1969 Hydrobiological factors affecting biological productivity: a comparison between the Great Lakes of Africa and the new man-made lakes. In Man-made lakes: the Accra symposium, edited by L.E. Obeng. Accra, Ghana University Press for Ghana Academy of Sciences, pp. 91–3

0046 Beddard, F.E., 1908 The oligochaetous fauna of Lake Birket el Qurun and Lake Nyassa. Nature.Lond., 77:608

0047 Belcher, C.F., 1930 The birds of Nyasaland. London, Technical Press, 356 p.

0048 Bell-Cross, G., 1966 The distribution of fishes in Central Africa. Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 4:3–20

0049 Bell-Cross, G., 1972 The fish fauna of the Zambezi River system. Arnoldia. Rhod., 5(29):1–19

0050 Bell-Cross, G., 1973 The freshwater fishes of Mocambique. Inf.Circ.Queen Vict.Mus.Salisbury, (5): 1–13

0051 Benson. C.W., 1946 Crocodiles preying on pelicans. Ibis, 88:283–9

0052 Benson. C.W., 1946a Aquatic birds at Blantyre, Nyasaland. Ostrich, 17: 273–9

0053 Benson. C.W., 1950 Aquatic birds at Blantyre. Nyassl.J., 3(2): 40–5

0054 Benson. C.W., 1951 The bird life of Lake Nyasa. Nyasal.J., 4(2): 49–66

0055 Benson. C.W., 1953 A checklist of the birds of Nyasaland. Blantyre, The Nyasaland Society and the Publications Bureau, 118 p.

0056 Benson, C.W. and F.M. Benson, 1977 The birds of Malawi. Limbe, Montford Press, 263 p.

0057 Bernacsek, G.M., A. Massinga and P. Contreras, 1983 Exploratory gillnetting in Lake Niassa, Mozambique, with biological profiles of the main taxa caught. Rome, FAO, Sweden Funds-in-Trust, FAO/GCP/MOZ/006/SWE(Phase II) Field document 5: 129 p.

0058 Berns, S., E.H. Chave and H.M. Peters, 1978 On the biology of Tilapia squamipinnis (Günther) from Lake Malawi (Teleostel: Cichlidae). Arch.Hydrobiol., 84(2): 218–46

0059 Berreen, J.M., 1969 Estimation of adult populations of Diplacodes lefebvrei Rambur, Libellulidae: Odonata, in inundated grasslands. In Proceedings of the IBP Malawi Scientific Conference, pp.59–61

0060 Blair, D.M., 1952 Bilharziasis survey of British South Africa. Nyasaland Annex 13. Geneva, WHO, WHO/MAL/58/AFR/MAL.

0061 Blair, D.M., 1956 Bilharziasis survey in British West and East Africa, Nyasaland and the Rhodesias. Bull.WHO, (15): 203–73

0062 Bloomfield, K., 1984 The Cape Maclear granitic complex, Fort Johnston District. Rec.Geol.Surv.Malawi, 5: 64–79

0063 Bomford, E., 1984 Mother's little mouthful. BBC Wild., 2(3): 142–7

0064 Borodin, N.A., 1936 On a collection of freshwater fishes from Lakes Nyasa, Tanganyika and Viktoria in Central Afrika. Zool.Jahr.(Syst.Oekol.Geogr.Tiere), 68(1): 1–35

0065 Bott, R., 1955 Die süsswasserkraben von Afrika (Crust., Decap.) und ihre stammesgeschichte. Ann.Mus.R.Congo Belge (c. (zool.)Ser.3), 1(3): 209–352

0066 Boulenger, G.A., 1896 Description of new fishes from the Upper Shire River, British Central Africa, collected by Dr. Percy Rendall and presented to the British Museum by Sir Harry H. Johnston, K.C.B. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1896: 915–20

0067 Boulenger, G.A., 1897 Description of a new fish from Lake Nyasa. Ann.Mag. Nat.Hist., 6(19): 155

0068 Boulenger, G.A., 1897a A list of the reptiles and batrachians collected in northern Nyasaland by Mr. Alex Whyte, F.Z.S., and presented to the British Museum by Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.B., with descriptions of new species. Proc.Zool. Soc.Lond., 1897: 800–3

0069 Boulenger, G.A., 1898 A revision of the genera and species of fishes of the family Mormyridae. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1898: 775–821

0070 Boulenger, G.A., 1899 A revision of the African and Syrian fishes of the family Cichlidae. Part 2. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1899: 98–143

0071 Boulenger, G.A., 1902 Diagnoses of new cichlid fishes discovered by Mr. J.E.S. Moore in Lake Nyasa. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 7(10): 69–71

0072 Boulenger, G.A., 1903 Description of a new silurid fish of the genus Clarias from British Central Africa. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 7(12): 362

0073 Boulenger, G.A., 1904 Barbus eutaenia and Barbus holotaenia, new names for Barbus kessleri Günther nec. Steindachner. Ann.Mag. Nat.Hist., 7(14): 218

0074 Boulenger, G.A., 1905 The distribution of African freshwater fishes. Rep. Meet.Brit.Assoc.S.Afr., 75:412–32

0075 Boulenger, G.A., 1907 Description of three new fishes from British Central Africa. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 7(20): 487–9

0076 Boulenger, G.A., 1908 Diagnoses of new fishes discovered by Captain E.C. Rhoades in Lake Nyasa. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 8(2): 238

0077 Boulenger, G.A., 1906–16 Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History). London, British Museum (Natural History), 4 vols

0078 Bourguignat, J.R., 1889 Mélanidées du lac Nyassa suivies d'un aperçu comparatif sur la faune malacologique de ce lac avec celle du grand lac Tanganyika. Bull.Soc.Malacol.Fr., 6:1–66

0079 Bourn, D., 1972 The feeding, diet and ecological relations of three species of fish of economic importance in southern Malawi. M.Sc.Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 99 p.

0080 Bourn, D., 1974 The feeding of three commercially important fish species in Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol. Fish., 3(2):135–45

0081 Bowmaker, A.P., P.B.N. Jackson and R.A. Jubb, 1978 Freshwater fishes. In Biogeography and ecology of southern Africa, edited by M.J.A. Werger and A.C. van Bruggen. Monogr.Biol., 31:1181–230

0082 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen, 1966 Modes of reproduction in fishes. New York, Natural History Press. Reprinted: Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 941 p.

0083 Brien, P., 1972 Malawispongia echinoides (n.g., n.sp.) Eponge Céractinellide Haploscléride africaine du lac Malawi (formation de la spongine périspiculaire). Rev.Zool. Bot.Afr., 86(1–2):65–92

0084 Brien, P., 1973 Malawispongia echinoides Brien. Etudes Complémentaires, histologie, sexualité, embryologie, affinités systématiques. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 87(1):50–76

0085 Broadley, D.G., 1963 An expedition to Tete and south Nyasaland. J.Herpetol.Assoc.Rhodes., 1963(20):18–26

0086 Brooke, R.K., 1979 A fish catching technique of the reed cormorant. Cormorant, 7:26

0087 Brooks, J.L., 1950 Speciation in ancient lakes. Q.Rev.Biol., 25:30–60, 131–76

0088 Brown, D.S., 1978 Freshwater molluscs. In Biogeography and ecology of southern Africa, edited by M.J.A. Werger and A.C. van Bruggen. Monogr.Biol., 31:1153–80

0089 Brown, D.S., 1980 Freshwater snails of Africa and their medical importance. London, Taylor and Francis, 487 p.

0090 Brown, D.S. and G. Mandahl-Barth, 1973 Two new genera of Planorbidae from Africa and Madagascar. Proc.Malacol.Soc.Lond., 40:287–302

0091 Brown, D.S., G. Oberholzer and J.A. Van Eeden, 1971 The Bulinus natalensis/tropicus complex (Basommatophora: Planorbidae) in south-eastern Africa: 1. Shell, mantle, copulatory organ and chromosome number. Malacologia, 11(1):141–70

0092 Brown, D.S., 1971a The Bulinus natalensis/tropicus complex (Basommatophora: Planorbidae) in south-eastern Africa: 2. Some biological observations, taxonomy and general discussion. Malacologia, 11(1):171–98

0093 Brown, D.S. and D. Rollinson, 1982 The southern distribution of the freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus. S.Afr.J.Sci., 78(7):290–3

0094 Brown, E.E., C.A. Fisher and J.B. Webster, 1965 A bibliography of Malawi. New York, Syracuse University, 161 p. (Supplement issued in 1969)

0095 Bruton, M.N. and P.B.N. Jackson, 1983 Fish and fisheries of wetlands. J.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 9(2): 123–33

0096 Bruton, M.N., P.B.N. Jackson and P.H. Skelton, 1982 Pocket guide to the freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town, Centaur, 85 p.

0097 Burgess, W.E., 1975 New developments in the Malawi genus Labidochromis. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 24(4):44–8

0098 Burgess, W.E., 1976 A new Melanochromis from Lake Malawi, with comments on the genus. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 24(6):61–5

0099 Burgess, W.E., 1976a Pseudotropheus aurora, a new species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 24(9):52–6

0100 Burgess, W.E., 1976b A new shell-dwelling cichlid from Lake Malawi and its inquiline catfish. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 25(1):39–48

0101 Burgess, W.E., 1976c Cynotilapia axelrodi, a new species of mbuna from Lake Malawi (Pisces: Cichlidae). Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 25(2):37–44

0102 Burgess, W.E., 1977 Pseudotropheus lombardoi, a new species of Lake Malawi mbuna with reversed sexual coloration (Pisces: Cichlidae). Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 26(2):63–7

0103 Burgess, W.E. Burgess, W.E., 1979 Haplochromis electra, a new species of cichlid from the waters around Likoma Island, Lake Malawi. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 27(8):91–4

0104 Burgess, W.E. and H.R. Axelrod, 1973 New cichlids from Lake Malawi. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 22(2):14, 87–98

0105 Burgess, W.E., 1975 Haplochromis linni, a new species of cichlid from Lake Malawi. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 23(5):36–41

0106 Burgess, W.E., 1975a Pseudotropheus tursiops, a new species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 24(3):86–90

0107 Burgess, W.E., 1976 Two new species of mbuna (rock-dwelling cichlids) from Lake Malawi. Trop.Fish Hobbyist, 24(7):44–52

0108 Calman, W.F., 1906 Zoological results of the third Tanganyika expedition conducted by Dr. W.A. Cunnington 1904–1905. Report on the Macrurous Crustacea. Proc.Zool.Soc. Lond., 1906:187–206

0109 Campbell, K.L.I., 1982 General biology and feeding ecology of the cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus (Lichtenstein), on Lake Malawi. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Exeter, 337 p.

0110 Cantrell, M.A., 1978 Freshwater rock pools. Nyala, 4(2):77–82

0111 Cantrell, M.A., 1979 Invertebrate communities in the Lake Chilwa swamp in years of high level. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:161–73

0112 Cantrell, M.A., 1979a Possible environmental changes in response to hydroelectric development of the Shire River basin (Malawi). I: The aquatic environment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Kainji Lake and river basins development in Africa. Ibadan, 11–17 December 1977. New Bussa, Kainji Lake Research Institute, Vol 1:144–9

0113 Cantrell, M.A., 1980 On the terrestrial behaviour of the freshwater crab, Potamonautez choloensis (Chace). Nyala, 6(2):95–101

0114 Cantrell, M.A., 1981 Bilharzia snails and water level fluctuations in a tropical swamp. Oikos, 36:226–32

0115 Cantrell, M.A. and A.J. McLachlan, 1977 Competition and chironomid distribution patterns in a newly flooded lake. Oikos, 29:429–33

0116 Cantrell, M.A., 1982 Habitat duration and dipteran larvae in tropical rain pools. Oikos, 38:343–8

0117 Carr, A., 1964 Ulendo: travels of a naturalist in and out of Africa. New York, Alfred A. Knopf

0118 Chace, A.F., 1953 Zoological results of a fifth expedition to East Africa. Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool.Harv., 110:429–40

0119 Chaika, J.J., 1976 Recurrent group analysis of small demersal cichlid species of Lake Malawi and its possible ecological implications. M.Sc. Thesis, Iowa State University, 72 p.

0120 Chaika, J.J., 1981 Planning development of the fisheries and implications of management: Malawi, a Case study. In Seminar on river basin management and development, edited by J.M. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (8):52–67

0121 Chaika, J.J., 1981a Perspectives on the the management of Sarotherodon traditional fisheries in the southeast arm of Lake Malawi, Lake Malombe and the linking Upper Shire River. In Seminar on river basin management and development, edited by J.M. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech. Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (8):164–72

0122 Chalemba, A., 1968 Fish around the waters of Likoma Island. Malawi Sci.Teacher, 4:39–41

0123 Chikhadzula, M., 1979 Improvement of the fisheries survey system of the national waters of Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 3 (mimeo)

0124 Chipeta, W., 1972 A note on Lake Chilwa cyclic changes. J.Interdisc. Cyclic.Res., 3(1):87–90

0125 Chirwa, G., C. Kanjo and M.A. Munthali, 1966 The dugout canoes of Lake Chilwa. Soc.Malawi J., 19(2):58–61

0126 Choudhry, A.W. and C.H. Teesdale (eds), 1982 Bilharzia, a manual for health workers in Malawi. National Bilharzia Control Programme. Malawi, Ministry of Health, 61 p.

0127 CIFA, 1979 Role of fishery technology in the management and development of freshwater fisheries in Africa. CIFA Tech.Pap., (6):67 p. Issued also in French

0128 Clark, J.D., 1956 Prehistory in Nyasaland. Nyasal.J., 9(1):92–119

0129 Clark, J.D., E.A. Stephens and S.C. Coryndon, 1966 Pleistocene fossiliferous lake beds of the Malawi (Nyasa) rift: a preliminary report. Am.Anthropol., 68(2):46–87

0130 Clark, J.D., 1970 et al., Interim report on palaeo-anthropological investigations in the Lake Malawi rift. Quaternaria, 13:305–54

0131 Clarke, J.E. 1983 I. Principal master plan for National Parks and wildlife management. II, III and IV. Protected areas master plans for Northern, Central and Southern Regions. Malawi, Department of National Parks and wildlife, 4 vols

0132 Clough J., 1982 Malawi's dugouts. Afr.Advent., August 1982 issue: 9–14

0133 Cochrane, N.J., 1957 Lake Nyasa and the River Shire. Proc.Inst.Civ. Eng., 8:363–82

0134 Cockson, A., 1970 Some polysaccharides in the mucus-cells in the gills of Tilapia Shirana chilwae Trewavas (Pisces, Cichlidae). Cellule, 68)2:207–10

0135 Cockson, A., 1971 Polysaccharides in the gill epithelium of Tilapia shirana chilwae (Pisces, Cichlidae). Rev.Biol..Lisb., 7(3–4):239–45

0136 Cockson, A., 1971a Histochemical and chromatographic studies on the kidney of Aspatharia sp. (Molluscal Bivalvia) and its associated “kidney stones”. Rev.Cienc.Biol., 4A:1–8

0137 Cockson, A., 1972 Notes on the anatomy, histology and histochemistry of the respiratory tree of Clarias mossambicus. Zool. Beitr., 18:101–8

0138 Cockson, A. and D. Bourn, 1972 Enzymes in the digestive tract of two species of euryhaline fish. Comp.Biochem.Physiol. (A Comp.Physiol.), 41(4):715–8

0139 Cockson, A., 1973 Protease and amylase in the digestive tract of Barbus paludinosus. Hydrobiologia, 43(3–4):357–63

0140 Colombé, J., 1979 Pseudotropheus tropheops romandi, sous-espéce nouvelle du lac Malawi (Pisces, Teleostei, Cichlidae). Rev.Fr. Aquariol., 6:33–8

0141 Connolly, M., 1925 The non-marine Mollusca of Portuguese East Africa. Trans.R.Soc.S.Afr., 12(3):105–220

0142 Connolly, M., 1927 Report on a small collection of fossil fresh-water Mollusca from Lake Nyasa. In The Tertiary and post-Tertiary lacustrine sediments of the Nyasan Rift Valley, by F. Dixey. Q.J.Geol.Soc.Lond., 83:444–5

0143 Connolly, M., 1939 A monographic survey of the South African non-marine Mollusca. Ann.S.Afr.Mus., 33:1–660

0144 Coulter, G.W. and P.B.N. Jackson, 1981 Deep lakes. In The ecology and utilization of African inland waters, edited by J.J. Symoens, M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet. UNEP Rep. Proc.Ser., (1):114–24

0145 Coulter, G.W., 1965 et al., Unique opportunities for research in the Great Lakes of Central Africa. Nature.Lond., 206(4979):4–6

0146 Coutts, R.R., 1979 The distribution of artisanal fishing craft in Lakes Malawi and Malombe. Univ.Malawi J.Social Sci., 7:115–22

0147 Croft, T.A., 1981 Lake Malawi National Park: a case study in conservation planning. Parks, 6(3):7–11

0148 Cromie, W.J., 1982 Beneath the African lakes. Mosaic, 13:2–6

0149 Cromie, W.J., 1984 The African lakes: a record of the ages. Topic, 148:14–6

0150 Cross, D., 1985 Malawi sugar estates use wastes to grow tilapias. Fish Farming Int., 12(3):16–7

0151 Crossley, R., 1978 Rifts. Malawian Geogr., 18:24–32

0152 Crossley, R., 1979 Variations in the level of Lake Malawi. Malawian Geogr., 19:5–13

0153 Crossley, R., 1980 The Rift Valley geology of the Chintheche area - results of a brief survey. Luso:J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 1(2):49–53

0154 Crossley, R., 1980a High levels of Lake Malawi. Univ.Malawi Chancellor Coll.Staff Seminar Pap., (2):8 p.

0155 Crossley, R., 1980b Malawi Rift Valley research - recent developments and future prospects. Univ.Malawi Chancellor Coll.Staff Seminar Pap., (9):10 p.

0156 Crossley, R., 1980c Recent developments in Malawi Rift Valley research. Malawian Geogr., 20:35–41

0157 Crossley, R., 1982 Ancient flood levels of Lake Malawi. Malawi Rev., 1(1):11–4

0158 Crossley, R., 1982a Late Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Karonga area in the Malawi rift. Palaeoecol.Afr.Surrounding Isl., 15:139–44

0159 Crossley, R., 1982b Sedimentation in an active mid-plate continental trough - the Malawi rift. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress on Sedimentology, Canada, McMaster University, Hamilton, p. 35 (Abstr.)

0160 Crossley, R., 1982c The implications for development of variations in the level of Lake Malawi and the Shire River. Paper presented at Southern Africa Conference of the Commonwealth Geographical Bureau, Lusaka, 1982. (Proceedings to be published by Heinemann, London)

0161 Crossley, R., 1983 Development of Lake Malawi and the Shire River: identification of the constraints imposed by water level fluctuations. In Proceedings of Conferences from 1981 to 1983. Association for the Advancement of Science of Malawi, 1982:18 (Abstr.)

0162 Crossley, R., 1984 Controls of sedimentation in the Malawi Rift Valley, Central Africa. Sediment.Geol., 40:33–50

0163 Crossley, R., 1985 Calculation of erosion rates by coring in Malawi lakes and reservoirs. In Workshop on data collection and analysis techniques for catchment erosion studies, 24–28 June 1985, Zomba, Malawi. Wallingford, Hydraulics Research, and Lilongwe, Ministry of Agriculture, 10:1–8

0164 Crossley, R. and M.J. Crow, 1980 The Malawi rift. In Geodynamic evolution of the Afro-Arabian Rift system. Publ. Accad.Naz.Lincei Roma, 47:77–87

0165 Crossley, R. and S. Davison-Hirschmann, 1981 The hydrology and archaeology of Lake Malawi and its outlet during the Iron Age. Palaeoecol.Afr.Surrounding Isl., 13:123–6

0166 Crossley, R., 1982 High levels of Lake Malawi during the late Quaternary. Palaeoecol.Afr.Surrounding Isl., 15:109–15

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0183 Degnbol, P., 1981a Limnological baseline studies in Chintheche Bay, Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 19:14 p. (mimeo)

0184 Degnbol, P., 1982 Food habits of larval Engraulicypris sardella in Lake Malawi: diurnal feeding pattern and comparison of size groups. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:57–67

0185 Degnbol, P., 1982a Food habits and zooplankton consumption by larval Chaoborus edulis in Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Field Document 24:21 p. (mimeo)

0186 Degnbol, P. and S. Mapila, 1979 Abundance of zooplankton off Nkhata Bay, Lake Malawi, from April 1978 to July 1979. Rome, FAO, Lake Malawi Fishery Expansion Project Working Paper, 7 p. (mimeo)

0187 Degnbol, P., 1982 Limnological observations on the pelagic zone of Lake Malawi from 1978 to 1981. In Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report 1:5–47

0188 Diamond, J.M., et al., 1982 Implications of island biogeography for ecosystem conservation. In Conservation of ecosystems: theory and practice. Rep.S.Afr.Nat. Sci.Programmes, (61):46–60

0189 Dickie, G., 1880 Notes on algae from Lake Nyasa, E. Africa. J.Linn. Soc. (Bot.), 17:281–3

0190 Disney, J.G., 1974 Malawi - fish processing. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/4:29 p. (mimeo)

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0192 Disney, J.G., W.H. Parr and D.J. Morgan, 1978 Fish silage: preparation, utilization and prospects for development. Proc.IPFC, 18(3):543–53

0193 Disney, J.G., I.N. Tatterson and J. Olley, 1977 Recent developments in fish silage. In Proceedings of the Conference on handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish. London, Tropical Products Institute, pp. 231–40

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0195 Dixey, F., 1923 The geological history of Nyasaland. Nyasal.Times Bull., (2):4 p.

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0197 Dixey, F., 1925 The physiography of the Shire Valley, Nyasaland. Rep.Geol.Surv.Nyasald., (1925):23 p.

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0199 Dixey, F., 1927 The hot springs of Nyasaland. Ann.Rep.Geol.Surv. Nyasal., (1927):7

0200 Dixey, F., 1927a Variations in the level of Lake Nyasa. Pan-Am.Geol., 48:335–42

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0216 Dixey, F., 1955 Erosion surfaces in Africa; some considerations of age and origin. Trans.Geol.Soc.S.Afr., 58:265–80

0217 Dixey, F., 1956 Some aspects of the geomorphology of Central and Southern Africa. Alex du Toit Memorial Lecture 4. Publ.Geol.Soc.S.Afr., 58(Annex):1–58

0218 Dixey, F., 1956a The East African Rift System. Colon.Geol.Miner. Resour., Suppl. 1:71 p.

0219 Dohrn, H., 1865 List of the land and freshwater shells of the Zambesi and Lake Nyasa, eastern tropical Africa, collected by John Kirk. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 1865:231–4

0220 Dominey, W.J., 1984 Effects of sexual selection and life history on speciation: species flocks in African cichlids and Hawaiian Drosophila. In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp. 231–49

0221 Donnelly, B.G., 1980 The energetics of a population of Barbus mattozi Guimaraes, 1884 (Pisces: Cyprinidae). D.Phil. Thesis, University of Rhodesia, Salisbury.

0222 Drayton, R.S., 1979 A study of the causes of the abnormally high levels of Lake Malawi in 1979. Malawi, Water Resources Division (WRD-No. TP.5):46 p.

0223 Drayton, R.S., 1980 An analysis of maximum point daily rainfall in Malawi. Malawi, Water Resources Division (WRD-No.TP.6):16 p.

0224 Drayton, R.S., 1980a A preliminary survey of the water resources of Malawi. Malawi, Water Resources Branch (WRB-No.TP.11):46 p.

0225 Drayton, R.S., et al., 1980 A regional analysis of river floods and low flows in Malawi. Malawi, Water Resources Branch (WRB-No.TP.8):79 p.

0226 Drummond, H., 1903 Tropical Africa, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 228 p. 11th ed.

0227 Dudley, C.O., 1978 The herpetofauna of the Lake Chilwa basin. Nyala, 4(2):87–99

0228 Dudley, C.O., D.E. Stead and G.G.M. Schulten, 1979 Amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds of Chilwa. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:247–73

0229 Dyer, T.G.J., 1976 Analysis of the temporal behaviour of the level of Lake Malawi. S.Afr.J.Sci, 72:381–2

0230 Ebinger, C., et al., 1984 Structural evolution of Lake Malawi, Africa. Nature.Lond., 308:627–9

0231 Eccles, D.H., 1962 An internal wave in Lake Nyasa and its probable significance in the nutrient cycle. Nature.Lond., 194 (4831):832–3

0232 Eccles, D.H., 1965 The fishes of Lake Malawi. Malawi Sci.Teacher, 1(1):36–44

0233 Eccles, D.H., 1970 Fisheries research in Lake Malawi. News Lett.Limnol. Soc.South.Afr., 19:12 (Abstr.)

0234 Eccles, D.H., 1972 Bottom deposits in Lake Malawi. Malawi Fish.Bull., (5):14–6

0235 Eccles, D.H., 1973 Two new species of cichlid fishes from Lake Malawi (formerly known as Lake Nyasa). Arnoldia. Rhod., 6(16):1–7

0236 Eccles, D.H., 1974 An outline of the physical limnology of Lake Malawi (Lake Nyasa). Limnol.Oceanogr., 19(5):730–42

0237 Eccles, D.H., 1975 Fishes of the African Great Lakes as candidates for introduction into large tropical impoundments. J.Fish Biol., 7:401–5

0238 Eccles, D.H., 1981 The distribution of a group of dwarf catfish in southern Africa. Paper presented at Symposium on environmental physiology, zoogeography and speciation. Zoological Society of South Africa, July, 1981 (mimeo)

0239 Eccles, D.H., 1984 On the recent high levels of Lake Malawi. S.Afr.J. Sci., 80:461–8

0240 Eccles, D.H., 1985 Africa's fishermen ready to advance. Fish.News Int., 24(4):46–7

0241 Eccles, D.H., 1985a Lake flies and sardines - a cautionary note. Biol. Conserv., 33(4):309–33

0242 Eccles, D.H. and D.S.C. Lewis, 1976 A revision of the genus Docimodus Boulenger (Pisces: Cichlidae), a group of fishes with unusual feeding habits from Lake Malawi. Zool.J. Linn.Soc., 58(2):165–72

0243 Eccles, D.H., 1977 A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Part 1. Ichthyol.Bull.Rhodes Univ., (36):1–12

0244 Eccles, D.H., 1978 A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Part 2. Ichthyol.Bull.Rhodes Univ., (37):1–11

0245 Eccles, D.H., 1979 A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Part 3. Ichthyol.Bull.Rhodes Univ., (38):1–25

0246 Eccles, D.H., 1981 Midwater spawning in Haplochromis chrysonotus (Boulenger): (Telecstei: Cichlidae) in Lake Malawi. Environ.Biol.Fish., 6(2):201–2

0247 Edwards, A.C.T., 1948 Zomba flood, December, 1946. Nyasal.J., 1(2):53–9

0248 Emtage, J.E.R., 1967 The making of a dugout canoe. Soc.Malawi J., 20(2):23–5

0249 Fairhead, J.D. and R.W. Girdler, 1969 How far does the rift system extend through Africa? Nature.Lond., 221 (5185): 1018–20

0250 FAO, 1966 A programme for fisheries development. Report to the Government of Malawi. Based on the work of H.L.F. Renson. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2239): 49 p.

0251 FAO, 1966a Report to the Government of Malawi on fish handling, preservation and distribution. Based on the work of Y.C. Gilberg. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (2224): 52 p.

0252 FAO, 1972 Développement de l'aquiculture au Malawi. Bull.Aquic. FAO, 5(1):11

0253 FAO, 1976 Report of the Expert Consultation on the development of quicker methods of resource appraisal of inland waters (Africa). FAO Fish.Rep., (179):12 p.

0254 FAO/Denmark Funds-in-Trust, 1972 Boatbuilding training project. Phase I. Terminal report. Rome, FAO, TF/DEN/MLWS

0255 FAO/Denmark Funds-in-Trust, 1976 Boatbuilding training project (Malawi), Phase II. Terminal report. Rome, FAO, DANIDA TF-MLWS (DEN): 17 p.

0256 FAO/Denmark Funds-in-Trust, 1984 Report on the Workshop on fish technology and quality control. Mwanza, United Republic of Tanzania, 11 July to 19 August 1983. Rome, FAO/Denmark Funds-in-Trust, GCP/INT/391/DEN:32 p.

0257 FAO/UNDP, 1976 An analysis of the various fisheries of Lake Malawi. Based on the work of J. Turner. Rome, FAO, FI: DP/MLW/71/516 Technical Report 1:73 p.

0258 FAO/UNDP, 1976a Promotion of Integrated Fishery Development, Malawi: Project findings and recommendations. Rome, FAO, Terminal report, 36 p.

0259 FAO/UNDP, 1982 Biological studies on the pelagic ecosystem of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Technical Report, 1:182 p.

0260 FAO/UNDP, 1982a Fishery Expansion Project: findings and recommendations. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/75/019 Terminal report, 21 p.

0261 Feijen, H.R., 1979 H.D. Brown and C.O. Dudley, Insects of the floodplain. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:275–91

0262 Ferro, W.A., 1977 A limnological baseline survey of the Chintheche area of Lake Malawi. Rome, FAO, FI:MLW/71/516/13:23 p. (mimeo)

0263 Foa, E., 1897 Du Cap au lac Nyasa. Paris, Librairie Plon, 382 p.

0264 Foskett, R., 1965 The Zambezi Journal and letters of Dr. John Kirk 1858–63. London, Oliver and Boyd, 2 vols

0265 Frauenfeld, G. von, 1865 Zoologische Miscellen. 5. Verh.K.K.Zool.-Bot.Ges.Wien, 15:525–36

0266 Fryer, G., 1955 A critical review of the genus Ectocyclops (Crustacea: Copepoda). Ann.Maq.Nat.Hist., 12(8): 938–50

0267 Fryer, G., 1956 New species of cichlid fishes from Lake Nyasa. Rev. Zool.Bot.Afr., 53:81–91

0268 Fryer, G., 1956a Biological notes on some cichlid fishes of Lake Nyasa. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 54:1–7

0269 Fryer, G., 1956b A new species of Labeotropheus from Lake Nyasa, with a redescription of Labeotropheus fuelleborni Ahl and some notes on the genus Labeotropheus (Pisces: Cichlidae). Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 54(3–4):280–9

0270 Fryer, G., 1956c New species of cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods from sandy beaches of Lake Nyasa. Ann.Maq.Nat.Hist., 12(9):225–49

0271 Fryer, G., 1956d A cladoceran Dadaya macrops (Daday) and an ostracod Oncocypris mülleri (Daday) associated with the surface film of water. Ann.Maq.Nat.Hist., 12(9):733–6

0272 Fryer, G., 1956e A report on the parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura of the fishes of Lake Nyasa. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 127(3): 293–344

0273 Fryer, G., 1957 Free living freshwater Crustacea from Lake Nyasa and adjoining waters. Part 1. Copepoda. Arch. Hydrobiol., 53(1):62–86

0274 Fryer, G., 1957a Free living freshwater Crustacea from Lake Nyasa and adjoining waters. Part 2. Cladocera and Conchostraca. Arch.Hydrobiol., 53(2):223–39

0275 Fryer, G., 1957b Free living freshwater Crustacea from Lake Nyasa and adjoining waters. Part 3. General remarks with notes on certain Malacostraca and Ostracoda. Arch. Hydrobiol., 53(4):527–36

0276 Fryer, G., 1957c A new species of Gephyrochromis (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Nyasa with notes on its ecology and affinities. Rev.Zool.Bot.Afr., 55:347–52

0277 Fryer, G., 1959 Some aspects of evolution in Lake Nyasa. Evolution, 13(4):440–51

0278 Fryer, G., 1959a The trophic interrelationships and ecology of some littoral communities of Lake Nyasa with especial reference to the fishes, and a discussion of the evolution of a group of rock-frequenting Cichlidae. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 132(2): 153–281

0279 Fryer, G., 1960 Some controversial aspects of speciation of African cichlid fishes. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 135(4): 569–78

0280 Fryer, G., 1960a Evolution of fishes in Lake Nyasa. Evolution, 14:396–400

0281 Fryer, G., 1965 Predation and its effects on migration and speciation in African fishes: a comment. With further comments by P.H. Greenwood and a reply by P.B.N. Jackson. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 144(3): 301–22

0282 Fryer, G., 1966 Habitat selection and gregarious behaviour in parasitic crustaceans. Crustaceana, 10(2):199–209

0284 Fryer, G., 1968 The parasitic Crustacea of African freshwater fishes; their biology and distribution. J.Zool., Lond., 156:45–95

0285 Fryer, G., 1969 Speciation and adaptive radiation in African lakes. Verh.Int.Ver.Theor.Angew.Limnol., 17:303–22

0286 Fryer, G., 1972 Conservation of the Great Lakes of East Africa : a lesson and a warning. Biol.Conserv., 4(4):256–62

0287 Fryer, G., 1972a Some hazards facing African lakes. Biol.Conserv., 4(4): 301–2

0288 Fryer, G., 1973 The Lake Victoria fisheries: some facts and fallacies. Biol.Conserv., 5(4):305–8

0289 Fryer, G., 1977 Evolution of species flocks of cichlid fishes in African lakes. Z.Zool.Syst.Evolut.-Forsch., 15(2):141–65

0290 Fryer, G., 1980 The conservation and rational exploitation of the biota of Africa's Great Lakes. In Cape Town, Habcon Symposium, Keynote paper No. (5) (Proceedings to be published)

0291 Fryer, G., 1982 The taxonomy and phylogeny of an evolutionary explosion. J.Nat.Hist., 16:887–94

0292 Fryer, G., P.H. Greenwood and J.F. Peake, 1983 Punctuated equilibria, morphological stasis and the palaeontological documentation of speciation: a biological appraisal of a case history in an African lake. Biol.J.Linn.Soc., 20(2): 195–205

0293 Fryer, G., P.H. Greenwood and E. Trewavas, 1955 Scale-eating habits of African cichlid fishes. Nature.Lond., 175:1089–90

0294 Fryer, G. and T.D. Iles, 1955 Predation pressure and evolution in Lake Nyasa. Nature.Lond., 176:470

0295 Fryer, G., 1969 Alternative routes to evolutionary success as exhibited by African cichlid fishes of the genus Tilapia and the species flocks of the Great Lakes. Evolution, 23(3):359–69

0296 Fryer, G., 1972 The cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa: their biology and evolution. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 641 p.

0297 Fülleborn, F., 1900 Über Untersuchungen in Nyassa-See und in den seen im nördlichen Nyassa-Land. Ver.Ges.Erdkd.Berl., 28:332–8

0298 Furse, M.T., 1970 Aspects of the ecology of Barbus paludinosus in Lake Chilwa, Malawi. News Lett.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 19:10 (Abstr.)

0299 Furse, M.T., P.R. Morgan and M. Kalk, 1979 The fisheries of Lake Chilwa. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:209–29

0300 Furse, M.T., et al., 1979 Fishes: distribution and biology in relation to changes. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:175–208

0301 Gabie, V., 1965 Problems associated with the distribution of freshwater fishes in southern Africa. S.Afr.J.Sci., 61(11): 383–91

0302 Garson, M.S., 1960 The geology of the Lake Chilwa area. Bull.Geol.Surv. Nyasal., 12:67 p.

0303 Garson, M.S., 1965 Summary of present knowledge of the rift system in Malawi. In Report of the UMC/UNESCO seminar on the East African Rift System, Nairobi, April 1965. Nairobi, University College of Nairobi/UNESCO, pp. 94–104

0304 Garson. M.S. and W. Campbell-Smith, 1958 Chilwa Island. Mem.Geol.Surv. Nyasal., (1): 127 p.

0305 Gaudet, J.J., D.S. Mitchell and P. Denny, 1981 Macrophytes (aquatic vegetation). In The ecology and utilization of African inland waters, edited by J.J. Symoens, M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet. UNEP Rep.Proc.Ser., (1):27–36

0306 Geddie, J., 1881 The lake regions of Central Africa. London, Nelson, 275 p.

0307 Germain, L., 1913 Origine de la faune fluviatile de l'Est Africain. IX Congrès Internat.Zool.Monaco, 1913:559

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0309 Goldstein, R.J., 1970 Cichlids. Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 70 p.

0310 Gonfiantini, R., et al., 1979 Isotope investigation of Lake Malawi. In Isotopes in lake studies. In Proceedings on the application of nuclear techniques to study of lake dynamics organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 29 August–2 September, 1977. Vienna, IAEA, pp. 195–205

0311 Gopsill, W.L., 1939 Onchocerciasis in Nyasaland. Trans.R.Soc.Trop.Med., 32(4)

0312 Gray, W.N., 1980 Some unusual snails of Lake Malawi. Nyala, 6(1):19–28

0313 Gray, W.N., 1980a Mollusca - range extensions - Pulmonata: Ancylidae. Nyala, 6(1):72

0314 Gray, W.N., 1981 Three new species of Mollusca for Malawi. Nyala, 7(1):51

0315 Gray, W.N., 1981a The bilharzia transmitting snails, and their related species, in Malawi. Nyala, 7(2):109–28

0316 Gray, W.N., 1984 Bulinus truncatus (Audouin) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Malawi; additional records and corrections. Nyala, 10(2):123–4

0317 Greenwood, P.H., 1961 A revision of the genus Dinotopterus Blgr. (Pisces: Clariidae) with notes on the comparative anatomy of the suprabranchial organs in the Clariidae. Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 7(4):217–41

0318 Greenwood, P.H., 1962 A revision of certain Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from east, central and south Africa. Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.)(Zool.), 8(4):153–208

0319 Greenwood, P.H., 1964 Explosive speciation in African lakes. Proc.R.Inst. G.B., 40:256–69

0320 Greenwood, P.H., 1973 Morphology, endemism and speciation in African cichlid fishes. Verh.Dtsch.Zool.Ges., 1973:115–24

0321 Greenwood, P.H., 1973a Book review: The cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa: their biology and evolution, by G. Fryer and T.D. Iles. Copeia, 1973(1):187–9

0322 Greenwood, P.H., 1978 A review of the pharyngeal apophysis and its significance in the classification of African cichlid fishes. Bull.Br.Mus.(Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 33(5):297–323

0323 Greenwood, P.H., 1979 Towards a phyletic classification of the ‘genus’ Haplochromis (Pisces: Cichlidae) and related taxa. Part 1. Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 35(4): 265–322

0324 Greenwood, P.H., 1981 Species flocks and explosive evolution. In Chance, change, and challenge - the evolving biosphere, edited by P.H. Greenwood and P.L. Forey. London, Cambridge University Press and British Museum (Nat.Hist.), pp.61–74

0325 Greenwood, P.H., 1981a The haplochromine fishes of the East African lakes. Munchen, Kraus International Publications, 839 p.

0326 Greenwood, P.H., 1983 The Ophthalmotilapia assemblage of cichlid fishes reconsidered. Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 44(4):249–90

0327 Greenwood, P.H., 1983a The zoogeography of African freshwater fishes: bioaccountancy or biogeography? In Evolution, time and space: the emergence of the biosphere, edited by R.W. Sims, J.H. Price and P.E.S. Whalley. London and New York, Academic Press, Systematics Association Special Volume 23:179–99

0328 Greenwood, P.H., 1983b On Macropleurodus, Chilotilapia (Teleostel, Cichlidae), and the interrelationships of African cichlid species flocks. Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 45(4): 209–31

0329 Greenwood, P.H., 1984 What is a species flock? In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp. 13–9

0330 Greenwood, P.H., 1984a African cichlids and evolutionary theories. In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp. 141–54

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0365 Howard-Williams, C., 1973 Vegetation and environment in the marginal areas of a tropical African lake (Lake Chilwa, Malawi). Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 312 p.

0366 Howard-Williams, C., 1975 Vegetation changes in a shallow African lake: response of the vegetation to a recent dry period. Hydrobiologia, 47(3–4):381–98

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0370 Howard-Williams, C., 1979a The distribution of aquatic macrophytes in Lake Chilwa: annual and long-term environmental fluctuations. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:105–22

0371 Howard-Williams, C., 1979b Interactions between swamp and lake. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:231–45

0372 Howard-Williams, C. and G.G. Ganf, 1981 Shallow waters. In The ecology and utilization of African inland waters, edited by J.J. Symoens, M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet. UNEP Rep. Proc.Ser., (1):103–13

0373 Howard-Williams, C. and J.J. Gaudet, 1979 Structure and function of African swamps. Paper presented at the SIL-UNEP Workshop. Ecology and utilization of African inland waters. Nairobi, December 1979 (mimeo)

0374 Howard-Williams, C. and W. Howard-Williams. 1978 Nutrient leaching from the swamp vegetation of Lake Chilwa, a shallow African lake. Aquat.Bot., 4:257–68

0375 Howard-Williams, C. and G.M. Lenton, 1975 The role of the littoral zone in the functioning of a shallow tropical lake ecosystem. Freshwat.Biol., 5:445–59

0376 Howard-Williams, C. and B.H. Walker, 1974 The vegetation of a tropical African lake: classification and ordination of the vegetation of Lake Chilwa (Malawi). J.Ecol., 62(3):831–54

0377 Howard-Williams, C., et al., 1972 Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Studies on a tropical freshwater ecosystem. In Report to IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Synthesis of PF results, 12–18 September 1972, Reading, 40 p.

0378 Howes, G.J., 1980 The anatomy, phylogeny and classification of barilline cyprinid fishes. Bull.Br.Mus.(Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 37(3):129–98

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0381 Hutchinson, G.E., 1957 A treatise on limnology, Vol. I. Geography, physics and chemistry. New York, Wiley, 1015 p.

0382 Iles, T.D., 1960 Pre-breeding migration of common Lake Nyasa fishes. In CCTA/CSA, Third Symposium on Hydrology and Inland Fisheries. Problems of major lakes, Lusaka, 18–24 August 1960. Publ.Cons.Sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):131–2

0383 Iles, T.D., 1960a An opinion as to the advisability of introducing a non-indigenous zooplankton feeding fish into Lake Nyasa. In CCTA/CSA, Third Symposium on Hydrology and Inland Fisheries. Problems of major lakes, Lusaka, 18–24 August 1960. Publ.Cons.Sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63):165

0384 Iles, T.D., 1960b A group of zooplankton feeders of the genus Haplochromis (Cichlidae) in Lake Nyasa. Ann.Mag. Nat.Hist., (Ser.13), 2(17):257–80

0386 Iles, T.D., 1971 Ecological aspects of growth in African cichlid fishes. J.Cons.CIEM, 33(3):362–84

0387 Jack, D.T., et al., 1959 Fishing. In Report on an economic survey of Nyasaland 1958–1959. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, pp. 255–64

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0391 Jackson, P.B.N., 1960 On the desirability or otherwise of introducing fishes to waters that are foreign to them. In CCTA/CSA, Third Symposium on Hydrobiology and Inland Fisheries. Problems of major lakes, Lusaka, 18–24 August 1960, Publ.Cons.Sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (63): 157–64

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0393 Jackson, P.B.N., 1961a The impact of predation, especially by the tiger-fish (Hydrocyon vittatus Cast.) on African freshwater fishes. Proc.Zool.Soc.Lond., 136(4):603–22

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0395 Jackson, P.B.N., 1971 The African Great Lakes fisheries: past, present and future. Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol.Fish., 1(1):35–49

0396 Jackson, P.B.N., 1973 The African Great Lakes: food source and world treasure. Biol.Conserv., 5(4):303–4

0397 Jackson, P.B.N., 1973a Tilapia, tigerfish and the truth. News Lett.Limnol. Soc.South.Afr., 21:18–21

0398 Jackson, P.B.N., 1974 Book review: African cichlids of Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, by H.R. Axelrod. Copeia, 1974(3):804–6

0399 Jackson, P.B.N., 1975 Common and scientific names of the fishes of southern Africa. Part 2. Freshwater fishes. Spec.Publ. J.L.B.Smith Inst.Ichthyol., (14):179–213

0400 Jackson, P.B.N., 1979 Special problems in conservation and exploitation, and the human impact on the environment of the deep lakes. Paper presented at the SIL Workshop, Nairobi, 22 p. (mimeo)

0401 Jackson, P.B.N., 1985 Astatotilapia tweddlei, a new species of fluviatile haplochromine cichlid fish from Lakes Chilwa and Chiuta, Malawi, with zoogeographical notes. Spec. Publ.J.L.B.Smith Inst.Ichthyol., (38):10 p.

0402 Jackson, P.B.N. and A.J. Ribbink, 1975 Mbuna (rock dwelling cichlids of Lake Malawi, Africa). Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 128 p.

0403 Jackson, P.B.N., et al., 1963 Report on the survey of northern Lake Nyasa 1954–55. Zomba, Government Printer, 171 p.

0404 Jessen, U., 1983 Reproductive habits and parental care in some lacustrine African Cichlidae (Pisces), with special reference to Lake Malawi species. Uppsala, Uppsala University, Section of Animal Ecology, Introductory research essay (20):31 p.

0405 Johnson, D.S., 1974 New cichlids from Lake Malawi. Today's Aquarist, 1(1):12–7

0406 Johnson, D.S., 1974a Three new cichlids from Lake Malawi. Today's Aquarist, 1(3):38–42

0407 Johnson, D.S., 1975 More new Malawi cichlids. Today's Aquarist, 2(1):15–26

0408 Johnson, D.S., 1976 Two new cichlids of the mbuna group from Malawi with a discussion of several bicuspid-toothed Labidochromis sp. Today's Aquarist, 2(3):17–24

0409 Johnson, D.S., 1978 Mbuna - the colorful rock-dwelling cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi. Norwalk, Connecticut, Pisces Publishing Corporation, Inc., 84 p.

0410 Johnson, R.I., 1971 The types and figured specimens of Unionacae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the British Museum (Natural History). Bull.Br.Mus. (Nat.Hist.) (Zool.), 20(3):108 p.

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0412 Johnson, W.P., 1924 My African reminiscences 1875–1895. London, UMCA, 236 p.

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0414 Jollyman, W.H., 1955 Tides and seiches in Lakes Nyasa. Nyasal.J., 8(2):31–5 (with correction in issue 9(1):91)

0415 Jones, A. and I. Clucas, 1977 Fish marketing data and an assessment of the marketing and economic input requirements of the Malawi Department of Fisheries. Rep.Trop.Prod. Inst., Lond., (725): 170 p.

0416 Jones, T., 1979 OXFAM Extension Fish Farming Project, Final report. Lilongwe, Malawi Fisheries Department

0417 Jubb, R.A., 1956 A visit to the Zomba Plateau: Nyasaland. Piscator, 10 (35):67–71

0418 Jubb, R.A., 1956a Lake Nyasa. Piscator, 10 (36):8–12

0419 Jubb, R.A., 1960 Stunted Tilapia shirana of the Mapatamanga Gorge, Nyasaland. Piscator, 48:10–2

0420 Jubb, R.A., 1963 The Rhodesias and Nyasaland. In Fresh-water fish and fishing in Africa. Johannesburg, Nelson, pp. 119–66

0421 Jubb, R.A., 1967 Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Amsterdam, A.A. Balkema, 248 p.

0422 Jubb, R.A., 1969 The Nothobranchius (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae) of southern Africa and a new species from Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Ann.Cape Prov.Mus. (Nat.Hist.), 8(1):1–11

0423 Jubb, R.A., 1975 The Jubb papers. J.Am.Killifish Assoc., 8(6):159–74

0424 Jubb, R.A., 1977 Notes on exotic fishes introduced into South African waters. 2. Live-bearing toothed carps. Piscator, 98:132–4

0425 Jubb, R.A., 1981 Nothobranchius. Hong Kong, T.F.H. Publications, 61 p.

0426 Kalk, M., 1969 Limnological problems in a shallow tropical lake. News Lett.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 11:30–3

0427 Kalk, M., 1969a Lake Chilwa and the plankton-eating fish “matemba” Barbus paludinosus Peters. In Problems of natural resources in Malawi. I.B.P. Conference, Malawi, University of Malawi, pp. 21–3

0428 Kalk, M., 1969b A report on the limnological programme in Lake Chilwa, Malawi. In IBP report of Regional Meeting of Hydrobiologists in Tropical Africa, Kampala, 20–28 May 1968. Nairobi, UNESCO, pp. 88–91

0429 Kalk, M., 1971 The challenge of Lake Chilwa. Afr.J.Trop.Hydrobiol. Fish., 1(2):141–6

0430 Kalk, M., 1979 Zooplankton in a quasi-stable phase in an endorheic lake (Lake Chilwa, Malawi). Hydrobiologia, 66:7–15

0431 Kalk, M., 1979a Introduction: perspectives of research at Lake Chilwa. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:3–16

0432 Kalk, M., 1979b Zooplankton in Lake Chilwa: adaptations to changes. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:123–41

0433 Kalk, M., 1979c Focus on social problems. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:417–32

0434 Kalk, M., 1980 Malawi's other lake. Venture, 5(1):3–4

0435 Kalk, M., C. Chipeta and P.R. Morgan, 1979 Health and education. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:369–95

0436 Kalk, M., A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams (eds), 1979 Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem. Monogr. Biol., 35: 462 p.

0437 Kalk, M. and N.P. Mwanza, 1969 An interdisciplinary research project at the University of Malawi. Africa, 4(1):59–65

0438 Kalk, M. and C.M. Schulten-Senden, 1977 Zooplankton in a tropical endorheic lake (Lake Chilwa, Malawi) during drying and recovery phases. J.Limnol.Soc.South.Afr., 3(1):1–7

0439 Kamwendo, Z.H., 1959 Nsomba ku Chirwa. Blantyre, Malawi, Publication Bureau, 27 p.

0440 Kanthack, F.E., 1942 Hydrology of Lake Nyasa. S.Afr.Geogr.J., 24:3–34

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0445 Kelly, L.C., 1980 Development of fishery harbour facilities at Nkhata Bay, preliminary report, reconnaissance site selection. Rome, FAO, Report prepared for Fisheries Expansion Project FAO:FI/MLW/75/019:9 p. (mimeo)

0446 Kidd, C.H.R., 1981 Forecasting peak levels of Lake Malawi. Malawi, Water Resources Branch (WRB-No. TP. 9): 32 p.

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0449 King, A.J., 1957 Notes on the seismicity of the Lake Nyasa and Lake Rukwa areas. Publ.Con.Sci.Afr.S.Sahara, (First meeting, Dar-es-Salaam 1956) pp. 151–7

0450 Kirby, W.F., 1898 On a collection of dragonflies from the Transvaal and Nyasaland. Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 7(2):229–45

0451 Kirk, R.G., 1967 The fishes of Lake Chilwa. Soc.Malawi J., 20(1):35–48

0452 Kirk, R.G., 1967a The zoogeographical affinities of the fishes of the Chilwa-Chiuta depression in Malawi. Rev.Zool.Bot. Afr., 76(3–4):295–309

0453 Kirk, R.G., 1969 A study of Tilapia shirana chilwae Trewavas in Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 85 p.

0454 Kirk, R.G., 1972 Economic fishes of Lake Chilwa. Malawi Fish.Bull., (5):1–12

0455 Kirkpatrick, I.M., 1969 The thermal springs of Malawi. In Proceedings of the Twenty-third International Geological Congress, (19):111–20

0456 Kitchin, R.W.F., 1979 Trout fishing. In Guide to the Mulanje massif, by F. Eastwood. Johannesburg, Lorton, pp.44–8

0457 Klamboroski, F., 1964 Our enemy the crocodile. Soc.Malawi J., 17(2):51–6

0458 Kocher, T. and K.R. McKaye, 1983 Defense of heterospecific cichlids by Cyrtocara moori in Lake Malawi, Africa. Copeia, 1983(2):544–7

0459 Kornfield, I.L., 1974 Evolutionary genetics of endemic cichlid fishes (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake Malawi, Africa. Ph.D. Thesis, University of New York, 139 p.

0460 Kornfield, I.L., 1978 Evidence for rapid speciation in African cichlid fishes. Experientia, 74:335–6

0461 Kornfield, I. and A.A. Echelle, 1984 Who's tending the flock? In Evolution of fish species flocks, edited by A.A. Echelle and I. Kornfield. Orono, University of Maine at Orono Press, pp. 251–4

0462 Kosswig, C., 1947 Selective mating as a factor for speciation in cichlid fish of East African lakes. Nature.Lond., 159:604–5

0463 Ladiges, W., 1968 Die bedeutung ökologischer faktoren für die differenzierung der cichliden des Tanganjika- und des Njassa-Sees. Int.Rev.Hydrobiol., 53(2):339–52

0464 Lamarque, P. and C. Gosset, 1975 Electric fishing (20 September – 22 November 1974). Rome, FAO, FI:DP/MLW/71/516/1: 21 p. (mimeo)

0465 Lamborn, W.A., 1925 The seasonal habits of the common Anopheles of Nyasaland. Bull.Entomol.Res., 15(4)

0466 Lancaster, N., 1979 The physical environment of Lake Chilwa. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:17–40

0467 Lancaster, N., 1979a Late Quaternary events in the Chilwa basin, Malawi. Palaeoecol.Afr.Surrounding Isl., (10/11):233–5

0468 Lancaster, N., 1981 Formation of the Holocene Lake Chilwa sand bar. Catena, 8:369–82

0469 Lancaster, N. and T.G.J. Dyer, 1979 The changes in the lake level. In Lake Chilwa: studies of change in a tropical ecosystem, edited by M. Kalk, A.J. McLachlan and C. Howard-Williams. Monogr.Biol., 35:41–58

0470 Latham, E.W., 1957 Report on the flooding in the Chiromo/Makanga area as a result of the cyclone which crossed the territory on 5th April, 1956. Nyasal.J., 10(1):47–61

0471 Latham, E.W., 1960 Some points of interest in the hydrology of the Shire River. In Proceedings of the fifth informal conference Hydrology, Nyasaland

0472 Latham, E.W., 1964 Water resources and water development in Nyasaland. Nyasal.J., 17(2):57–69

0473 Laurent, R., 1965 The geographical variation of the frog Hyperolius marmoratus (Family Hyperolidae) in Rhodesia, Nyasaland and Tanganyika. Breviora, (216):9 p.

0474 Laws, R., 1934 Reminiscences of Livingstonia. London, Oliver and Boyd, 272 p.

0475 Laycock, H.T., 1960 Aquatic birds at Blantyre. Nyasal.J., 13(1):7–17

0476 Laycock, H.T., 1966 Aquatic birds at Blantyre. Soc.Malawi J., 19(1):49–64

0477 Lea, J., 1864 Descriptions of six new Unionidae from Lake Nyassa. Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philad., 8:108–9

0478 Lee, W.R., R.J. Roberts and C.J. Shepherd, 1976 Ocular pathology in rainbow trout in Malawi (Zomba Disease). J.Comp. Pathol., 86:221–33

0479 Lemoalle, J., et al., 1981 Phytoplankton. In The ecology and utilization of African inland waters, edited by J.J. Symoens, M. Burgis and J.J. Gaudet. UNEP Rep.Proc. Ser., (1):37–50

0480 Lewin, R., 1981 Lake bottoms linked with human origins. Science. Wash., 211:564–6

0481 Lewis, D.S.C., 1978 Lake Malawi's aquarium fishes. Venture, 3(2):8–11

0482 Lewis, D.S.C., 1979 The fishes of Lake Malawi. (Flip chart). Lilongwe, Malawi, Extension Aids

0483 Lewis, D.S.C., 1980 Lake Malawi cichlids - a taxonomist's nightmare. Cichlidae, 5(1):7–10

0484 Lewis, D.S.C., 1980a Mixed species broods in Lake Malawi cichlids: an alternative to the cuckoo theory. Copeia, 1980(4):874–5

0485 Lewis, D.S.C., 1980b The nest pattern of Lethrinops aurita Regan, a cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. Luso:J.Sci.Technol.Malawi, 1(1):36–7

0486 Lewis, D.S.C., 1980c A further examination of the taxonomic status of Labidochromis joanjohnsonae Johnson 1974 with a redescription of the species. Rev.Zool.Afr., 94(4):959–71

0487 Lewis, D.S.C., 1981 Preliminary comparisons between the ecology of the haplochromine cichlid fishes of Lake Victoria and Lake Malawi. Neth.J.Zool., 31(4):746–61

0488 Lewis, D.S.C., 1982 A revision of the genus Labidochromis (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Zool.J.Linn.Soc., 75:189–265

0489 Lewis, D.S.C., 1982a Problems of species definition in Lake Malawi cichlid fishes (Pisces: Cichlidae). Spec.Publ.J.L.B.Smith Inst.Ichthyol., (23):5 p.

0490 Liem, K.F., 1973 Evolutionary strategies and morphological innovations: cichlid pharyngeal jaws. Syst.Zool., 22(4):425–41

0491 Liem, K.F., 1978 Modulatory multiplicity in the functional repertoire of the feeding mechanism in cichlid fishes. J.Morphol., 158(3):323–60

0492 Liem, K.F., 1980 Adaptive significance of intra- and inter-specific differences in the feeding repertoire of cichlid fishes. Am.Zool., 20:295–314

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