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Annex IV


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Mitema, E.S. and F.K. Gitau, 1990. Organochlorine residues in fish from Lake Victoria, Kenya. Afr.J.Ecol., 28:234–9

Mugachia, J.C., L. Kanja and F. Gitau, 1992a. Organochlorine pesticide residues in fish from Lake Naivasha and Tana River, Kenya. Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol., 49: 207–10

Mugachia, J.C., L. Kanja and T.E. Maitho, 1992b. Organochlorine pesticide residues in estuarine fish from the Athi river, Kenya. Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol., 49: 199–206

Munga, D., 1985. DDT and endosulfan residues in fish from Hola irrigation scheme, Tana river, Kenya. MSc. Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya

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Nwankwoala, A.U. and O. Osibanjo, 1992. Baseline levels of selected organochlorine pesticides in surface waters in Ibadan (Nigeria) by electron capture gas chromatography. Sci.Total Environ., 119:179–90

Ogunlowo, S.O., 1991. Priority chemical pollutants in some rivers along the cocoa growing area of Ondo State. MSc. Thesis, Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Ogunseitan, R.O., 1987. Determination of organichlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil and plants from refuse dumps in Nigeria. BSc. dissertation, Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

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Oliver, B.G. and M.N. Charlton, 1984. Chlorinated organic contaminants on settling particulates in the Niagara river vicinity of Lake Ontario. Environ.Sci.Technol., 18:903–8

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Table II
Concentration of chlorinated hydrocarbons in African inland and coastal waters (ng/l)

Location/water typeDieldrinαHCHHCBγHCH (Lindane)HeptachlorAldrinEndosulfanReference
North Africa - Egypt        
 Lake Mariut   2091   Saad et al., 1982
 Lake Mariut 120 1310   Saad, 1981
 Nozha Hydrodrome   1100   Abu-Elamayem et al., 1979
East Africa - Kenya        
 Lake Nakuru<100<100     Kallqvist and Meadows, 1977
West and Central Africa - Nigeria        
 Ibadan, Streams250(17.8–657)150(1–302)17(ND-92)100(7–297)72(4–202)20(ND-40)98(ND-430)Nwankwoala and Osibanjo, 1992
 River Ogun   13.3 (1.4–41.9)0.25 (ND-0.8)40 (5.1–49)116 (ND-260)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 River Imo   0.2 (ND-0.6)4 (ND-11.4)13 (ND-40)13 (ND-41)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 Cross River  1.0 (ND-5)0.3 (ND-1.1)2 (ND-8.6)36 (ND-143)20 (ND-80)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 Awba Dam, Ibadan  0.8 (ND-2.5)61 (9–167) 18 (12–29)20 (ND-30)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 Kainji Lake   0.12 (ND-0.24)0.47 (ND-3.48)0.55 (ND-3.05) Adeniji et al., 1991
 R. Ero Dam, Ondo560, 1991
 River Ero, Ondo740  2.0NDNDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 River Osse, Ondo2150  2.05.0NDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 R. Owesse, Ondo1120  6.41.6NDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 River Apomu, Ondo1380, 1991
Southern Africa        
 Hartbeespoort Dam,<100      Greichus et al., 1977
 Voëlvlei Dam, RSA<100      Greichus et al., 1977
 L. Mcllwaine, Zimb.<100      Greichus et al., 1978a
 L. Mcllwaine, Zimb.200 (<10–530)100 (26–270)   100 (<10–120) Mhlanga and Madziva, 1990
North Africa - Egypt        
 Abu-Kir Bay 4.88 18.05   Tayel, 1981
West and Central Africa - Nigeria        
 Lagos Lagoon8 (ND-24) 2 (0.8–4.1)182 (16–634)ND53 (3–190)29 (ND-86)Tongo, 1985

Location/water typeρ,ρ'-DDEρ,ρ'-DDDρ,ρ'-DDTTotal DDTPCBReference
North Africa - Egypt      
 Lake Mariut4493 1345100 Saad et al., 1982
 Lake Mariut6630 982021440 Saad, 1981
 Nozha Hydrodrome1540 600  Abu-Elamayem et al., 1979
 Nozha Hydrodrome   13610 Saad, 1981
East Africa - Kenya      
 Lake Nakuru<100<100<100 <1000Greichus et al., 1978b;
       Kallqvist and Meadows, 1977
West and Central Africa - Nigeria      
 Ibadan, Streams   310 (ND-1266) Nwankwoala and Osibanjo, 1992
 River Ogun    87 (ND-244)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 River Imo    121 (ND-241)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 Cross River    120 (ND-470)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 Awba Dam, Ibadan    330 (ND-1000)Agunloye, 1984; Tongo, 1985
 Kainji Lake   3.88 (ND-10.05) Adeniji et al., 1991
 River Ero Dam, OndoNDNDNDNDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 River Ero, OndoNDNDNDNDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 River Osse, OndoNDNDNDNDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 River Owesse, OndoNDNDNDNDNDOgunlowo, 1991
 River Apomu, OndoNDNDNDNDNDOgunlowo, 1991
Southern Africa      
 Hartbeespoort Dam, RSA1001001003002000Greichus et al., 1977
 Voëlvlei Dam, RSA<100<100<100<200<1000Greichus et al., 1977
 Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe  (<20–300)  Matthiessen, 1983
 Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe   350 (<10–700) Mhlanga and Madziva, 1990
 Lake Mcllwaine, Zimbabwe100<100<100 <1000Greichus et al., 1978a
 Lake Mcllwaine, Zimbabwe   400 (30–700) Mhlanga and Madziva, 1990
North Africa - Egypt      
 Abu-Kir Bay   24.3 Tayel, 1981
West and Central Africa - Nigeria      
 Lagos Lagoon3 (ND-15)83 (ND-344)ND2500 (ND-9000) Tongo, 1985

ND = Not detected

Table III
Concentration of chlorinated hydrocarbons in African inland and coastal water sediments (ng/g dry weight)

Location/water typeDieldrinαHCHHCBγHCH (Lindane)HeptachlorAldrinEndosulfanReference
North Africa - Egypt        
 Lake Mariut   89.1   Abu-Elamayem et al., 1979
 Lake Mariut 65.5 327.0   Saad, 1981
 Nozha Hydrodrome   119.5   Abu-Elamayem et al., 1979
 Nozha Hydrodrome   423.5   Saad, 1981
East Africa        
 Lake Nakuru, Kenya<1.0      Greichus et al., 1978b
 Lake Nyumba ya Mungu, Tanzania4 (3–6)  1 (ND-4) 131 (ND-251)
 Paasivirta et al., 1988
 Lakes, Uganda10 (2–39)      Sserunjoji, 1974, 1976
West and Central Africa        
 River Ogunpa, Ibadan, Nigeria0.9 (ND-1.8)0.7 (ND-2) 0.5 (ND-1.2)NDNDNDSunday, 1990
 River Ona, Ibadan, Nigeria0.3 (ND-0.5)0.5 (ND-0.9) NDNDNDNDSunday, 1990
 River Oniyere, Nigeria2.0 (ND-6)0.1 (ND-0.4) 0.9 (ND-2.0)NDNDNDSunday, 1990
 Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria4560 (190–8460)18.6 (ND-116)0.4 (ND-3.3)1.1 (0.11–4.9)64 (ND-1845)56 (ND-347)30 (7–1155)Ojo, 1991
 Ebrie Lagoon, Côte d'Ivoire   2.3 (0.5–19)   Marchand and Martin, 1985
 Ebrie Lagoon, Côte d'Ivoire17.8 (ND-125.8)3.2 ( 3.0 (0.07–19.8)0.9 (ND-6.8)15.7 (0.07–62.1) Kaba, 1991
Southern Africa        
 Lake Mcllwaine, Zimbabwe5.0 (ND-16) *16 (2–42) *   1.0 (ND-12) * Mhlanga and Madziva, 1990
 Lake Mcllwaine, Zimbabwe4      Greichus et al., 1978a
 Hartbeesspoort Dam, RSA2      Greichus et al., 1977
 Voëlvlei Dam, RSA<1      Greichus et al., 1977
North Africa, Egypt        
 Abu-Kir Bay0.09  0.05   Tayel, 1981

*) ng/g wet weight
ND = Not detected

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