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Bayley, P.B., 1988. Accounting for effort when comparing tropical fisheries in lakes, river-floodplains and lagoons. Limnol. Oceanogr., 33(4, part 2): 963–972.

Bernacsek, G.M. and S. Lopes, 1984. Mozambique. Investigations into the fisheries and limnology of Cahora Bassa Reservoir seven years after dam closure. FAO/GCP/MOZ/006/SWE, Field Doc. 9. Rome: FAO, 145 pp.

Crul, R.C.M., 1992. DIFRA. Database on the inland fisheries resources of Africa. CIFA Occas. Pap., No. 17. Rome: FAO, 21 pp.

Fox, W.W., 1970. An exponential surplus yield model for optimizing exploited fish populations. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 99:80–88.

Hanson, J.M. and W.C. Legget, 1982. Empirical prediction of fish biomass and yield. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 39(2): 257–263.

Henderson, H.F. and R.L. Welcomme, 1974. The relationship of yield to Morpho Edaphic Index and number of fishermen in African inland fisheries. Relation entre la production, l'indice Morpho-Edaphique et le nombre de pêcheurs des pêcheries des eaux continentales d'Afrique. CIFA Occas. Pap./Doc. Occas. CPCA, (1): 19 p.

Jackson, D.A., H.H. Harvey and K.M. Somers, 1990. Ratios in Aquatic Sciences: Statistical Shortcomings with Mean Depth and the morphoedaphic Index. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 47: 1788–1795.

Kapetsky, J.M., 1984. Coastal lagoon fisheries around the world: some perspectives on fisheries yields, and other comparative fishery characteristics. In: J.M. Kapetsky and G. Lasserre (eds.), Management of Coastal Lagoon Fisheries. Stud. Rev. GFCM, 61(1):97–140.

Marshall, B.E., 1984. Towards predicting ecology and fish yields in African reservoirs from pre-impoundment physico-chemical data. CIFA Tech. Pap., (12): 36 pp. Rome: FAO.

Melack, J.M., 1976. Primary productivity and fish yields in tropical lakes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 105:575–580.

Moyle, J.B., 1956. Relationships between the chemistry of Minnesota surface waters and wildlife management. J. Wildl. Manag., 20: 303–320.

Northcote, T.G. and P.A. Ryder, 1965. Indices of productivity in British Columbia lakes. J. Fish. Res. Board. Ca., 13: 515–540.

Oglesby, R.T., 1977. Relationships of fish yield to lake phytoplankton standing crop, production and morpho-edaphic factors. J. Fish. Res. Board Can., 34(12): 2271–2279.

Quiros, R., 1990. Predictors of Relative Biomass in Lakes and Reservoirs of Argentin a. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 47: 928–939.

Rawson, D.S., 1952. Mean depth and fish production of large lakes. Ecology, 33:513–521.

Ryder, R.A., 1965. A method for estimating the potential fish production of north-temperate lakes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 94: 214–218.

Schaefer, M.B., 1954. Some aspects of the dynamics of populations important to the management of commercial marine fisheries. Bull. Inter-Am. Trop. Tuna Comm., 1(2): 25–56.

Schlesinger, D.A. and H.A. Regier, 1982. Climatic and Morphoedaphic Indices of Fish Yields from Natural Waters. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 111: 141–150.

Toews, D.R. and J.S.Griffith, 1979. Empirical estimates of potential fish yield for the Lake Bangweulu system, Zambia, Central Africa. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 108: 241–252.

Vanden Bossche, J.-P. and G. Bernacsek, 1990a. Source book on the inland fishery resources of Africa. Vol I. CIFA Tech. Pap., 18/1: 411 pp.

Vanden Bossche, J.-P. and G. Bernacsek, 1990b. Source book on the inland fishery resources of Africa. Vol II. CIFA Tech. Pap., 18/2: 240 pp.

Vanden Bossche, J.-P. and G. Bernacsek, 1991. Source book on the inland fishery resources of Africa. Vol III. CIFA Tech. Pap. 18/3: 219 pp.

Weisberg, S., 1980. Applied linear regression. New York. Wiley & Sons,. 283 p.

Welcomme, R.L., 1972. The Inland Waters of Africa. CIFA Tech. Pap., (1): 117p.

Welcomme, R.L., 1974. Some general and theoretical considerations on the fish production of African rivers. CIFA Occas. Pap. (3): 26 p.

Welcomme, R.L., 1975. The fisheries ecology of African floodplains. CIFA Tech. Pap. 3: 51 p.

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71 African lakes and reservoirs

Figure 1

Figure 1. The relationship between surface area and total catch for 71 lakes and reservoirs (+). Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, Malawi and Chad are plotted for comparison (.). (Broken lines are 95% confidence limits). Data from Table 3.

Subsets African lakes and reservoirs

Figure 2

Figure 2. The relationships between surface area and total catch for subsets of the 71 lakes and reservoirs based on surface area.

Subset 1-surface area > 1000 km2
Subset 2-100 km2 < surface area < 1000 km2
Subset 3-10 km2 < surface area < 100 km2
Subset 4-surface area < 10 km2
Data from Table 3.

58 African lakes and reservoirs

Figure 3

Figure 3. The relationship between number of fishermen and total catch for 58 lakes and reservoirs (Broken lines are 95% confidence limits). Data from Table 3.

15 African rivers

Figure 4

Figure 4. The relationship between drainage area (km2) and total catch (t/y) for 15 African rivers (Broken lines are 95% confidence limits). Data from Table 6.

19 African rivers

Figure 5

Figure 5. The relationship between length (km) and total catch (t/y) for 19 African rivers (Broken lines are 95% confidence limits). Data from Table 6.

14 African floodplains

Figure 6

Figure 6. The relationship between surface area (km2) and total catch (t/y) for 14 African floodplains (Broken lines are 95% confidence limits). Data from table 7.

Table 1. Existing models predicting potential fish production in African lakes and reservoirs

Catch (kg/ha) = 8.7489 MEI0.3813 (0.51)31 African lakes and reservoirsHenderson & Welcomme 1974
Catch per fisherman (t) = 0.7779 MEI 0.37775 (0.74)31 African lakes and reservoirsHenderson & Welcomme 1974
Catch (kg/ha) = 14.3136 MEI 0.4681 (0.69)17 African lakes and reservoirsHenderson & Welcomme 1974
Log Y (kg/ha/)=0.113 GP (gO2/m2/day) + 0.91 (0.75)  8 African lakesMelack 1976
Log Y (kg/ha) = 1.4071 + 0.3697 log MEI - 0.00004565 Area (0.81) 117 African lakes and reservoirsToews and Griffith 1979
Log. Yield (t) = 0.76 log. Area + 3.57 (0.86)17 African lakes and reservoirsMarshall 1984
Yield (kg/ha) = 7.889 MEI 0.59 (0.73)11 African lakesMarshall 1984
Yield (kg/ha) = 23.281 MEI 0.447 (0.85)11 African reservoirsMarshall 1984
Yield (kg/ha) = 19.996 + 32.038 DL/Mean Depth (0.97) 2  5 large African reservoirsMarshall 1984
Yield (kg/ha) = 5.4250 MEI 0.5825 (0.78)11 African lakesBernacsek and Lopes 1984
Yield (kg/ha) = 23.3956 MEI 0.4215 (0.76)  8 African reservoirsBernacsek and Lopes 1984
Log. (Yield+1) (kg/ha) = 7.30 i0.5 - 2.37 i - 1.08 3 (R2=0.75)24 African lakesBailey 1988
Log. (Yield+1) (kg/ha) = 5.75 i0.5 - 1.64 i - 0.59 3 (R2=0.80)  7 African reservoirsBailey 1988
Log. (Yield+1) (kg/ha) = 7.30 i0.5 - 2.37 i - 1.08 3 (R2=0.75)31 African lakes and reservoirsBailey 1988

1 multiple corr.coeff.
2 DL= Shoreline development
3 i = EFFORT (in number of fishermen)

Table 2. List of African lakes and reservoirs used for models listed in Table 1.
((u) indicates an updated catch figure compared with figure given by Henderson and Welcomme 1974)
(l=lakes, r=reservoirs)

NAMEHenderson & Welcomme 1974
data sets
Melack 1976Toews and Griffith 1979Bernacsek & Lopes 1984
data sets
Marshall 1984
data sets
Bailey 1988
data set
LAKE/RESERVOIR31 l/r17 l/r8 l/r17 l/r8 reserv.11 lakes17 l/r11 l11 r5r31 l/r
  1 AlbertXX  X (u)X XXX  X
  2 Ayame (R)XX XX (u) X X (u) X
  3 Bangweulu lakesXX X (u)  XX  X (u)
  4 BaringoXX X XXX  X
  5 ChadX   X  X (u)    X
  6 ChilwaX         X
  7 ChiutaXX X XXX  X
  8 EdwardXX X X (u)XX  X
  9 GeorgeXX  X (u)X XXX  X
10 GuiersXX X XXX  X
11 Kainji (R)XX  X (u)XX (u) X X (u)X (u)X
12 Kariba (R)X       XXX
13 KitangiriX    X    X
14 KivuX         X
15 KyogaXX X  XX  X
16 Maji NdombeX         X
17 MalawiX         X
18 MalombeXX X XXX  X
19 Mwadigusha (R)XX XX (u) X X X
20 MweruXX X X (u)XX  X
21 Mweru Wa NtipaX         X
22 Nasser (R)XX X  X X (u) X
23 Nzilo (R)XX XX X XXX
24 RukwaX         X
25 TanaX         X
26 TanganyikaX   X (u)       X
27 TumbaX         X
28 Turkana (Rudolf)X         X
29 UpembaXX X X (u)XX  X
30 VictoriaX XX (u)       X
31 Volta (R)XX  X (u)XX (u) X XXX
32 Mcilwaine (R)    X   X  
33 Nyumba ya M.(R)    X   X  
34 Sennar (R)    X      
35 Jebel Aulia (R)        X  
36 Kossou (R)        XX 
37 Ihema           
38 Rugwero           
39 Naivasha           
40 Ziway           
41 Pool Malebo           
42 Mantasoa (R)           
43 Kyle (R)           
44 Massingir (R)           
45 Cahora Bassa (R)           

Table 3. List of 71 African lakes (1–46) and reservoirs (47–71) used for updating the models

  1 Turkana75701173776–8615.58000.1330011362224.83
  2 Albert527015000 85 mr 128.5150002.87006182131.75
  3 Mweru500013860 75 mr27.760001.280930932.50
  4 Kyoga270057000 88 mr211.170002.6128103316.21
  5 Rukwa23005990 86 mr26.013810.6-5008-
  6 Edward224014000 82 mr62.545002.0900914076.16
  7 Chilwa17509220 62–8252.717401.01500654153.50
  8 Mweru Wa Nt.160011560 75–8272.311000.760092894.80
  9 Pool Mal.5504250 84 mr77.350009.13250041.65
10 Upemba5305500 75–81103.810001.920057580.90
11 Alaotra6003700 60–8061.728724.816575017-
12 Ziway4341085 79–8325.05001.2400163681.09
13 Malombe3905983 71–82153.49002.3225470141.56
14 George2503171 50–88126.86002.422391400.60
15 Wamala2442000 83 mr82.05002.0--0-
16 Guiers210650 88 mr31.03001.4731160.27
17 Chiuta2001045 71–8252.32001.0150620141.00
18 Naivasha150385 78–8625.72001.3330189000.98
19 Kinkony139750 60–7554.01601.23379-60.49
20 Baringo130385 64–8629.61000.841696500.73
21 Rugwero100375 68–7537.51501.5157135020.21
22 Ihema86186 83 mr21.6420.5107129120.43
23 Mujunju80421 69,7552.61001.398128020.47
24 Lushiwashi80319 78–8239.91632.0--13-
25 Chisi60240 54–7240.0340.6115-90.15
26 Kijanbalola42670 62–66159.5---11260-
27 Mugesera39300 75 mr76.93258.3236136020.12
28 Jipe39300 82–8676.91002.66187003-
29 Kachira371043 60–66281.9---12300-
30 Itasy35569 84 mr162.6100028.6-25519-
31 Nakivali26581 61–66223.5---12300-
32 Oubeira2180 74,8138.180.4-136-
33 Nasho1450 75 mr35.7251.8105-20.06
34 Sake14175 73–75125.01007.1182-20.06
35 Rwampanga1030 75 mr31.6303.2108-20.05
36 Birira570 75 mr129.6--157-20.03
37 Madarounja520 61 mr40.09018.0-35313-
38 Mulehe528 69 mr56.0336.626017501-
39 Nyamisungire453 69 mr120.5--8929750-
40 Kirimbi220 73 mr83.3156.3204-20.01
41 Gaharwa223 68,73,75100.02611.3192-20.00
42 Gashanga230 73,75130.4135.7134-20.01
43 Mirayi220 75 mr87.0--144-20.01
44 Kidogo233 75 mr150.083.6129-20.01
45 Murago210 75 mr45.5--141-20.01
46 Cufada25 82 mr33.3----11-
47 Volta739438492 70–7952.1200002.765858140.49
48 Nasser581133933 81 mr58.490001.522018316146.44
49 Kariba536436749 88 mr68.5170003.27248517156.63
50 Cahora Bassa26654343 82 mr16.312000.51173261655.75
51 Kossou16007500 80 mr46.932002.080204722.88
52 Jebel Aulia15008108 75,8254.115501.0220377153.45
53 Kainji12704579 74.7836.163205.0551421013.97
54 Mwadingusha3933728 82–8394.914103.62171100111.02
55 Roseires2901480 75,76,8251.0----112.90
56 Nzilo2802800 57,60,61100.08303.04001246102.32
57 Massingir151400 81 mr26.5700.5238109242.82
58 Sennar1501166 75,8277.72001.3265422131.04
59 Nyumba Ya Mungu1403540 73–87252.9150010.785466330.84
60 Ayame135785 66–7958.18266.11009151.35
61 Khashm El G.125500 75 mr40.01000.8--140.85
62 Masinga120480 85 mr40.0----01.56
63 Kyle91180 80 mr19.82002.2521035201.43
64 Robertson81500 76,8461.72503.1-1350170.49
65 Tsiazompaniry3160 75 mr19.4682.2-149019-
66 Mc Ilwaine26145 72–7855.8--1551364170.25
67 Mantasoa1425 75 mr17.970.5221385190.07
68 Ngwazi525 72–7849.0152.9--8-
69 IITA19 75–79112.5--262070.00
70 Kerenge110 54–63127.5--319-5-
71 Malya18 77,78114.345.7--2-
V Victoria68800200000 87 mr29.1      
T Tanganyika3200085000 89 mr26.6      
M Malawi3080039400 70–8612.8      
C Chad2200090000 7050.0      

1 mr = most recent available catch figure

Table 4. New and updated models predicting potential fish yields of African waters

YIELD MODEL (coeff.of Determination)DATA SETSOURCE
Catch = 8.32 Area0.92        (R2=0.93)(1)   - 71 African lakes and reservoirsSIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch = 8.93 Area0.92        (R2=0.92)(1A) - 46 African lakesSIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch = 7.09 Area0.94        (R2=0.94)(1B) - 25 African reservoirsSIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch = 28.58 Area0.77        (R2=0.36)(s1) - 15 African lakes and reservoirs (A>1000 km2)SIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch =  0.86 Area1.36        (R2=0.62)(s2) - 22 African lakes and reservoirs (100<A<1000 km2)SIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch =  7.10 Area0.94        (R2=0.37)(s3) - 19 African lakes and reservoirs (10<A<100 km2)SIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch =  9.88 Area0.79        (R2=0.57)(s4) - 15 African lakes and reservoirs (A<10 km2)SIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch = 2.26 Number of fishermen1.02 (R2=0.88)(1)   - 58 African lakes and reservoirsSIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch = 2.27 Number of fishermen1.03 (R2=0.84)(1A) - 38 African lakesSIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch = 2.01 Number of fishermen1.02 (R2=0.94)(1B) - 20 African reservoirsSIFRA 1990, 1991
Catch (t) = 0.048 Drainage Area0.93 (R2=0.91)
14 African rivers
SIFRA 1990/ Welcomme 1985
Catch (t) = 0.01 Length1.81             (R2=0.85)
19 African rivers
SIFRA 1990/ Welcomme 1985
Catch (t) = 8.78 Floodplain Area 0.90 (R2=0.87)
14 African floodplains
Welcomme 1985

Table 5 Confidence limits of a selected number of yields predicted by models on Catch vs Area and Catch vs Number of fishermen for African lakes and reservoirs.

Catch vs Area model 
Predicted yield
95% Confidence Zone
1 8 2 –33 
10 70 18 –271 
100 585 152 –2,253 
1,000 4,908 1,264 –19,055 
10,000 41,523 10,441 –165,214 
Catch vs Number of fishermen 
Number of fishermenPredicted yield
95% Confidence Zone
10 23 4 –129 
100 244 46 –1,303 
1,000 2,536 475 –13,544 
10,000 26,635 4,829 –146,825 

Table 6. Data set on rivers

  1 SABAKIKENYA560 300  60
  2 UELEZAIRE1210 3720  61
  3 BENITOEQ.GUIN.365 300 179
  4 OTI 2TOGO300 450  76
  5 EWASO NGIROKENYA20015,022300 365
  6 PENDJARI 4BENIN33011,226300  62,68,69,76
  7 TANAKENYA80042,217433  85
  8 WHITE VOLTABURK.FASSO2556,60270  -
19 RED VOLTABURK.FASSO2706,871390  -
10 MONOBENIN, TOGO36022,000533 570
11 BLACK VOLTABURK.F.65045,3241560  77
12 SASSANDRACOTE D'IV65075,0001518 6-
13 GAMBIAGAMBIA48077,0002781 777–81
14 COMOECdI, B.F.116078,0002142 6-
15 BANDAMACOTE D'IV95097,0003408 6-
16 KASAIZAIRE1735342,1167750 6-
17 UBANGI/UIZAIRE, CAR1060772,8004670 861,75
18 NIGER7 COUNTRIES41831,125,00030000 6 
19 ZAIRE 9ZAIRE47004,014,50075000 6 

1 including all inland catches Eq.Guinea
2 Tributary of Volta River
3 including swamp
4 Pendjari River is name of Oti River in Benin
5 Catch in Benin only
6 Welcomme pers. comm.
7 Catch in Gambia only (total length Gambia River 1120 km)
8 Catch in Zaire and Centr. Afr. Rep.
9 rough estimate of catch, main river without tributaries (# 3, 17 and 18 tributaries of Zaire River

Table 7. Data set on floodplains

  1 Benue (Nigeria)3100957051401969Welcomme 1985
  2 Niger (Nigeria)4800143404600 Welcomme 1985
  3 Niger (Niger)630470013141965Welcomme 1985
 600320032001982Welcomme 1985
  4 Niger (Mali)200009000054112 Welcomme 1985
  5 Niger (Benin)2741805  Welcomme (pers. commm.)
  6 Oueme10006500298001957Welcomme 1985
  7 Rufigi145035893000 Welcomme 1985
  8 Shire665954524451970Welcomme 1985
 665789033241975Welcomme 1985
  9 Yaeres700017500  Welcomme 1985
10 Senegal54903000010400 Welcomme 1985
11 Pendjari4014065 Welcomme 1985
12 Kafue4340855411121963Welcomme 1985
 434067476701970Welcomme 1985
13 Pongolo104400  Welcomme 1985
14 Massilli150475  Welcomme 1985

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