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Balayut, E.A. 1984. Stock and introduction of fish in lakes and reservoirs in ASEAN resources. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 236. 82p.

Bell-Cross, G., & Minshull, J.L. 1988. The Fishes of Zimbabwe. Harare: National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe. 294p.

Berka, R. 1986. The transport of live fish. A review. EIFAC Technical Paper, No. 48.

Boyd. C.E. 1982. Water Quality Management for Pond Fish Culture. (Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science [Series], 9.) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Scientific. 318p.

Chervinski, J. 1982. Environmental physiology of tilapias. pp. 119–128, in: Pullin, R.S.V., & Love-McConnell, R.H. (eds) The Biology of Tilapias. ICLARM Conference Proceedings, 7.

Donnelly, B.G. 1973. Aspects of behaviour in the catfish, C. gariepinus during periods of habitat desiccation. Arnoldia, 6: 1–8.

Donnelly, B.G. 1978. Evidence of fish survival during habitat desiccation in Rhodesia. J. Limnological Soc. of South Afr., 4(1): 75–76.

Evans, R.E. 1982. The restoration of Savory dam. Zimbabwe Agric. J., 79(2): 47–56.

Maar, A. 1956. Tilapia culture in farm dams in Southern Rhodesia. pp. 667–687, in: Tilapia Culture in Dams in Rhodesia.

Nielsen, L.A., & Johnson, D.L. 1989. Fisheries techniques. USA: American Fisheries Society. 467p.

Skelton, P.H. 1993. A Complete Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Southern Africa. Halfway House, South Africa: Southern Book Pub. 388p.

Stickney, R.R. 1979. Principles of Warmwater Aquaculture. New York, NY: Wiley. 375p.

Welcomme, R.L., & Henderson, H.F. 1976. Aspects of the management of inland waters for fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 161. 36p.

Welcomme, R.L. 1985. River fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 262. 330p.

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