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L.I. Braimah

Formerly Project Co-Manager, IDAF,
Yeji, Ghana

No significant limnological change has been reported in Lake Volta since earlier studies.
The influx of fishermen and associated increased population pressure have led to an overexploitation of the resources. Fish stocks are subject to excessive fishing pressure, while, concomitantly, the main food source of the fish stocks - periphyton attached to submerged trees - is threatened as the trees are increasingly cut during drawdown periods because of the increased demand for firewood.
Although the estimated total yield of 36 360 t in 1991 does not appear to be far removed from the long-term yield of 40 000 t/year predicted by Vanderpuye, fishing effort (i.e., the number of fishermen) is believed to have increased at least four-fold over the period 1971–1990. Low yields of gill net catches have led to the introduction of a whole range of new fishing techniques, including semi-mechanized purse seining and beach seining, which have aggravated the overfishing situation. Although many of these new methods are prohibited, there is no effective control.
Traditional experimental gill net catches no longer reflect commercial catch magnitude and composition.
Fisheries development activities resumed in the reporting period through the UNDP/FAO IDAF Project, and included an element of research in the Yeji area of the lake. For lack of data, some of the findings in this area were extrapolated to estimate the lakewide situation.


This document is an update of a report on Fisheries and Limnology of Volta Lake, prepared by Vanderpuye (1984).

The limitation of the update is attributable to the fact that since the termination of the FAO Volta Lake Research and Development Programme (VLRDP) in 1978, no organization or institution endeavoured to continue work on limnology and biology until 1989, when the University of Ghana and the Institute of Aquatic Biology (IAB) undertook an investigation into the limno-chemistry and biology of the lake.

This document analyses data on commercial fish landings kept over the years by personnel of the Department of Fisheries stationed in almost all the major marketing centres along the lake, as well as estimations of total commercial landings, species compositions, etc., for all the eight strata of the lake.

The fishery itself is dominated by newly introduced and alien fishing methods, most of which are nominally illegal, but which provide as much as 65–70% of the total fish landings in the marketing centres. The newly introduced gears tend to be species specific, unlike the gears deployed on the lake in the 1970s and early 1980s. Studies on the effect of such species-specific exploitation were begun at the same time as other studies on various biological parameters. These were an activity of the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries (IDAF) project, based at Yeji since its inception in 1989. Outputs of this project have been extensively used, and form the major source for this update.



After the closure of the dam in 1964, the lake reached its maximum level of 84 m in 1968. Seasonal variations were relatively moderate until 1975, when the water level started to drop. In June 1984, the lake reached an unprecedentedly low level of 71.9 m. At this level the lake had shrank to roughly half of its maximum size. Since then, the lake level has fluctuated, but has been generally rising. The lake reached its maximum level again in 1989, and again in 1991 (Figure 1).

Figure 1

Figure 1 Lake levels at Akosombo in the period 1971 to 1991


Physio-chemical data collected by Antwi (1990) at Ajena in 1989, 25 years after dam closure, are summarized in Table 1. His observations are in line with those of Biswas (1966) and Obeng-Asamoah (1984).

The lake is warm polymictic. Stratification is fairly stable in the period April–June, but frequently broken down in the rest of the year by southerly and harmattan winds, and the annual floods.

Conductivity values ranged between 67.87 and 75.10 μmhos/cm at 25°C and total dissolved solids (TDS) between 30.60 mg/l and 37.92 mg/l in 1989. Obeng-Asamoah (1984) noted that the Ph of the surface water was about 7, declining with depth to 6.45 in the anoxic water near the bottom of the lake. Total alkalinity increased during the filling and post-impoundment phases (Biswas, 1966) and a total alkalinity of 41 mg CaCO3/l was observed in 1989.

The nutrient content of the lake has generally remained low, and only traces of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and sulphate have been recorded in the upper 40 m of the lake, while measurable quantities of these ions were recorded in the bottom waters. The low nutrient content was attributed to the catchment area itself being poor in nutrients, and also due to the low solubility of the pre-Cambrian rock granites found in the upper catchment area (Antwi, 1990).

Mean Secchi disc transparency was 2.2 m in 1989 (Antwi, 1990). The depth of light penetration was drastically reduced during the flood period (July to September) and during the harmattan seasons, as also observed by Biswas (1966).

Gross primary productivity measurements at the surface estimated by Antwi (1990) are shown in Table 2. In general the primary productivity values were low, ranging from 0.2 g C/m3/day to 1.35 g C/m3/day due to the limited supply of nutrients.

Table 1 Physico-chemical data at Ajena, Volta Lake

0 m1 m5 m10 m15 m20 m30 m40 m50 m60 m70 m
Temperature (°C)29.128.728.628.127.827.526.826.726.526.126.1
Oxygen (mg/l)
Oxygen (% sat.)138.1110.887.186.767.060.049.435.724.517.75.9
Acidity (mg/l CaCO316.816.917.817.717.718.518.219.119.620.824.1
Alkalinity (mg/l CaCO340.840.740.641.542.440.441.142.841.840.339.9
Total hardness (mg/l CaCO327.127.327.926.928.025.829.131.328.926.926.1
TDS (mg/l)34.935.137.037.934.533.934.234.735.435.230.8
Conductivity (μmhos/cm at 25°C)68.867.974.864.867.368.769.668.671.272.675.1
Sodium (mg/l)
Potassium (mg/l)
Calcium (mg/l)
Magnesium (mg/l)
Chloride (mg/l)
Orthophosphate (μg/l)342374681827240
Nitrate (μg/l)50407040405080110130180190
Nitrite (μg/l)513666402020909050
Ammonium (μg/l)10201010264050100110270
Silicate (mg/l)
Sulphate (mg/l)
Secchi disc (m)2.2         

Notes: Values are mean (x) over sampling period: February to December, 1989. Sampling frequency: once a month.

(Source: Antwi, 1990)

Table 2 Gross primary productivity measurements at Ajena in 1989

DepthMonthGross primary productivity
(g C/m3/day)
1 metreApril0.20
1 metreMay0.48
1 metreAugust1.27
Surface (0 m)September0.20
1 metreSeptember0.20
Surface (0 m)October0.20
1 metreOctober0.20
Surface (0 m)November1.35
1 metreNovember1.32

(Source: Antwi, 1990)


Plankton in the southern part of the lake was quantitatively poor and the number of species low (Rajagopal, 1969), and algal blooms were only observed occasionally in some areas (Obeng-Asamoah, 1984). The number of species was just over twenty and confined to not more than 10 genera. The most abundant species were Synedra and Melosira for the main channel, while Oscillatoria dominated the shallow arms and inshore areas. Eudorina and Volvox also occurred in relatively large numbers (Obeng-Asamoah, 1984).

As observed by Biswas (1966), the rotifers formed the major constituent (about 90%) of the zooplankton; and copepods, cladocerans and protozoa were present in much smaller numbers (Obeng-Asamoah, 1984).


The flooded trees in Volta Lake provide a substrate for periphyton in the epilimnion of the inshore and offshore areas (Vanderpuye, 1984). The bulk of invertebrate organisms living on the mats of periphyton are members of the following taxa: Ephemeroptera (Povilla adusta and, less commonly, the mayflies), Diptera (chironomids), Trichoptera and Coleoptera.

Examination of the commercial catches in 1991 shows that 52% of the fish caught depend on these aquatic organisms. Vanderpuye's solution of having cleared and uncleared parts in the lake is valid as long as a suitable balance is struck in order not to inhibit the survival of these aquatic organisms.

Over the years, fishermen have found the petrified submerged trees very useful and effective fuel for fish processing (smoking), and have started to exploit them at an alarming rate, cutting them during drawdown periods. The drought of 1984 reduced the lake to half of its maximum size and at this half capacity a significant percentage of the submerged trees were exposed to exploitation as firewood. Large expanses of submerged trees are also being cleared to make room for increased beach seine operations. These practices, although escalating, are not yet sufficiently significant to offset the predominance of the periphytonic biomass over the benthic.


According to Baranov (1961), Ioeffe (1961) and Tyurin (1961), large reservoirs can be placed in one of five categories, using fish production or benthic production levels as criteria (Table 3).

Table 3 Classification of reservoirs by fish production and by benthic production

Trophic state of reservoirFish production
Benthic biomass production

On the basis of Table 3, Volta Lake, having a yield of 42–52 kg/ha/yr, is mesotrophic-eutrophic, rather than the oligotrophic that might be assumed based on the nutrient content (Antwi, 1990). The possible reconciliation of this paradox was outlined by Obeng-Asamoah (1977). The essential nutrients released by the breakdown and mineralization of the organic load are immediately picked up by the algae and Ceratophyllum. This process is fuelled by the high water temperature, resulting in quick turnover and high net productivity. Consequently, the measurement of the TDS alone gives an erroneous picture of the nutrient status of the lake: hence the conclusion of oligotrophy.

The potential fish yield calculated with the Morpho-edaphic Index Model was approximately 12 kg/ha, while the fish yield based on catch statistics for the lake in 1991 was 43.4 kg/ha (Table 4).

Table 4 Catch statistics for Volta Lake in 1991

A. Total processed fish landings (FWE in kg)

Fish MarketStratumTotal processed fish
(FWE - kg)
Total processed per stratum
Yapei*VIII882 450 
BupeiVIII3 688 1374 570 587
YejiVII9 891 411 
MakangoVII307 19610 198 608
Kete-Krachi*VI1 815 3031 815 303
DambaiV1 443 1301 443 130
Kwame-kromIV1 198 732 
Tapa-AbotoaseIV1 641 1812 839 913
Kpando-TorkorIII2 399 7832 399 783
DzemeniII1 047 6171 047 617
Nketepa*I5 309 3285 309 328
TOTAL  29 624 270

Note: * = Estimated (with 95% confidence limit) using trends in fish landings per transport boat at Yeji.

B. Estimated yield based on catch statistics in 1991

 Total processed fish landings in 199129 624 t
 Total landings of fresh fish in 19911 464 t
 Total fish landings31 088 t
Plus adjustment for self-consumption by fisherfolk
(11.7% of total landings)
3 636 t
Plus adjustment for post-harvest losses
(5.3% of total landings)
1 636 t
 Total fish production from Volta Lake36 360 t
 Surface area of Lake at 275 ft water level837 617 ha
 Therefore estimated yield in 199143.4 kg/ha



3.1.1 Fishing sites, canoes and fishermen

Volta Lake has been divided into 8 strata for recording purposes (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Figure 2 Map of Volta Lake, showing the eight strata

Two major frame surveys - in 1970 and 1975 - provided details on the fishing effort on Volta Lake (Table 5) (Bazigos, 1970; Coppola and Agadzi, 1976). Since the last survey, in 1975, no surveys have been carried out. However, socio-economic studies conducted in 1989 by Agyenim-Boateng (1989) and in 1991 by Maembe (1991) provided updates on some of the elements for Stratum VII (the Yeji part) of the lake (Table 6).

As there are currently no plans to execute a frame survey to cover the entire lake, a crude estimate has been made for the whole lake using the data collected for Stratum VII. The estimated fishing effort (fishing sites, fishermen and canoes) for 1991 is given in Table 5. On the basis of that estimate, the number of fishermen on the lake obtained would have been 82 460, while the official figure often quoted by the Fisheries Authorities was 80 000. This represents a four-fold increase over the period 1971–1990.

Table 5  Fishing effort for the whole lake, based on 1970 and 1975 frame surveys, and estimation of fishing effort for the whole lake in 1991, based on developments in Stratum VII

YearNo. of fishing sitesNo. of fishersNo. of canoesNo. of gear per day
Gill netCast netLineOther
1970(1)1 25918 35812 07456 9213239 50415 993
1975(2)1 47920 61513 81461 10736710 472434
1991(3)2 50082 46046 277----

Sources: (1) Bazigos, 1970;
(2) Coppola and Agadzi, 1976;
(3) Estimate based on stratum VII (see Table 6).

Table 6 Fishing effort for Stratum VII (1975, 1989 and 1991)

PeriodNo. of fishing sitesNo. of fishersNo. of canoesNo. of canoes with engine
1975(1)202100%4 562100%1 913100%0
1989(2)190 15 581 4 266 259
1991(3)342169%18 302401%6 407335%421

Sources: (1) From Coppola and Agadzi, 1976;
(2) From Agyenim-Boateng, 1989. Note that minor villages were grouped under group names;
(3) From Maembe, 1991.

3.1.2 Fishing Gears

All the fishing inputs have increased by leaps and bounds over the years and the effectiveness of fishing increased due to new and more effective fishing gears and more and larger outboard engines. The combination of these factors has resulted in increased fishing efficiency and increased fishing pressure on the stocks.

In 1970 and 1975, the principal fishing gears used on the lake were gill nets, cast nets, lines and traps (Bazigos, 1970; Coppola and Agadzi, 1975). The gill nets used in the 1960s and 1970s ranged from 102 to 205 mm (Vanderpuye, 1984), but the smallest have now been reduced to below 25 mm.

Recently, other gears have been introduced (Braimah, 1989, 1991) including drivein gear (wangara), bamboo-pipe fishing (specifically for Chrysichthys), combined gill nets and traps (nifa nifa) and some active gears, such as beach seines (adranyi), purse seines (winched) and other forms of encircling gear. These active gears are supposedly illegal on the lake, but currently contribute between 65 and 70% of the total fish landings of the lake (unpublished IDAF report, 1990).

The introduction of purses seines (winch nets) on the lake since the mid-1980s was concomitant with the deployment of a new type of craft for fishing, called a winch boat. This craft has a length overall of 9 to 13 m and a breadth of over 1 m. The incorporation of an operational deck allows 10 to 15 fishermen to stand easily while working with the net, which can be as long as 500 to 800 m and 20 to 30 m deep. The normal canoes are still the most prevalent, but their capacity has commonly increased from 6 to 7 boards to 10 to 12, and lengths range between 5 and 10 m, with 2 to 4 fishermen.

Most of the fishermen are forced to fish in inshore waters due to the activity of winch net operators (purse seiners), who foul nets of other fishermen during operations in the offshore area because due to the presence of tree stumps, purse seines are used only in the original river bed.

Until 1975, there were no transport boats on the lake (Coppola and Agadzi, 1976), while currently there are nearly 1 000 boats, with the Yeji market alone visited by over 100 (Agyenim-Boateng, 1989; Maembe, 1990). These boats - with an overall length of 13 to 20 m and a breadth between 2.2 and 2.5 m (van der Straten, 1990, 1991) - have now become, throughout the lake, the major means of transportation, instead of canoes.

The 1975 frame survey of the lake did not mention the presence of any outboard motors for propulsion. Agyenim-Boateng (1989) recorded 259 outboard motors, while in 1991, Maembe found 421, an increase of about 63% in two years. These outboard motors ranged between 9.9 and 45 HP. A few gill net and long-line fishermen use outboards, mostly of 9.9 and 15 HP, while the purse seine operators use mainly 25 HP motors. The lake transporters operate the 45 HP engines, of which they often have 2 or 3 mounted on the transom of the boat.


3.2.1 Commercial Catches

Fish production figures for Volta Lake from its creation in 1964 to 1979 are given by Vanderpuye (1984). Fish production in 1991, estimated from commercial landings at the marketing centres along the lake, was 36 360 t (Table 4). The fish yield pattern showed an initial steady rise to a maximum of almost 62 000 t in 1969 - the highest yield ever recorded for a man-made lake - followed by a decline and stabilization at around 40 000 t. The 1991 figure is not at variance with the statistical prediction of Vanderpuye that annual fish production would fluctuate around 40 000 t/yr. Fishing effort, however, has probably increased more than fourfold (Table 5).

Length frequency data on 26 commercial important fish species collected by the IDAF project indicates that 17 fish species are caught before reaching the age of one year (Goudswaard and Avoke, 1993). The high mortality of the juvenile length classes of these fishes is caused by the extensive use of small-meshed gill nets and recently introduced active gears, such the purse and beach seines that provide between 65 and 70% of the total commercial landings (unpublished IDAF report, 1990). Lake level fluctuations and monthly commercial fish catches were recorded in the Yeji part of the lake from July 1989 to December 1991 (Figure 3). Fish catches were high when lake levels were low and vice versa. The general trend of monthly fish catches for the Yeji part of the lake is very much influenced by the high Tilapia catches (Figure 4). When lake levels are high, Tilapia catches are low, and vice versa.

Figure 3

Figure 3 Lake levels and commercial catches in Stratum VII (July 1989 – December 1991)

Figure 4

Figure 4 Landings of four species in Stratum VII (July 1989 – December 1991)

Table 7 Processed fish landings (fresh weight equivalent (FWE) in kg), Volta Lake, 1991, based on recorded figures

FWE in kg%FWE in kg%FWE in kg%FWE in kg%FWE in kg%FWE in kg%FWE in kg%FWE in kg%%
Lates4 9160.1128 4221.32900.153 8423.7168 50010.364 5455.4140 9025.9121 94911.63.2
Hemichromis000-0-0-0-254<0.14 5580.20-0
Tilapia823 60122.32 898 56729.354 89117.9318 40622.1142 5868.7295 53324.7839 63235.0216 76720.725.9
Heterotis101 1092.7228 7742.32 1400.744 0853.1102 6236.349 8004.241 4781.738 9833.72.8
Clupeidae0-91 8920.910 2283.31 9210.1278<0.15 9840.50-91<0.10.5
Labeo294 9578.0338 9733.410 2983.438 4472.79 5930.61 9760.2788<0.1370<0.13.2
Mormyridae101 8522.8286 4712.97 1422.339 9652.843 9542.721 5061.885 0932.725 1082.42.7
Hydrocynus16 0760.441 6060.46900.253 4623.7251 94815.4165 69713.8321 96213.4130 60812.54.5
Alestes93 4192.563 5450.61 6800.518 9621.30-8570.14 4660.24 4890.40.9
Citharinus347 2829.4257 6962.610 1723.3216 90315.0126 3767.745 7353.83 0330.11 3600.14.7
Distichodus29 4920.816 9820.20-11 1800.851 6443.14 2820.41 3400.11 4870.10.5
Schilbeidae100 5012.7205 1872.18 4842.812 8130.93 0680.226 4232.27 8420.30-1.7
Bagrus71 9832.0215 7562.28 2002.756 8383.9142 5808.778 1586.5703 78229.3102 9419.86.4
Synodontis988 49526.81 434 16214.545 36214.8221 00715.3281 61717.2127 62410.6232 7869.788 7868.515.4
Chrysichthys480 32413.03 451 44334.9121 22639.5236 36416.4273 07416.6275 25923.00-162 58215.523.1
Auchenoglanis25 2310.70-0-51 2393.64 0530.210 0600.80-37 6433.60.6
Gymnarchus24 0110.767 9510.70-6 4180.4413<0.12 1060.20-24 3652.30.6
Clarias184 8895.0163 9841.726 3948.645 2703.136 4372.219 2331.60-48 8414.72.4
Others0-0-0-16 0071.12 4390.13 6000.332 1251.341 2473.90.4
TOTAL3 688 1371009 891 412100307 1961001 443 1301001 641 182 1 198 732 2 399 783 1 047 617100100

During floods, turbid flood water (usually referred to as white water) can be traced well past Kete-Krachi in Stratum VI. The whole northern arm then becomes riverine, which induces fish to spawn. Tilapias avoid such turbid currents and hence are very rare in the catches during floods.

In the period April – June 1991, fish catches were not high, although lake levels were low. This was caused by the fact that the new Fisheries Law of 1991 was launched at Yeji in April 1991. It explicitly banned the use of all active gear on the lake. To begin with, the law was observed, but when it became clear that a mechanism for enforcement was lacking, fishing with these banned gears started again full force.

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