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Mr. H. Tambs-Lyche

General Secretary, International Council
for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

Mr. Chairman,

It is traditional, when ICES arranges symposia - alone or in cooperation with other organizations - that its President takes part and speaks at the opening ceremony. Unfortunately, our President, Professor Nikolsky, is prevented by illness from being with us today. This is the more regretted, since we know that he looked forward to this Symposium on a subject which very much has his personal interest.

Our First Vice-President, who is acting for him, is at present attending another meeting in Cuba. It has therefore become my task to convey to you the greetings of our President and Bureau, wishing you a successful meeting.

We all know the remarkable role the studies of eel biology has played in the history of marine research. ICES was associated with eel research from the days of Joh. Schmidt and earlier. We are therefore glad to see the great attendance to this Symposium and the large number of papers presented to it. We hope that it shall be a worthy follow-up of the old traditions.

EIFAC is concerned with problems of freshwater fishes and fisheries in Europe, while ICES is concerned with the marine fishes and fisheries of the North Atlantic. This means that in one sense there is a clear division of responsibilities, but it also means that there is one field where the interests of the two organizations meet. This has - as Professor Tiews has just explained - been reconized by both organizations. Eel research and management is part of this field, particularly - perhaps - the problems of reliable eel statistics. There is really an urgent need for cooperation in order to get statistics which can give better basis for management. We are, therefore, most pleased that the two Eel Working Groups of EIFAC and ICES will have a joint meeting at the closure of this Symposium, and we hope they will, together with other problems, attack that one.

There are other subjects where future cooperation between EIFAC and ICES will be fruitful, even necessary. Let me mention some of them briefly.

Aquaculture is one of them. Here interests and capabilities of both organizations will supplement each other rather nicely. It is a subject which ICES has recently taken up, and where we look forward to cooperation. This should perhaps not be difficult since there are personal contacts already. For instance, Professor Tiews, who has just spoken on behalf of the Director-General of FAO, is at the same time Chairman of ICES Working Group on Mariculture.

Connected with mariculture are the problems of fish diseases, where again both organizations are interested.

And finally, I should mention pollution and its effects on living resources. This again is a subject of common concern to both our organizations, both because many of the contaminating substances are progressing to the marine environment after they have created problems for EIFAC, and because these substances affect the living resources, freshwater or marine, single species or ecosystems, in much the same way, and the effects are studied by the same or similar methods.

We know that cooperation through personal contacts between scientists working with freshwater or marine problems is nothing new; salmon research is a good example. But the time has come for a more organized cooperation. This is what is now being realized both through this Symposium and through the cooperation between the two Working Groups I mentioned.

We in ICES look forward to the continuation of such organized cooperation, and hope it will extend to some of the other subjects I have just mentioned.

Mr. Chairman, we in ICES are most happy to be again associated with a meeting here in Helsinki, where we held our own annual meeting in 1971, together with a special meeting on cod and herring in the Baltic, and a meeting, jointly with SCOR, on the study of pollution of the Baltic. This joint initiative has in turn led to extensive activities, of which we now begin to see the results. I wish, therefore, to associate myself with the thanks Professor Tiews has expressed to the Government of Finland for hosting this Symposium, and to everyone that has been connected with the preparations for it. Please consider his thanks as being expressed on behalf of both of us.

Before I close, I should also wish to thank the EIFAC Secretariat and Mr Gaudet personally for a very good cooperation in the preparations for this Symposium. ICES and EIFAC have somewhat different operating procedures. This, however, has proved to be an advantage, rather than a difficulty, and I hope you shall, as Symposium participants, benefit from the combination.

With these words, Mr. Chairman, I wish you a successful Symposium and pleasant days.

Thank you.

Papers issued in this series

EIFAC/T1Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on finely divided solids and inland fisheries (1964).
EIFAC/T2Fish Diseases. Technical Notes submitted to EIFAC Third Session by Messrs. J.Heyl, H.Mann, C.J. Rasmussen, and A. van der Struik (Austria, 1964).
EIFAC/T3Feeding in Trout and Salmon Culture. Papers submitted to a Symposium, EIFAC Fourth Session (Belgrade, 1966).
EIFAC/T4Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on extreme pH values and inland fisheries (1968).
EIFAC/T5Organization of inland fisheries administration in Europe, by Jean-Lous Gaudet (Rome, 1968).
EIFAC/T6Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on water temperature and inland fisheries based mainly on Slavonic literature (1968).
EIFAC/T7Economic evaluation of inland sport fishing, by Ingemar Norling (Sweden, 1968).
EIFAC/T8Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. List of literature on the effect of water temperature on fish (1969).
EIFAC/T9New developments in carp and trout nutrition. Papers submitted to a Symposium, EIFAC Fifth Session (Rome, 1968).
EIFAC/T10Comparative study of laws and regulations governing the international traffic in live fish and fish eggs, by F.B. Zenny, FAO Legislation Branch (Rome, 1969).
EIFAC/T11Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on ammonia and inland fisheries (1970).
EIFAC/T12Salmon and trout feeds and feeding (1971).
EIFAC/T13Elements of the theory of age determination of fish according to scales. The problem of validity (1971).
EIFAC/T14EIFAC consultation on eel fishing gear and techniques (Rome, 1971).
EIFAC/T15Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on monohydric phenols and inland fisheries (1972).
EIFAC/T16Symposium on the nature and extent of water pollution problems affecting inland fisheries in Europe. Synthesis of national reports (1972).
EIFAC/T17Symposium on the major communicable fish diseases in Europe and their control. Report (1972).
EIFAC/T17 Suppl. 1The major communicable fish diseases of Europe and North America. A review of national and international measures for their control, by P.E. Thompson, W.A. Dill & G. Moore (1973).
EIFAC/T17 Suppl. 2Symposium on the major communicable fish diseases in Europe and their control. Panel reviews and relevant papers (1973).
EIFAC/T18The role of administrative action as a tool in water pollution control, by G.K. Moore, FAO Legislation Branch (Rome, 1973).
EIFAC/T19Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on dissolved oxygen and inland fisheries (1973).
EIFAC/T20Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on chlorine and freshwater fish (1973).
EIFAC/T21Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on zinc and freshwater fish (1973).
EIFAC/T22Ecological diagnosis in salmonid streams - Method and example, by R. Cuinat et al. (1975).
EIFAC/T23Symposium on the methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers. Report (1974).
EIFAC/T23 Suppl. 1Symposium on the methodology for the survey, monitoring and appraisal of fishery resources in lakes and large rivers. Panel reviews and relevant papers/Symposium sur les méthodes de prospection, de surveillance et d'évaluation des ressources ichtyologiques dans les lacs et grands cours d'eau. Exposés des groupes et communications apparentées (1975).
EIFAC/T24Report on fish toxicity testing procedures (1975).
EIFAC/T25Workshop on controlled reproduction of cultivated fishes - Report and relevant papers/Réunion sur la reproduction contrôlée des poissons d'élevage - Rapport et communications apparentées (1976).
EIFAC/T26Second European consultation on the economic evaluation of sport and commercial fisheries. Report and relevant papers (with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture of Sweden)/Deuxième consultation européenne sur l'évaluation économique de la pêche sportive et commerciale. Rapport et communications apparentées (avec la collaboration du Ministère de l'Agriculture de Suède) (in preparation/à paraître).
EIFAC/T27Water quality criteria for European freshwater fish. Report on copper and freshwater fish (1976).
EIFAC/T28Joint ICES/EIFAC Symposium on eel research and management (Anguilla spp.) Report/Symposium conjoint CIEM/CECPI sur la recherche et l'exploitation des anguilles (Anguilla spp.) Rapport (1976).

Documents publiés dans la présente série

EIFAC/T1Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur les solides finement divisés et les pêches intérieures (1964).
EIFAC/T2Maladies des poissons. Notes présentées à la troisième session de la CECPI par J. Heyl, H. Mann, C.J. Rasmussen et A. van der Struik (Autriche, 1964).
EIFAC/T3Alimentation dans l'élevage de la truite et du saumon. Communications présentées à un symposium, quatrième session de la CECPI, (Belgrade, 1966).
EIFAC/T4Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur les valeurs extrêmes du pH et les pêches intérieures (1968).
EIFAC/T5Organisation de l'administration des pêches intérieures en Europe, par Jean-Louis Gaudet (Rome, 1968).
EIFAC/T6Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur la température de l'eau et les pêches intérieures basé essentiellement sur la documentation slave (1968).
EIFAC/T7Evaluation économique de la pêche sportive dans les eaux continentales, par Ingemar Nerling (Suède, 1968).
EIFAC/T8Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Références bibliographiques sur les effets de la température de l'eau sur le poisson (1969).
EIFAC/T9Récents développements dans la nutrition de la carpe et de la truite. Communications presentées à un symposium, cinquième session de la CECPI (Rome, 1968).
EIFAC/T10Etude comparée des mesures législatives et administratives régissant les échanges internationaux de poissons vivants et d'oeufs de poisson, par F.B. Zenny. Service de législation de la FAO (Rome, 1969).
EIFAC/T11Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur l'ammoniaque et les pêches intérieures (Rome, 1970).
EIFAC/T12Aliments du saumon et de la truite et leur distribution (1973).
EIFAC/T13Eléments de la théorie de détermination de l'âge des poissons d'après les écailles. Le problème de validité (1971).
EIFAC/T14Consultation de la CECPI sur les engins et techniques de pêche à l'anguille (Rome, 1971).
CECPI/T15Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur les phénols monohydratés et les pêches intérieures (1973).
EIFAC/T16Symposium sur la nature et l'étendue des problèmes de pollution des eaux affectant les pêches continentales en Europe. Synthèse des rapports nationaux (1972).
CECPI/T17Symposium sur les principales maladies transmissibles des poissons en Europe et la lutte contre celles-ci (1973).
CECPI/T17 Suppl. 1Les principales maladies transmissibles des poissons en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. Examen de mesures nationales et internationales sur la lutte contre ces maladies, par P.E. Thompson, W.A. Dill & G. Moore (1973).
CECPI/T17 Suppl. 2Symposium sur les principales maladies transmissibles des poissons en Europe et la lutte contre celles-ci. Exposés des groupes et communications apparentées (1973).
CECPI/T18Le rôle instrumental de l'administration dans la lutte contre la pollution des eaux, par G.K. Moore. Sous-division de la législation de la FAO (Rome, 1973).
CECPI/T19Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur l'oxygène dissous et les pêches intérieures (1973).
CECPI/T20Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur le chlore et les poissons d'eau douce (1973).
CECPI/T21Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur le zinc et les poissons d'eau douce (1973).
EIFAC/T22Diagnose écologique en cours d'eau à salmonidés - Méthode et exemple, par R. Cuinat et al. (1975).
EIFAC/T23Symposium sur les méthodes de prospection, de surveillance et d'évaluation des ressources ichtyologiques dans les lacs et grands cours d'eau. Rapport (1974).
EIFAC/T23 Suppl. 1(bilingue)
EIFAC/T24Rapport sur les tests de toxicité sur les poissons (1976).
EIFAC/T27Critères de qualité des eaux pour les poissons d'eau douce européens. Rapport sur le cuivre et les poissons d'eau douce (1976).

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