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1.1 Origin of the Symposium

Selection, hybridization and genetic engineering are crucial to the improvement and development of aquaculture and fisheries in the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) region as in other parts of the world. At its Thirteenth Session held in Aarhus, Denmark, in May 1984, EIFAC identified the need for further international collaboration to achieve direct pooling of knowledge and exchange of views among all members interested in the latest developments in this area. It therefore recommended that a Symposium on this topic be organized in conjunction with the Fourteenth Session.

Other fisheries subsidiary bodies of FAO were invited to participate in the Symposium which was also supported by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

Preparations for the Symposium were made by FAO/EIFAC. The Steering Committee was established with the following membership: Prof. Dr. K. Tiews (Federal Republic of Germany, Chairman), Prof. Dr. Yu. P. Altukhov (USSR/ ICES), Dr. J. Bakos (Hungary), Dr. D. Chourrout (France), Dr. A.G. Coche (FAO/EIFAC), Dr. L. Dickie (Canada), Prof. Dr. K. Fujino (Japan), Dr. V. Hilge (Federal Republic of Germany/EIFAC), Prof. Dr. E.A. Huisman (Netherlands/ EIFAC), Dr. H.L. Kincaid (USA), Ing. M.G. Leynaud (France/EIFAC), Dr. A. Longwell (USA/ICES), Dr. G. Naevdal (Norway/ICES), Dr. L. Nyman (Sweden/EIFAC), Dr. C. Purdom (United Kingdom), Dr. R.L. Saunders (Canada), Dr. B. Steinmetz (Netherlands/EIFAC), Prof. Dr. W. Villwock (Federal Republic of Germany) and Dr. G.W. Wohlfarth (Israel). The Steering Committee met in Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany in March 1985 to agree upon the final version of the prospectus and to finalize the organization of the Symposium into technical panels.

The Prospectus of the Symposium, both in English and French, was issued in April/May 1985. It was widely distributed through the EIFAC correspondents, technical journals and meetings, inviting scientists to contribute Experience Papers. The active participation of selected experts was enrolled for the preparation of Review Papers, on specific subject areas.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of the Symposium were:

  1. to review the present state of knowledge on a worldwide basis;

  2. to link together the significant facts and identify the areas requiring further research;

  3. to recommend future actions to be taken by member countries.

1.3 Organization of the Symposium

The Symposium on Selection, Hybridization and Genetic Engineering in Aquaculture of Fish and Shellfish for Consumption and Stocking, supported by ICES, was held from 27 to 30 May 1986 in Bordeaux, at the Palais des Congrès, at the invitation of the Government of France. It was organized in conjunction with the Fourteenth Session of EIFAC (27 May to 3 June 1986).

It was attended by 172 participants from 29 countries (Annex A) and international, intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies. Simultaneous interpretation was provided in English and French by FAO. Interpretation was also provided in German by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The main documentation (Annex B) consisted of 28 Review Papers and 58 Experience Papers. In addition, 21 Poster Papers were also presented.

At the opening meeting on 27 May 1986, Prof. Dr. E.A. Huisman, Chairman of EIFAC, welcomed the participants in the presence of Mr. G. Abadie, Préfet de la Région Aquitaine. He reviewed the events which led to the convening of the Symposium and outlined its general objectives. The Symposium Chairman, Dr. B. Chevassus (France) then introduced the topic of the Symposium.

The Symposium was organized into six consecutive sessions (Annex C), which were handled by the panels of experts under the leadership of panel leaders (Annex D). The panel members introduced the more important topics for discussion, with a review of the Symposium documents relevant to the topic. Following each panel presentation, the other participants were invited to contribute information or ask the panel questions. On the basis of the above presentations and discussions, panel members prepared a summary report, for each panel, see Section 2 below. In the last session, the main recommendations of the Symposium were discussed and adopted.

At the close of the Symposium, the Chairman thanked the participants for their contributions. Acting for the participants, he also expressed gratitude to the host Government and to the Secretariat for arranging the meeting.

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