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Chairman of the Steering CommitteeK. Tiews (D)
Chairman of the SymposiumB. Chevassus (F)
Technical SecretaryA.G. Coche (FAO)

Members of the Symposium Panels:
Panel 1:Genetic bases of species improvementsL. Nyman (S)
 Rapporteur: D. Hedgecock (USA) 
1.1Population genetics of finfish, coldwaterY.P. Altukhov (USSR)
1.2Population genetics of finfish, warmwaterY.P. Altukhov (USSR)
1.3Population genetics of crustaceansD. Hedgecock (USA)
1.5Population genetics of molluscs (exc. USSR)F. Blanc (F)
Panel 2:Selective breeding and intraspecific hybridizationG. Naevdal (N)
 Rapporteur: S. Merrill Stavøstrand (N) 
2.1Critical review of methodology - finfishT. Refstie (N)
2.2Critical review of methodology - shellfishC.E. Purdom (GB)
2.3Finfish - coldwater T. Refstie (N)
2.4Finfish - warmwater J. Bakos (H)
2.5Molluscs K.T. Wada (Japan)
2.6Crustaceans(S.R. Malecha)D. Hedgecock (USA)
Panel 3:Interspecific hybridizationW. Villwock (D)
 Rapporteur: Z.L. Krasznai (H) 
3.1Critical review of methodology and potential(A.O. Longwell)D. Hedgecock (USA)
3.2Finfish - coldwater G. Naevdal (N)
3.3Finfish - warmwater Z.L. Krasznai (H)
3.4Molluscs(W. Menzel)D. Hedgecock (USA)
3.5Crustaceans D. Hedgecock (USA)
Panel 4:Genetic manipulationsD. Chourrout (F)
 Rapporteur: W.L. Shelton (USA) 
4.1Critical review of methods, finfishD. Chourrout (F)
4.2Critical review of methods and performances, shellfishS.K. Allen, Jr. (USA) 
4.3Performances, coldwater fishB. Chevassus (F)
4.4Performances, warmwater fishA. Nagy (H)
4.5Sex control of exotics for stockingW.L. Shelton (USA)
Panel 5:Case studies of large-scale breeding programmesG.W. Wohlfarth (Israel)
 Rapporteur: W.L. Shelton (USA) 
5.1Norwegian salmonid programme for production of consumption fish  K. Gunnes (N)
5.2Hungarian programme for European catfish and cyprinids  T. Márián (H)
5.3Israeli warmwater fish programme G.W. Wohlfarth (Israel)
5.4American catfish breeding programme(R.A. Dunham)W.L. Shelton (USA)
5.5Use of trout strains in USA(H.L. Kincaid)W.L. Shelton (USA)
5.7Molluscs in USA (breeding disease resistance)  H.H. Haskin (USA)
5.8Canadian sea ranching programme - East coast J.K. Bailey (Can.)
  5.12Japanese aquaculture programme K. Fujino (Japan)
Panel 6:Conclusions and recommendationsB. Chevassus (F)
 Rapporteurs: W.L. Shelton (USA) and D. Chourrout (F) 
L. Nyman (S), G. Naevdal (N), W. Villwock (D), D. Chourrout (F) and G.W. Wohlfarth (Israel)

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