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14 OCTOBER 1970

The eel fishery operated by Master Fisherman W. Dobberschütz on the River Weser was inspected and discussed with him. There was a demonstration of the method of setting and fishing plastic eel basket traps set in series in line with the river flow at selected localities along the river channel.

Different methods of mounting and fishing stow nets were examined; first of all, by means of stakes driven into the river bed; secondly, mounted on double beams suspended at each side from a boat anchored in the stream of the river, and finally swimming free in the river current. This net is anchored at one side to the bank and maintained in station in the stretched open position by means of an otter board arrangement attached to it by a rope and so angled to the current to maintain a constant pull away from the bank on which the anchor is placed. The otter board could be adjusted to swim out from the bank or to swim into it by pulling a rope to alter the inclination of the rudder attached to it relative to the direction of the river current in which it was located: in this way, the net could be brought to the bank and emptied of eels and afterwards returned to its fishing position.

A launch was kindly placed at the disposal of the delegates by the Hoya River Authority by means of which it was possible to pass along the river and view the various fishing activities in comfort. Mr. Olbricht, Governmental Adviser of the Hoya River Authority received the delegates and accompanied them on their tour of inspection. Mr. Bokeloah, President of the Fishermen's Association of Nienburg also honoured the delegates by his presence.

The Schokker type stow net fishing arrangement operated by Master Fisherman Brauer at Landesbergen was also inspected and its method of operation discussed with the owner.

15 OCTOBER 1970

The eel fishery operated on the Steinhude Lake was inspected.

There was a very interesting demonstration of pair trawling for eels by means of two boats fitted with outboard engines.

Two methods of fishing for eels by means of electricity were demonstrated. A simple but effective method devised and employed by the local fishermen making use of a bank of cadmium batteries connected “in series” was contrasted with a very sophisticated electronic device designed by Dr. Halsband.

A visit was paid to the eel smoking establishment of the firm of Schweer and Kuckuk and great interest was expressed by the delegates in the preparation of the eel for smoking and in the actual smoking process.

16 OCTOBER 1970

The large Pound Nets erected in the Baltic Sea off the coast near the harbour of Grömitz and operated by Master Fisherman Willy Wichmann were visited by means of a boat placed at the disposal of the delegates and much interest was shown in the demonstration of the method of fishing these nets by Mr. Wichmann.

The eel fishery operated by Master Fisherman Wilcken on Lake Plön was inspected and so also was the horizontal grid type eel weir at the outlet of the lake at Ascheberg.

A very interesting and informative account of the operating procedure for these fisheries was given by the owner. He also demonstrated the methods employed by him in the preparation, storage and distribution of eels prepared in various ways for consumption by the public. Great interest was displayed in the attractive retail establishment in which the products of the fishery were sold to the public.

At the conclusion of the study tours the delegates were pleased to have the opportunity of meeting in Kiel and exchanging views on fishery matters with Dr. Pape, Governmental Director of the Ministry of Agriculture of Schleswig Holstein, Mr. H. Kutsch, Governmental Gear Adviser of the Fishery Division of the Chamber of Agriculture, Kiel and Dr. Thurow, Head of the Kiel Station of the Institut für Küsten- und Binnenfischerei.

Tour Itinerary

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