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1. General Information

-   Total area of fishponds

-   Total production (specified to fish species, weight and monetary value)

-   Number of fish farms

2. Bird Problems

Does there occur (locally) a serious waterbird problem, hampering fish production. If yes, which problems are encountered (predation, interference with artificial feeding, spread of fish diseases, disturbance during wintering, etc.)

3. Predation

Enumeration of fish-eating bird species in order of importance (English/French and scientific Latin names). For each single bird species the season in which damage is caused and the status of the species in this season (breeding bird, migrant or winter visitor) should be mentioned.

-   On which fish species (size interval, weight classes) does predation mainly take place;

-   Which ponds are most vulnerable to predation (size, vegetation on banks, water depth, turbidity).

4. Interference with Artificial Feeding

-   Do birds interfere with artificial feeding

-   Which bird species compete in this respect

-   Under which circumstances (feeding places, automatic feeders) and by offering which kind of food (grains, pellets) most damage is caused.

5. Fish Diseases and other Problems

-   Do birds cause damage by spreading diseases

-   If yes, which diseases are spread by which bird species

-   Do predatory birds stress the pond fishes and force them to hide, resulting in a lower growth or mass starvation

-   Do birds disturb fishes in wintering ponds

6. Measures

-   Which preventive of repressive measures have been taken to control damage caused by birds

-   Which measures have proved to be successful

-   Which measures have appeared to be not effective, specially by repeated use

7. Legal Position

-   Which of the above-mentioned bird species are protected by law, either during the whole year or part of the year

-   Are these bird species also legally protected on fish farms.

-   If yes, are special licences granted in case of serious damage on fish farms.

8. Indemnification

-   In case of protected birds, does there exists a (legal) settlement of damages

-   Who is paying the compensation

-   Are subventions granted to take preventive measures on fish farms

9. Research

-   Is research being or has research been done on the kind and extend of the bird problem on fish farms

-   Have investigations been made concerning the most effective techniques preventing bird damage

-   Are there publications in this field

10. Economical Impact

-   Can the direct of indirect damage, caused by birds on fish farms, be expressed in terms of monetary value (US$)

-   If not known, can the economical impact be estimated using other parameters as percentage lack of production or percentage additional losses due to birds.


1. General Information

Total area of production ponds and other facilities (race ways, cage culture). Total production per year in tons for each trout species (English/French and scientific Latin names). Number of trout farms.

2. Bird Problems

Does there occur bird problems.

3. Protection Against Birds

Are any measures taken to protect against birds. If yes, which measures are taken. Which measures are effective and which measures are not. If there are measures, could you then give data (if they exist) from before measures were taken, for comparison.

4. Predation

Enumeration of fish-eating bird species (English/French and scientific Latin names) in order of importance. On which size does predation take place.

5. Diseases

Which diseases are spread.

6. Legal Position

Which of the bird species are protected, and for what period. Are some of them protected outside, but not on the trout farm.

7. Research

What research has been done on the bird problems (e.g., publication).

8. Economical Impact

Is it possible to give a guess on the damage caused by birds. Does the trout farmer get compensation for the damages.


1. General Information

-   Total area of open water, specified to lakes, reservoirs, rivers, etc.

-   Total annual catch (open water fisheries), specified to fish species

-   Total number of professional fishermen

-   Total number of sport fishermen

2. Bird Problems

Are there known problems caused by water birds, hampering commercial fisheries in open water. If yes, which problems are encountered.

3. Predation

Enumeration of fish-eating bird species in order of importance (English/French and scientific Latin names). For each single bird species the season in which damage is caused and the status of the species in this season (breeding bird, migrant or winter visitor) should be mentioned.

-   On which fish species (size interval, weight classes) does predation mainly take place and in which season (including restocked fishes)

-   Which habitats are most vulnerable to predation (size, water depth, vegetation on banks, turbidity).

4. Fish Diseases

-   Do birds cause damage in open waters by spreading fish diseases

-   Do birds eat preferentially sick or dead fishes

-   Do birds disturb fishes causing injuries, resulting in starvation of decreasing economical value

5. Bird Predator Populations

-   Which of the above-mentioned bird-species are protected by law, either during the whole year or part of the year

-   Is the presence of bird-predators recent, old, immemorial, stable, increasing, dropping, during the whole year or part of the year (resident or migrating birds)

-   Can this tendancy be relied to legal position of species

-   Is the presence of birds limited to a strict habitat or not; which habitats are the most used (season); relation with local bird refuges

-   Is there a modification on size, i.e., numbers of fish populations due to bird predation

-   Are there other possible causes (pollution, modification of habitat).

6. Measures

-   Which preventive of repressive measures have been taken to control damage caused by birds

-   Which measures have proved to be successful

-   Which measures have appeared to be not effective, specially by repeated use

7. Research

-   Is the population dynamic of bird predators studied (are natural regulation factors known)

-   Is research being or has research been done on the kind and extend of the bird problem on open waters.

-   Have investigations been made concerning the most effective techniques preventing bird damage

-   Are there publications in this field

8. Economical Impact

-   Can the direct or indirect damage, caused by birds on fish farms, be expressed in terms of monetary value (US$)

-   If it is not known, can the economical impact be estimated using other parameters as percentage lack of production or percentage additional losses due to birds.

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