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7.1 Association R�gionale pour l’Irrigation et le Drainage

The Regional Association for Irrigation and Drainage (ARID) was created in July 1996 with the financial support of France and FAO, with the following objectives:

The actual Provisional Executive Bureau is comprised of :

The First Ordinary General Assembly is due to take place in Accra in January 1998, when the membership of the Executive Bureau will be decided.

It is planned to associate ARID members from 23 countries in western and central Africa. A first ARID Newsletter was published in July 1997 at EIER, Ouagadougou (Section 2.1). It is hoped that some financial support will become available in the future from the World Bank.

7.2 Wetland Development and Management

The Wetland Development and Management (WEDEM) network covers the sub-Saharan African countries.

Supported by FAO, it aims at promoting the development and management of inland valley bottoms, dambos, lake banks and other types of wetlands.

7.3 Consortium des Bas-Fonds

The Inland Valley Bottoms Consortium has its headquarters in the West-African Rice Development Association (WARDA) at Bouak�, C�te d’Ivoire, a member of CGIAR.

It provides support to small research projects involving inland valley bottoms in various countries (for example, Ghana, Burkina Faso) where the network has a national correspondent.

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