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Coche, A.G. (ed./rev.), 1994. Aquaculture development and research in sub-Saharan Africa. National reviews/D�veloppement et recherche aquacoles en Afrique subsaharienne. Revues nationales. CIFA Tech.Pap./, (23 Suppl.):397p.

Coche, A.G. and J. Collins, 1997. Supporting aquaculture development in Africa: aquatic farming systems information network. A report prepared for the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service of the FAO Fisheries Department. CIFA Occ.Pap., (22):72p.

Coche, A.G., and A. M�ller-Fall, 1993. Propositions de d�veloppement piscicole en zone Office Riz S�gou et en zone Office du Niger-Macina. S�gou, Mali, Doc. Travail, Progr. R�habilitation des grands am�nagements hydro-agricoles de l’Office du Niger et de l’Office Riz S�gou, Carl Bro Intern./Agristudio, Projet FED 6100.32.37.027, 62p. + 8 ann.

Coche, A.G., B.A. Haight and M.M.J. Vincke, 1994. Aquaculture development and research in sub-Saharan Africa. Synthesis of national reviews and indicative action plan for research. CIFA Tech.Pap., (23):151p.

FAO, 1995. The Special Programme for Food Security. Rome, FAO, SPFS/DOC/12, 13p.

FAO/AGLW, 1995a. Irrigation in Africa in figures/L’irrigation en Afrique en chiffres. Water Reports/Rapports sur l’eau, (7):336p.

FAO/AGLW, 1995b. Water resources of African countries: a review. Rome, FAO, 35p.

FAO/FIDI, 1997. Aquaculture production statistics 1986-1995. FAO Fish.Circ., (815, Rev.9):195p.

Redding, T.A. and A.B. Midlen, 1991. Fish production in irrigation canals. A review. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (317):111p.

van der Mheen, H., 1996. Mission report. Feasibility study for integrating aquaculture and irrigation at the pilot sites of the Special Programme for Food Security in Zambia. Harare, FAO/ALCOM, 24p.

van der Mheen, H., 1997. Integrated small-scale irrigation and aquaculture. Mission report. Harare, FAO, 54p.

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