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Martinez-Espinosa, M. (comp.)
Report of the Expert Consultation on Small-scale Rural Aquaculture. Rome, Italy, 28-31 May 1996.
FAO Fisheries Report. No. 548 Rome, FAO. 1996. 182p.

The objective of the Consultation was to provide FAO and its members with information and advice on the role of small-scale aquaculture in rural development. To this end, participants were asked to analyze and reflect on four keynote papers prepared by selected participants. The keynote papers covered four themes, identified in an overview paper: "Options for small-scale aquaculture development". The four themes were:

· Defining objectives and indicators and identifying target groups.

· The implications of integrating small-scale aquaculture within agriculture and rural development.

· The institutional context: the roles of the public/private sector.

· Options in research methods/approaches and mechanism for extension based on research results.

In addition, four information papers were presented and discussed. This document presents a summary of discussions and principal conclusions reached, followed by abstracts and full versions of the overview and thematic papers plus the abstracts of the information papers.

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