Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics


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LISTS top of page
  List of countries or areas 
  Exchange rates 
A. SUMMARIES top of page
A-1a Disposition of world fishery production  
A-1b Disposition of fishery production - Developed countries  
A-1c Disposition of fishery production - Developing countries  
A-2 Estimated total international trade in fishery commodities  
A-3 International trade in fishery commodities by principal importers and exporters  
A-4 International exports of fishery commodities by the Harmonized System and FAO ISSCFC  
A-5 International exports of fishery commodities by FAO ISSCAAP  
A-6 Total value of international trade of seven fishery commodity groups, by continent, by countries or areas  
A-7 The relative importance of trade in fishery products in 2015  
A-8 Imports and exports by country and by seven fishery commodity groups  
1 Fish for ornamental purposes  
2 Carps, live  
3 Eels, live  
4 Trouts, live  
5 Fish, other, live  
6 Freshwater fishes, fresh or chilled  
7 Eels, fresh or chilled  
8 Salmons, fresh or chilled  
9 Trouts, fresh or chilled  
10 Salmonidae, other, fresh or chilled  
11 Halibut, fresh or chilled  
12 Plaice, fresh or chilled  
13 Common Sole, fresh or chilled  
14 Flatfishes, other, fresh or chilled  
15 Cods, fresh or chilled  
16 Haddock, fresh or chilled  
17 Saithe (=Pollock), fresh or chilled  
18 Hake, fresh or chilled  
19 Gadiformes, other, fresh or chilled  
20 Seabream, seabass, fresh or chilled  
21 Snappers, groupers, croakers, drums, fresh or chilled  
22 Redfishes, fresh or chilled  
23 Angler (=Monk), fresh or chilled  
24 Demersal and coastal fishes, other, fresh or chilled  
25 Herrings, fresh or chilled  
26 Sardines, sardinellas, brisling or sprats, fresh or chilled  
27 Clupeoids, other, fresh or chilled  
28 Skipjack or bonito, fresh or chilled  
29 Albacore (=longfin tuna), fresh or chilled  
30 Yellowfin tuna, fresh or chilled  
31 Tunas, other and tuna-like fishes, fresh or chilled  
32 Mackerels, fresh or chilled  
33 Jack and horse mackerel, fresh or chilled  
34 Pelagic fishes, other, fresh or chilled  
35 Sharks, rays, chimaeras, fresh or chilled  
36 Livers, roes, fresh or chilled  
37 Miscellaneous fishes, fresh or chilled  
38 Freshwater fishes, frozen  
39 Eels, frozen  
40 Atlantic and Danube salmon, frozen  
41 Salmon, Pacific, frozen  
42 Trouts, frozen  
43 Salmonidae, other, frozen  
44 Halibut, frozen  
45 Plaice, frozen  
46 Common sole, frozen  
47 Flatfishes, other, frozen  
48 Cods, frozen  
49 Haddock, frozen  
50 Saithe (=Pollock), frozen  
51 Hake, frozen  
52 Gadiformes, other, frozen  
53 Seabream, seabass, frozen  
54 Snappers, groupers, croakers, drums, frozen  
55 Redfishes, frozen  
56 Angler (=Monk), frozen  
57 Demersal and coastal fishes, other, frozen  
58 Herrings, frozen  
59 Sardines, sardinellas, brisling or sprats, frozen  
60 Clupeoids, other, frozen  
61 Skipjack or bonitos, frozen  
62 Albacore (=longfin tuna), frozen  
63 Yellowfin tuna, frozen  
64 Tunas, other and tuna-like fishes, frozen  
65 Mackerels, frozen  
66 Jack and horse mackerel, frozen  
67 Capelin, frozen  
68 Pelagic fishes, other, frozen  
69 Sharks, rays, chimaeras, frozen  
70 Liver, roes, frozen  
71 Miscellaneous fishes, frozen  
72 Fish fillets, fresh or chilled  
73 Fish fillets, frozen  
74 Fish meat, other (whether or not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen  
75 Fish meal fit for human consumption  
76 Cods, dried, whether or not salted  
77 Herrings, sardines, anchovies, dried, whether or not salted  
78 Fish, other, dried, whether or not salted  
79 Cods, hakes, haddocks, salted or in brine  
80 Herrings, sardines, anchovies, salted or in brine  
81 Fish, others, salted or in brine  
82 Salmons and other salmonoids, smoked  
83 Herrings, smoked  
84 Fish, other, smoked  
85 Shark fins, dried, salted  
86 Livers, roes, dried, salted, in brine or smoked  
87 Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine  
88 Salmons, prepared or preserved  
89 Herrings, prepared or preserved  
90 Sardines, sardinellas, brisling or sprats, prepared or preserved  
91 Anchovies, prepared or preserved  
92 Tunas and bonitos, prepared or preserved  
93 Mackerels, prepared or preserved  
94 Fish, other, prepared or preserved  
95 Other fish preparations  
96 Caviar and caviar substitutes  
97 Lobsters, not frozen  
98 Lobsters, frozen  
99 Crabs, not frozen  
100 Crabs, frozen  
101 Shrimps and prawns, not frozen  
102 Shrimps and prawns, frozen  
103 Abalones, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
104 Oysters, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
105 Mussels, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
106 Scallops, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
107 Clams, cockles, arkshells, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
108 Squids and cuttlefishes, live, fresh or chilled  
109 Squids and cuttlefishes, frozen  
110 Octopuses, live, fresh or chilled  
111 Octopuses, frozen  
112 Squids, cuttlefishes and octopuses, dried, salted, in brine, smoked  
113 Sea cucumber, live, fresh, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
114 Jellyfish, live, fresh, chilled, forzen, dried, salted, or in brine  
115 Sea-urchins, live, fresh, frozen, dried, salted, in brine  
116 Other crustaceans, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried or salted  
117 Other molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried or salted  
118 Crabs, prepared or preserved  
119 Lobsters, prepared or preserved  
120 Shrimps and prawns, prepared or preserved  
121 Crustaceans, other, prepared or preserved  
122 Molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved  
123 Fish liver oils  
124 Fats and oils of fish (other than liver oils) and aquatic mammals  
125 Meals and similar animal feeding stuff, of aquatic animal origin  
126 Fish waste  
127 Coral and similar material, unworked or simply prepared  
128 Natural sponges of animal origin  
129 Seaweeds and other algae  
130 Agar - Agar  
APPENDIXES top of page
I Fish and fishery products - apparent consumption  
II World fishery production: estimated value by groups of species  
III Trade flow by region  
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