February 1998



Twentieth Session

Praia do Carvoeiro, Portugal, 23 June - 1 July 1998

PROSPECTUS - Symposium on Water for Sustainable Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture



  The prime objective for the Symposium, to be held in connection with the 20th Session of EIFAC, is to establish the place of inland fisheries and aquaculture in the context of water management. The Symposium should focus on institutional, administrative and legal instruments for a fair allocation of water to these sectors. The Symposium aims at examining the requirement for water for inland fisheries and aquaculture, the social, economic and policy dimension of water use with particular reference to inland fisheries and aquaculture.


The Symposium will be conducted in English. It will consist of six consecutive sessions held over a period of four days (from Tuesday noon, 23 June to Friday, 26 June 1998):

A. Assessment of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of water resources

This session shall focus on hydrological characteristics of lakes (natural and man-made), rivers and canals, and the sub-regional variation in per capita availability of water. Apart from growing pressure in quantitative terms, the vulnerability of the resource associated with pollution load will be examined to pinpoint (threats of) reduced use options of water. Case studies should illuminate how these major aspects of the water resource may be identified and interpreted in the context of river basins and/or in other representative areas (within the EIFAC region).

B. Water requirements of inland aquaculture systems

In this session, the quantity, quality and availability of water required in aquaculture will be discussed for various technologies, grouped according to the degree of intensification into high-technology systems on land, intensive aquaculture (e.g. cages), semi-intensive aquaculture (ponds), extensive aquaculture (ponds), and integrated systems (e.g. rice-cum-fish culture).

C. Water requirements for inland fisheries

This session will address quality, quantity and seasonality of water supplies in support of commercial and recreational fisheries. Case histories for lakes, reservoirs, rivers and canals will be considered. Particular attention will be devoted to in-stream flow and other methodologies for evaluating the needs of fish communities for water. Impact on fish of altered flow regimes in natural, degraded and rehabilitated systems will also be considered.

D. Water resources issues and conflicts

The session will discuss interactions with other users of water, in particular, competition for water, conflicts arising from multiple-use of water, and ways of cooperation between users of water, e.g., agriculture, hydropower companies, and urban supplies. As charges for water use are becoming increasingly common in Europe, schemes such as the Polluter Pay Principle (PPP) will be explored.

E. Strategic planning of water resources

The water policies with regard to development, allocation and use in various countries will be presented in this Session. Institutional arrangements needed at regional and national level for negotiating fisheries interests in the process of water resources allocation will be described. Case studies for successes in appropriate water resources planning and pollution reduction will also be included.

F. Conclusions and recommendations


Persons intending to participate in this Symposium are requested to indicate their interest to the EIFAC Secretariat as soon as possible. Further information regarding accommodation, etc., will be sent to prospective participants later.


The Symposium will be conducted in English.


Participants are invited to submit written papers to the Symposium. Authors should send an abstract of their proposed paper (minimum 200, maximum 400 words, and including the author's full address), in English, to the Convenor of the Symposium and to the Technical Secretary of the Symposium (see Section 7) before 30 November 1997.

Authors can state their preference for one of the following means of presentation: (a) a short oral presentation (10-15 minutes), (b) discussion by an expert panel, (c) poster display. The Symposium Steering Committee reserves the right to reallocate the form of presentation depending on the number of papers submitted.

Authors should indicate the Topic, as listed in Section 3, which best describes the subject matter of their paper. The Steering Committee reserves the right to alter this allocation, depending in part on the nature of the contributions received.

Authors will receive confirmation of the acceptance of their paper as soon as possible after the deadline for the receipt of abstracts. It is the intention of the Steering Committee that those papers meeting the required standard be published. However, a publisher may not be chosen until nearer to the date of the Symposium; therefore, the exact format required may not be known until a later date.

Manuscripts should be typed in single spacing on both sides of bond paper, standard A-4 size (21 x 29.7 cm). Designate chapter headings by capital letters; section headings should be in lower case with initial capitals and underlined, and subsections in lower case and not underlined. Ample margins should be left at top, bottom and both sides of each sheet. The sheets should be numbered consecutively. The first page should be the title page and table of contents, the second the summary. The text must not exceed the equivalent of 3 000 words in length, including figures, tables and references.

To facilitate the editing and the publication of the papers, word-processing programmes supported by MS/DOS such as Word 6.0 or WordPerfect 5.1 should be used and the appropriate disc forwarded to the EIFAC Secretariat.

Thirty copies of the final version of the paper and the diskette will have to be sent to the EIFAC Secretariat, by 30 April 1998. These will be distributed to the Symposium Steering Committee members and Panel members in order to prepare for the panels and to select a certain number of papers for oral presentation.

120 copies of the final version of the paper will have to be sent to the Symposium Liaison Officer, clearly labelled "EIFAC Symposium", to arrive in Portugal before the end of May 1998, at the following address:

Manuel Rodrigues Pereira
Chefe de Divisão
Relações Públicas
Direccão-Geral das Florestas
Av.a João Crisóstomo No. 26-28
1050 Lisboa

A separate copy, in double spacing and printed on one side of A-4 paper, should be sent to Mr R. Müller, the Convenor of the Symposium before 30 April 1998.


Chairman of the Symposium
Department of Zoology
Tel: (+46-8) 164020
Fax: (+46-8) 167715
E-mail: [email protected]

EAWAG, Fisheries Section
CH-6047 Kastanienbaum
Tel: (+41-41)349 2130
Fax: (+41-41)349 2168
E-mail: [email protected]

Technical Secretary

Heiner NAEVE
EIFAC Secretariat
Via delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel: (+39-6)5705 6442
Fax: (+39-6)5705 3020
E-mail: [email protected]