Fishing Safety

Training of trainers

FAO and the FISH Safety Foundation (FSF) developed in 2019-2020 a comprehensive package of Train-the-Trainer materials on safety at sea for small-scale fishers. The package was prepared with inputs from safety at sea professionals in the Caribbean region.

Photo credit: ©FAO/Raymon van Anrooy

The package of training materials includes modules on:

  • General safety
  • Personal safety
  • Survival at sea
  • Vessel Stability
  • Emergency preparation
  • Safety risk management
  • Safe operation of outboard motors
  • Boat handling
  • Emergency first aid
  • Communication
  • Basic maritime traffic rules

A dedicated online Train-the-Trainer environment has been developed, which includes the above modules, additional resources (such as instruction videos), a blog and a community forum for trainers. The information on the website is regularly updated with new modules.

Trainers on fishing safety for small-scale fishers, who would like to make use of the package, can request free access by sending an e-mail to [email protected].