La sécurité dans le secteur de la pêche

Grenada’s Fishing Vessel Captain’s Training Program

Six fishing districts (i.e. St. George, St. John, St. Mark, St. Andrew, St. Patrick and Carriacou and Petite Martinique) - Grenada, 27/07/2020 - 20/11/2020

The Windward Islands Research & Education Foundation (WINDREF) at St. George’s University in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate Resilience, Environment, Forestry, Fisheries and Disaster Management of Grenada implemented a Captain’s Training programme under the FAO-GEF “Climate Change Adaptation of the fisheries sector in the Eastern Caribbean (CC4FISH) Project”.

The training programme successfully completed fourteen one-week captains training courses during the period July to November 2020. A total of 301 fishers, including 9 females, graduated at the end of the program with a Level 1 and Level 11 Captain’s Permit.

The courses covered 12 modules including; maritime rules of the road, navigation, conflict resolution, global positions systems, seamanship and boat handling, VHF communication, Safety at sea, distress procedures/search and rescue, first aid, marine conservation, fisheries regulations and outboard engine care and maintenance.

Each fisher received a certificate of participation, a Captains’ Permit and a new VHF Radio with GPS upon completion of the program. The course was coordinated by Mr. Roland Baldeo of WINDREF.