La sécurité dans le secteur de la pêche

Train the Trainer: Advancing Fishing Safety for Small-Scale Fishers in the Philippines


Cebu, Philippines – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) of the Philippines successfully carried out the Train the Trainer Programme on Safety at Sea for Small Scale Fishers in Cebu, Philippines.

Fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Intensified typhoons and storm surges threaten safety at sea and pose higher risks of damages to fishing boats and gears. The Philippines employs 2.4 million registered municipal and small scale fisherfolk. Because it is highly dependent on weather, the fisheries and aquaculture sector is very vulnerable to shocks brought by climate change and natural hazards.

The training, held from October 16-19 2023, provided the knowledge base and practical experience in presenting safety training to small-scale fishers. Local insight and knowledge were encouraged and used in the exercises. The initiative is part of the global project on climate change adaptation funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and implemented by FAO.

The training was facilitated by Mr. Darren Mitchell of the Fish Safety Foundation. A total of 32 participants, including representatives from BFAR and fishers’ organizations from 12 regions, engaged in theoretical and practical sessions.

The four days of Train the Trainer training covered a wide range of topics such as effective learning methods, emergency preparedness, radio communication, boat basics and first aid at sea.

This training initiative is supporting the Philippines to improve the safety at sea services for municipal and small-scale fishers. The overall aim is to promote a safety culture and reduce the number of injuries, fatalities as well as damage to vessels, gears, and the environment.