International commercial fishing management regime safety study: synthesis of case reports. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1073
Commercial fishing is a dangerous occupation. The degree of danger is in part a function of the options of fishers’ choices about the risks they take, such as the weather they fish in, the boats they use, the rest they obtain, and the safety gear they carry. How fisheries are managed may affect the options of fishers and trade-offs as they make these choices – thus affecting the safety of the fishery. FAO contracted researchers to prepare country-specific case studies on fisheries management and safety in 16 countries. Each case study was reviewed to identify evidence supporting, or refuting, one or more of four hypotheses regarding potential effects of fisheries management policies on fishing safety. Where evidence was found for a hypothesis, the strength of the evidence was then evaluated. This publication presents the results and analyses of the case studies as well as conclusions and recommendations.