La sécurité dans le secteur de la pêche


2018 - Roshan, M.
Cyclone Ockhi: Disaster Risk Management and Sea Safety in the Indian Marine Fisheries Sector.
2018 - Roberts, S.E. ; Williams, J.C
RESEARCH PROJECT 578 - Update of mortality for workers in the UK merchant shipping and fishing sectors
2016 - Knapp, G.
Commercial fishing is a dangerous occupation. The degree of danger is in part a function of the options of fishers’ choices about the risks they take, such as the weather they fish in, the boats they use, the rest they...
2015 - FAO
These Technical Guidelines support authorities to develop and implement strategies to improve safety, health and working conditions in fisheries operations. The Guidelines cover the following subjects: Data and information collection and analysis to improve safety, national fisheries sector inventories (baseline...
2014 - FAO/ILO/IMO
Ces directives visent à aider les ministères de la Mer, du Travail et des Pêches (et tout autre ministère concerné) à mettre en oeuvre les trois instruments de la FAO, l’OIT et l’OMI concernant la conception, la construction et l’équipement...