Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)


FAO and Sweden further intensify their fruitful partnership to achieve global food and nutrition security
The annual consultation meeting between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and FAO took place on Wednesday, 30 May, at FAO Headquarters in Rome. FAO recognized the valuable support provided by Sida and other Swedish partners to the FAO Programme of Work, particularly to the core funding, the unearmarked...
L'entrepreneuriat agricole suscite de l’espoir pour les jeunes Éthiopiens
Amiat Ahmed, 27 ans, et son fils de 2 ans vivent avec les parents d'Amiat dans la zone Wollo Sud de la région Amhara, en Éthiopie. Comme beaucoup d'autres jeunes de sa région, Amiat avait le sentiment que les possibilités de gagner un revenu dans son village étaient limitées, ce...
A successful model to engage Senegalese youth in agriculture
Since 2015, FAO has been working to make Senegalese agri-food systems more youth-inclusive, through its Integrated Country Approach (ICA) for promoting decent rural employment and in partnership with the Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l'Emploi des Jeunes (ANPEJ).Senegal is a youthful country, with over 60 percent of people below the...
Good governance propels FLR in Carood Watershed in Bohol, Philippines
Forests are integral to providing environmental, social and economic services to the people in the Philippines. Alarmingly, forest cover declined from 16.9 million hectares in 1934 to 8.04 million hectares in 2015. To address this problem, FAO through its Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) is supporting the government of...
