Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)


The Government of Norway Renews its Support to FAO’s Flexible Voluntary Contribution, with 180 million Norwegian Krone.
Uganda - Drying racks provided by the project helped improve the processing and the quality of silverfish, making them available for human consumption and sell at higher prices. ©FAO/Agatha Ayebazibwe. The Government of Norway through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) has signed a new contribution agreement totalling NOK 180 million (approximately USD 18 million) to support the...
Flexible Voluntary Contribution funds support countries to enhance climate actions in the livestock sector
Sustainable livestock systems can be a major player in the fight against climate change, poverty and food insecurity. By addressing climate change in the livestock sector, countries are doing their part to achieve the Paris Agreement’s long-term objectives, while building more sustainable, climate-resilient and low-emission agrifood systems.
Improving the Governance of pastoral lands in Mauritania
This story was produced thanks to activities implemented under the Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC): "Leveraging global instruments and knowledge products" to improve the governance of pastoral lands in Mauritania. The project contributed, among others, to the establishment of regional transhumance committees for peaceful solutions to conflicts linked to local and cross-border...
Returning to make rural areas in Tunisia flourish
Like many young people in Tunisia, Mohamed hit a crossroads when his family lost their livelihood. He migrated to the capital city to make money, but he made it his goal to return and restart their sheep business. Mohamed Ali Gaidi takes his sheep out to graze at dusk. This is...
