Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)

FAO and Sweden further intensify their fruitful partnership to achieve global food and nutrition security


The annual consultation meeting between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and FAO took place on Wednesday, 30 May, at FAO Headquarters in Rome. FAO recognized the valuable support provided by Sida and other Swedish partners to the FAO Programme of Work, particularly to the core funding, the unearmarked contributions to the FAO Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism (FMM), the provision of expertise through seconded officers and Swedish Associate Professional Officers, and the funding of humanitarian and other global, regional, and country-level programmes.

FAO’s Resource Mobilization Division led the discussion on the FAO-Sida strategic priorities, the ongoing progress of projects, programmes and activities, and possible new areas of collaboration. Other divisions of FAO provided updates on various fields of partnership, including emergency and rehabilitation, forest and farm facility, SDG statistics, environmental mainstreaming, and FAO’s new cost recovery policy.

1. No poverty, 2. Zero hunger, 5. Gender equality, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 10. Reduced inequalities, 13. Climate action, 14. Life below water, 15. Life on land, 17. Partnership for the goals
