Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)

Flexible Pooled Funding Mechanisms Can Drive Transformative Change


The main linchpin for the successful implementation of Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the strategic leveraging of the full potential of multiple financial flows. Finance is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to implementing the SDGs. However, development analysts have also suggested that the SDG’s financial gap is rather symptomatic of a business model gap, therefore preferring impact-based business models in which the delivery of transformative impacts drives business success. According to the UN Secretary General, previous sectoral policy-making or a “goal-by-goal approach” will not achieve the SDGs. Instead, appropriate SDG implementation mix at the local level by Governments warrants strongly integrated planning underpinned by strategic thinking and policy integration.

1. No poverty, 2. Zero hunger, 5. Gender equality, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 10. Reduced inequalities, 13. Climate action, 14. Life below water, 15. Life on land, 17. Partnership for the goals
