Instrumento de contribuciones voluntarias flexibles (FVC)

FMM Resource Partner Consultation: evaluation of achievements as the FMM continues to build momentum


On Monday, 27 June 2022, the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism held its first Resource Partner Consultation of the year. Resource Partners represented at the meeting included: Australia, BelgiumItalyNew ZealandNorwaySweden and Switzerland.

The Consultation began with opening remarks from Mr Alexander Jones, Director of the FAO Resource Mobilization and Private Sector Partnerships Division (PSR), which on behalf of the Deputy Director General (DDG), Beth Bechdol, highlighted the progress made, improved performance and expanded partnerships under the FMM over the past years. Mr Jones emphasized that with the support of its Resource Partners, the FMM was able to address many of the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and the major repercussions for agriculture and food systems. Through flexible and voluntary funding, seven new Subprogrammes were launched that directly addressed COVID-19 impacts and FAO’s work to build back better.

The PSR Director expressed his appreciation for the continuing generosity of FMM resource partners, especially in the complex, multifaceted international environment. Increased food prices, disruptions in shipping and supply chain problems have resulted in the FMM operating in a whole new dimension. Mr Jones concluded by stating that he is pleased to know that the FMM’s resource partners have continued to show interest in the Mechanism, therefore supporting FAO’s Strategic Framework and contributing to the achievement of the SDGs.

Mr Festus Akinnifesi, Executive Coordinator of Multi-Partner Initiatives (PSR), who also moderated the event, presented an update of the progress made by the Mechanism and highlighted the key achievements in 2021. Despite the challenges faced around the world, the FMM was able to make remarkable improvements throughout the year. These included the growth and diversification of the Mechanism from 9 to 11 resource partners, the increased volume of resources contributed to the FMM (USD 67 million) and the use and analysis of communication materials, such as the Digital Field Trip. 

Mr Akinnifesi concluded by looking ahead to the new phase of the FMM, starting in 2023. The FMM has increased its momentum over the last four years, and FAO looks forward to the opportunity for an expanded portfolio in the next phase. He thanked the resource partners for their support and emphasized that the increased engagement of the resource partners in the current phase of the FMM is of great value. 

This dynamic participation was also present in the consultation itself, where the resource partners shared their views on the results and progress of the FMM in the past year.

According to Ms Anne Wetlesen, Senior Advisor, Norad, “Norway commends the FMM for the efforts it has done in attracting new resource partners that also resulted in increased funding in 2021, which needs to continue to grow to achieve the SDGs and FAO’s strategic framework.” She expressed her appreciation for the innovative organization of the Digital Field Trip, as a way to connect with the beneficiaries and FAO staff in the field.

Mr Mats Ǻberg, Senior Programme Manager, Sida, first welcomed Mr Benjamin Ross (who represented Australia) and Ms Jenny Reid (who represented New Zealand) to the FMM as new resource partners and expressed his hope that the current partners will continue to contribute to the Mechanism. He echoed the comments of Ms Wetlesen on the organization of the Digital Field Trip and acknowledged the use of Success Stories in FMM’s reporting and on its web portal.

For Switzerland, Ms Isabelle Fragnière acknowledged the improved delivery of FMM Programme 2 (Resilience and sustainable food systems), which was a priority for Switzerland. She praised the increased diversification of the Mechanism’s resource partnership base and the achievement of the FMM’s largest annual contribution ever in 2021.

Ms Nathalie Cassiers, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Belgium to FAO, who also represented Flanders at the consolation, stated that flexible funding remains a cornerstone in multilateral cooperation. She stated that “in uncertain times, non-earmarked funding offers the Organization space to use the means where most needed.”

Lastly, Resource Partners commended the FMM’s focus on innovation and enquired whether there are any prospects for collaboration between FMM and the private sector.

Ms Beth Bechdol, FAO Deputy Director-General (DDG), gave the closing remarks, highlighting the strategic importance of the FMM as “an effective model for pooled funding that is intended to deliver more tangible results and ultimately achieves the SDGs.” On a personal note, she believes in the importance of flexible funding in helping create synergies and drive change. She stated that the results the FMM has brought forward for more than 10 years show that impact can be generated. She also stressed that we will need to work together to make the Mechanism more targeted and transformational. She believes that, today, the FMM has reached a point where it allows us to better work together as new challenges and crises emerge.

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