Instrumento de contribuciones voluntarias flexibles (FVC)

The Government of Norway Renews its Support to FAO’s Flexible Voluntary Contribution, with 180 million Norwegian Krone.


Uganda - Drying racks provided by the project helped improve the processing and the quality of silverfish, making them available for human consumption and sell at higher prices. ©FAO/Agatha Ayebazibwe.

The Government of Norway through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) has signed a new contribution agreement totalling NOK 180 million (approximately USD 18 million) to support the new phase of FAO’s Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC). The contribution will help support implementation of the FVC programmes and initiatives over the next four years. The agreement reaffirms Norway’s strong support for flexible funds in the context of the UN Funding Compact, and with emphasis on transformation to a more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-food systems for better production, better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind.

The FVC is FAO’s main pooled Flexible Fund for supporting development work across the Organization at global, regional and country levels. Specifically, Norway’s contribution will enable FAO to support the Organization’s four aspirational impacts: a better production, a better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, in support of the SDGs, leaving no-one behind. Through its support to the FVC, Norway is joining hands with other FVC Resource Partners to transform lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people in developing countries.

Norway joined the FVC in 2019 with a contribution of NOK 90 million over three years (2019-21). In 2020, the Government of Norway made an additional multi-year contribution of NOK 86 million, thus a total of NOK 176 million (approx. USD 20.7 million). With this new contribution, Norway’s cumulative contribution to the FVC totals 356 million NOK (approx. USD 38.7 million).

FAO and Norway have a long-standing partnership built on shared values, goals and global commitments to achieving development impacts.  Norway’s cooperation has been directed towards food security through the eradication of poverty and hunger, including food and agricultural emergency and rehabilitation assistance. Norway’s contributions support work across FAO’s areas of work and have enabled the Organization to deliver notable results in key thematic areas, for example spanning forestry, fisheries, the right to food, climate-smart agriculture, and food loss and waste.

In particular, Noway is partnering with the FVC to broadly support FAO’s work on agri-food systems transformation, including governance innovation for the sustainable development of food systems, mainstreaming nutrition, and broad area of sustainable environment, especially on climate change, biodiversity and genetic resources, building green cities, supporting indigenous peoples’ food systems, sustainable food productivity, climate smart agriculture, resilient livelihoods, women empowerment, small scale fisheries, and the fight against the insect pests, such as the Fall Army Worm. This partnership is strategic for achieving even synergies, catalytic impacts, cost-effectiveness and innovation.

As one of its top contributors and a major advocate of flexible funding, Norway’s collaboration with FAO, along with other resource partners, has boosted the growing momentum for the FVC and signals a positive step in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Since its establishment in 2010, the FVC has received over USD 190 million in flexible voluntary contributions and has supported about 65 projects that are improving the lives and livelihoods of female and male farmers, as well as rural community dwellers in over 80 countries across five regions. The new FVC phase (2022–2025) anticipates an expanded financial portfolio and resource partnership base. Therefore, more Resource Partners wishing to contribute to flexible funds, both non-earmarked and soft-earmarked windows, are important for the growth of the Fund and are most welcome.

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