Instrumento de contribuciones voluntarias flexibles (FVC)

A Global Network on Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs


Ethiopia: Empowering Agricultural Innovation: Agri-innovation Bootcamp in Ethiopia

In the heart of the agricultural landscape where innovation and tradition intersect, Ethiopia's Digital Agriculture Innovation Hubs bootcamp - in partnership with the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and the Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI)- took the lead in adding positive change to the country’s agrifood systems. This dynamic initiative was designed to address critical challenges in the agriculture sector, providing sustainable and profitable solutions while nurturing the potential of young minds and women entrepreneurs.

The Agri-Innovation Bootcamp was not meant to be a competition, but a glimmer of hope for a better future for Ethiopian agriculture. This two-week programme was specifically designed for start-ups whose concepts have reached a certain level of maturity and are ready to be transformed into viable commercial ventures. The aim was to drive innovation and find concrete solutions to the pressing challenges of the agricultural sector in the country.

One of the core aspects of the bootcamp was the commitment to capacity building among youth and women. It is no secret that innovation thrives when diverse perspectives are considered, and the Agri-Innovation Bootcamp lived up to this principle. The event nurtured a conducive atmosphere for young entrepreneurs and women innovators, promoting the flourishing of novel ideas.

Batiso Beyene Gabiso embarked on it with a project titled Manufacturing of Plow, Seeding and Water Pumping Machine. Reflecting on his experience, he shared, “I learned so much from the training sessions, the mentors, the coordinators, and the other participants. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this experience and made it possible. The training sessions were very helpful and informative. They taught me how to improve my skills, how to work in a team, and how to pitch my ideas. The organizers were talented, creative, passionate, and friendly. Bootcamp life was a life-changing experience that gave me confidence, knowledge, inspiration, and memories I will never forget.’’ 
Apart from the training aspect, the selected participants had the opportunity to network and showcase innovative concepts. This spotlight gave them the opportunity to present their ideas to a wider audience, attracting potential partners, investors, and collaborators. This is a crucial step on the way to transforming a concept into a commercially successful business.

A Journey of Learning and Transformation

Through a design thinking approach, participants were taught essential skills that are paramount for entrepreneurial success. The training lasted ten days, during which the participants explored design thinking techniques, entrepreneurship fundamentals and basic business skills. 

From refining business models to mastering the art of pitching, participants were guided through a holistic curriculum that enabled them to effectively develop, validate and present their business ideas. The experiential learning methodology ensured that they were not just passive learners, but active contributors to their own growth.

Closing the Loop with Impact

One of the pivotal outcomes involved the discernment of the top fifteen business ideas, each demonstrating promising potential for market connections and promotional advantages. Beyond mere acknowledgment, the focus lied in cultivating these concepts, fostering an environment where they can truly thrive in practical settings.

Yonata Yilma, senior business development service advisor at EDI pointed how the bootcamp was a game changer in the improvement of the participants projects, “throughout the bootcamp innovators had the opportunity to test their ideas, develop business models, communicate, and finally pitch for market linkage activity. Some of the teams that participated in the bootcamps have drastically changed their ideas and presented much better business models on the final rounds than when they started. The practical and exercise driven training allowed the teams to test the feasibility, viability and desirability of their products as well as work out the financial projections so that they are developing market driven agriculture innovations. In addition, the training changed the mindset from subsistence entrepreneurial innovator to disruptive and opportunity based entrepreneurial innovators and contribute towards the transformation of Ethiopian agriculture.’’

The top 15 business ideas received special recognition, a testament to their potential and innovation. This recognition came with the promise that they'd be connected to the market and have the potential to scale up. Through the strategic collaboration of these innovators with investors and partners, the bootcamp has paved the way for their solutions to cross borders and ensure a wide reach and profound impact on a wider audience.

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