Instrumento de contribuciones voluntarias flexibles (FVC)
Mecanismo flexible multiasociados


Países receptores: Inter Regional
ODS relacionados:
1. No poverty,2. Zero hunger,5. Gender equality,8. Decent work and economic growth,10. Reduced inequalities,14. Life below water
Países receptores: Regional Africa
ODS relacionados:
2. Zero hunger,8. Decent work and economic growth,9. Industry innovation and infrastructure,10. Reduced inequalities,12. Responsible consumption and production,14. Life below water,17. Partnership for the goals
Países receptores: Regional Europe
ODS relacionados:
2. Zero hunger,8. Decent work and economic growth,9. Industry innovation and infrastructure,10. Reduced inequalities,12. Responsible consumption and production,14. Life below water,17. Partnership for the goals
Países receptores: Global,@@@a href=""###Senegal@@@/a###
ODS relacionados:
1. No poverty,2. Zero hunger,5. Gender equality,8. Decent work and economic growth,10. Reduced inequalities,14. Life below water
Países receptores: Global
ODS relacionados:
1. No poverty,2. Zero hunger,5. Gender equality,8. Decent work and economic growth,10. Reduced inequalities,14. Life below water
Países receptores: Global
ODS relacionados:
2. Zero hunger,8. Decent work and economic growth,9. Industry innovation and infrastructure,10. Reduced inequalities,12. Responsible consumption and production,14. Life below water,17. Partnership for the goals
Países receptores: Regional Latin America,@@@a href=""###Bolivia@@@/a###,@@@a href=""###Cuba@@@/a###,@@@a href=""###Dominican Republic@@@/a###,@@@a href=""###Ecuador@@@/a###,@@@a href=""###El Salvador@@@/a###,@@@a href=""###Honduras@@@/a###
ODS relacionados:
2. Zero hunger,8. Decent work and economic growth,9. Industry innovation and infrastructure,10. Reduced inequalities,12. Responsible consumption and production,14. Life below water,17. Partnership for the goals
Países receptores: Inter Regional,Apia SAP - Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands
ODS relacionados:
2. Zero hunger,8. Decent work and economic growth,9. Industry innovation and infrastructure,10. Reduced inequalities,12. Responsible consumption and production,14. Life below water,17. Partnership for the goals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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