Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC)

The rural poor have greater opportunities to access decent farm and non-farm employment

  • To strengthen the capacities of agricultural stakeholders to effectively and sustainably prevent and reduce child labour in agriculture in Malawi and the Niger.
  • To enhance the employment content and youth focus of policies and programmes for agricultural and rural development in Senegal, Uganda and Guatemala.

Status of the project

Major results
  • Developed youth specific policies and strategies, which are expected to canalize future government commitments and expenditures.
  • Increased FAO’s capacity to support countries on DRE, particularly in regional and subregional offices in LAC and RAF.
  • Established partnerships and youth-inclusive technical working groups, which FAO contributed to empower.
  • Designed and tested multiple highly replicable models for youth engagement in the agricultural sector at a programmatic level, such as models for proximity agri-business support, employment services, training youth as rural development agents, promoting youth peer-to-peer support.
  • Raised awareness through participation in specific trainings and through peer support, and around 150 young agripreneurs were directly supported to enhance their businesses as part of the pilot models implemented at field level.
  • Facilitated FAO DRE capacity development (CD) package, piloting different CD modalities (face-to-face workshops, tutored e-learning, mix of face-to-face and e-learning, direct peer-to-peer and technical support).

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