Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC)

Reduce Rural Poverty through information, participatory communication and social mobilization for rural women, men and youth


The Dimitra project final goal is to improve rural people’s livelihoods and gender equality, and reduce rural poverty.
Its specific objectives are as follows:

  • Enhance access to information and organizational capacities of rural populations, in particular women and youth, so that they are empowered, able to voice their needs, and actively participate in decision-making.
  • Promote gender equality, women’s leadership and rural people’s empowerment and networking, and the development/use of innovative participatory approaches.

Status of the project


Major results
  • Provided advocacy and support on the adaptation/use of gender-sensitive and participatory communication approaches to facilitate social mobilization and local governance, with a particular focus on women’s leadership, empowerment of rural communities and improved representation and voice.
  • Produced and disseminated gender-sensitive information materials and guidance tools on participatory communication approaches, social mobilization and rural people’s empowerment and information on the UN Joint Program on Accelerating Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment.
  • Supported global, regional and country-level capacity development on the use of participatory communication and rural people’s empowerment approaches to create/strengthen informal/formal organizations.
  • Carried out studies, collected best practices and generated knowledge on the impact of social mobilization, community governance and participatory communication approaches on poverty reduction and gender equality.
  • Strengthened Dimitra youth networks at national level, including by using ICTs.
  • Supported the renewed partnership to end hunger in Africa through the I3N Initiative in the Niger to facilitate networking through participatory communication, social mobilization and local governance aspects.

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