Flexible Voluntary Contribution (FVC)

Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction


To identify and promote cost-effecive solutions and strategies to reduce FLW, build human and institutional capacity to implement them, coordinate food loss reduction initiatives, foster partnership and promote collaboration, with a view towards avoiding duplication, developing synergies and using resources efficiently.

Status of the project

Major results
  • Built evidence base to support policy and strategy development.
  • Reviewed existing strategic, policy and regulatory frameworks and their provisions for FLW reduction.
  • Formulated strategies for FLW reduction and incorporated FLW reduction considerations in policy processes.
  • Integrated good practice options for food loss reduction into strategic and policy level interventions.
  • Prepared and validated training materials.
  • Organized workshops, training and demonstration sessions for chain actors and public sector officials.
  • Convened fora to demonstrate and promote viable options/models for loss reduction.
  • Updated Save Food Initiative information platforms and portals at global and regional levels.
  • Moderated FLW Communities of Practice.
  • Analysed and disseminated information to network members, including through a monthly newsletter and the Save Food website.

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