Instrument de contribution volontaire flexible (FVC)

Scaling-up climate actions to enhance Nationally Determined Contributions and climate and livestock


The Subprogramme will contribute towards enhanced mitigation and adaptation programmes in the livestock sector to support climate resilience, food security, livelihoods and to achieve the Paris Agreement. 

The objective of this Subprogramme is to support members to raise ambition in national climate actions by integrating livestock-specific mitigation and adaptation interventions. For nine targeted countries, policy analysis will inform how sectoral policies and strategies support livestock mitigation and adaptation measures for national climate actions. The purpose is to identify opportunities to bridge technical and policy gaps, to inform planning processes at the government institutional level for NDC implementation, to support the process of mainstreaming climate change in national livestock policies and action plans and to assess the best way to keep track of reaching NDC targets. The subprogramme will provide an analysis of links between livestock-related NDC commitments and national policies and strategies, and a comprehensive analysis of climate finance and GHG emissions.

The Subprogramme’s four outputs, will contribute to the capacity development of livestock stakeholders, including government institutions, livestock-farmers, research and academia, NGOs, CSOs and producer organization and cooperatives: 

  • Output 1: Opportunities identified to enhance synergies between climate change and livestock policies, through multi-stakeholder collaboration.
  • Output 2: Capacities of livestock stakeholders enhanced to mainstream climate change in national policies, strategies, and livestock development plans, including identification of methane reduction options.
  • Output 3: Methane and other GHG emissions from the livestock sector are assessed based on Enhanced Transparency Framework and cost-beneficial mitigation options identified.
  • Output 4: Key recommendations formulated on the development of roadmaps for integrating mitigation interventions in national action plans and enhancing the digital national measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems to attract climate finance.

Status of the Subprogramme

on going


The Livestock Information, Sector Analysis and Policy Branch (NSAL) of the FAO headquarters Animal Health and Production Division (NSA) is the Lead Technical Unit responsible for project implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting. The project Task Force is composed of FAO Country Representatives and Subregional Coordinators. For each country a FAO technical focal point is nominated and a national focal point from the Ministries of Agriculture and/or Livestock and Ministries of Environment.


Liens utiles

Related website: Livestock and enteric methane
