La pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos en las cadenas de valor del pescado
©FAO/Ansen Ward
  • Supportive Policy Environment
  • Application of Appropriate Technology
  • Skills and Knowledge
  • Services and Infrastructure
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Social and Gender Equity
  • Markets

Supportive Policy Environment for On-board Handling in Small Scale Fisheries

Policy should aim to create an environment that enables the uptake of technology, good practice, and improved access to infrastructure, services, and markets that minimize food loss and waste (FLW)

National fisheries policy in countries where small-scale fisheries predominate may seek to promote the fisheries sector as an engine for national sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. Over-arching fisheries development policies can make broad references to the importance of fish quality and of reducing post-harvest losses. These have inherent implications for on board handling as well as other value chain activities in terms of FLW reduction. 

To ensure improved fish quality supply and value addition to the fish and fish products, Government should:

  • put in place enabling legislative framework for quality fish for the local and export markets
  • establish a competent authority to handle fish quality issues
  • promote adoption of best practices that will enhance quality, hygiene, sanitation, and value addition for fish and fish products
  • develop and enforce fish quality standards

National policy statements such as these are often accompanied by an implementation plan. These policies can also promote access to credit or microfinance to enable investments in fishing vessel improvements, such as iceboxes. It is important that complementary policy promote the access to services and infrastructure that fishers require.

Key Publications

Use of Cold Chains for Reducing Food Losses in Developing Countries

The use of cold storage is not one-size-fits-all, but is an important component of an agricultural value chain. Details of how to integrate cold chains and how it can reduce food losses are included.

Government of Malawi National Fisheries Policy

Details the general national fisheries policy.

Microfinance in Fisheries and Aquaculture: Guidelines and Case Studies

These guidelines provide general principles and considerations for those providing microfinance services to fisheries and aquaculture and who intend to include fishing and fish farming communities in the client base of their operation.

More Resources

More Resources

The 4th All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE) is a follow up to the series of biennial events together diverse stakeholders aimed at addressing the pertinent issue of postharvest loss reduction in the African...
Bycatch is both a contributing factor of food waste as undersized and low value fish are usually discarded, and is a threat to sustainable fishery development, as endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species are often...
One of the major issues prevailing in the fisheries and aquaculture industry in Sri Lanka is the high loss and waste of fish, and it has become necessary to introduce strategies aimed at preventing and...