فقدان الأغذية وهدرها في سلاسل القيمة السمكية
©FAO/Ansen Ward
  • Supportive Policy Environment
  • Application of Appropriate Technology
  • Skills and Knowledge
  • Services and Infrastructure
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Social and Gender Equity
  • Markets

Equitable Social & Gender Environment for Artisanal Fish Product Storage

Artisanal fish product storage is undertaken by processors and traders and may be women or men. There is often, however, a gender division of labour associated with artisanal fish processing, trade and storage. In some countries or regions, such as West Africa, women predominate in processing, trade, and hence in the storage of artisanal fish products.  In order for women artisanal fish processors/traders to maximize their potential and adopt measures which will reduce food loss and waste (FLW), the following are some of the basic requirements:  

  • Strong and beneficial role played by extension services in order to transfer appropriate technology, innovation, skills and knowledge 
  • Existing community power structures involved within the communities to facilitate interventions 
  • Government policy should result in gender sensitive government development support biased towards women 
  • Organized groups, such as cooperatives societies, facilitate support by extension agents who can more easily provide them with useful information and advice.  
  • Fish processors/traders should be encouraged to join existing cooperatives or form new ones that could qualify them to receive assistance from governments and commercial banks 
  • Access to capital to enable investment in businesses to improve standards and profitability (e.g. revolving loan schemes) 

Key Publications

Gender and Development

Overview of role of gender in the work place and an introduction to an integrated approach to gender equality and decent work with a link to further resources.

A Guide to Gender Sensitive Microfinance

Included is guidance for those involved in microfinance programmes to ensure consideration of socio-economic and gender issues when developing microfinance programmes, designing national policies, and disaggregating microfinance markets to learn more about clients.

A Review of Women's Access to Fish in Small-Scale Fisheries

This FAO publication seeks to identify the extent to which women have access to productive tools, and how this access is related to improved fisheries governance and food security.

More Resources

More Resources

Women play a critical role throughout the fisheries and aquaculture value chain, accounting for almost half of the total workforce. As they have a particularly strong presence in pre-harvest activities, women have the opportunity to...
The 4th All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE) is a follow up to the series of biennial events together diverse stakeholders aimed at addressing the pertinent issue of postharvest loss reduction in the African...
One of the major issues prevailing in the fisheries and aquaculture industry in Sri Lanka is the high loss and waste of fish, and it has become necessary to introduce strategies aimed at preventing and...