Потери и порча пищевой продукции в производственно-сбытовых цепях рыбного хозяйства
©FAO/Lionel Dabbadie

Live Fish & Shellfish Transport

Live fish transport is used to transfer aquaculture products, high value fin-fish from wild capture fisheries, crustaceans and molluscs from production holding facility to retailer or restaurant. Live fish transport enables fish and fish products to be transported long distances in a controlled environment which helps to maintain product quality, freshness and prevent death and spoilage that would occur in non-live products. Live fish and shellfish are transported on sea by specially designed vessels, on land by vehicle by air as airfreight. 

Mortality is the major concern and cause of food loss and waste (FLW). A product that is dead or moribund on arrival is virtually worthless. For fresh seafood any loss of quality is another concern. 

Key causes of FLW and mortality and include:  

  • Harvesting process is slow and stressful for fish
  • Fish suffer skin or scale damage during capture
  • Fish not starved/purged properly leading to deterioration of water quality during transport
  • Higher than optimal density of product in containers/packaging
  • Malfunction of live fish holding and transport technology causing mortality
  • Puncture of packaging materials leading to the oxygenation
  • Barotrauma when fish are hauled up from causing swim bladder expansion

Explore Ways to Reduce Loss and Waste

  • Supportive Policy Environment
  • Application of Appropriate Technology
  • Skills and Knowledge
  • Services and Infrastructure
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Social and Gender Equity
  • Markets

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Key Publications

Catching, Handling and Transport: The implications for Fish Welfare

Discusses different techniques of capture, handling and transport of fish within aquaculture.

Synopsis of the Hong Kong Seafood Market

Provides key information on popular seafood items and product forms including live fish and shellfish, sales and restaurant venues, as well as Hong Kong consumer habits and trends.

Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products

Codes of practice and guidelines designed to help meet standards and comply with legislation (e.g the Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products).

More Resources

More Resources

The 4th All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE) is a follow up to the series of biennial events together diverse stakeholders aimed at addressing the pertinent issue of postharvest loss reduction in the African...
One of the major issues prevailing in the fisheries and aquaculture industry in Sri Lanka is the high loss and waste of fish, and it has become necessary to introduce strategies aimed at preventing and...
The Codex Alimentarius, “the food code”, has a fundamental role in protecting consumers and ensuring fair practices in food trade, and provides technical guidance on the activities related to fish and fishery products.