The Food and Agriculture Microdata (FAM) Catalogue provides an inventory of datasets collected through farm and household surveys which contain information related to agriculture, forests, food security, and nutrition. The FAM catalogue is populated by datasets which are collected directly by FAO and datasets whose collection are supported in some way by FAO. Our aim is to be a one-stop-shop for disseminating microdata and metadata on all agricultural censuses and surveys which are publicly available.
FAM is continuously updated as new datasets from FAO and its Members become available. Organizations which collect relevant data are also highly encouraged to submit datasets for dissemination through FAM.
FAM in numbers (as of December 2024)

1 432 surveys
561 388 variables

Number of users
79 000 visitors
7 889 licensed data requests
Featured collections
About the FAM Catalogue
Microdata are unit-level information usually collected through surveys, censuses, and administrative sources.
Microdata contain information on individuals, households, business, geographic areas, etc. and are rich input into policy analysis, research, and highly disaggregated (e.g. by gender, migration status, indigenous, age group, etc.) statistics.
FAO and its Members increasingly rely on microdata for monitoring and evaluation, tailoring programming and policy interventions, conducting research, and monitoring important development trends such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Data providers who are willing and interested to share their datasets, must sign a License to redistribute agreement, in order to grant FAO the right to process and disseminate their respective datasets on the Food and Agriculture Microdata (FAM) catalogue. This is especially the case for non-FAO/external data providers.
All micro datasets are processed and anonymized by FAO before dissemination. The main steps involve checking and removing all direct identifiers and extremely sensitive variables, measuring the risk in the dataset and applying the appropriate disclosure control method. This is done in order to protect the confidentiality of the respondent and make the dataset safe for dissemination. Consequentially, FAO developed a guidance document on appropriate Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) methods to use and apply on the different datasets.
Security measures: Appropriate organizational, physical, and technical security measures, procedures and controls have been put in place to safeguard data available on FAM. Such security measures, procedures, and controls must, at all times, be proportionate and responsive to the risks identified.
Storage: Taking into account the level of confidentiality, data on FAM is stored in appropriate locations and in a manner that reduces the risk of accidental or unauthorized processing, loss or corruption. Since data on FAM is processed or stored by a cloud service provider, the FAO Cloud Adoption Strategy, Cloud Computing Guidelines and Vulnerability Assessment fully apply for all the data on FAM.
Access to data: Taking into account the level of confidentiality attributed to the data, access to the data on FAM can be authorized and granted to those who have fulfilled the Terms of Use.
FAO’s Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue
The FAM catalogue is populated by datasets which are collected directly by FAO and datasets whose collection are supported in some way by FAO.
Key documents
Related links
- FAO Statistics
- FAO SDG Indicators
- Agricultural Integrated Survey (AGRISurvey)
- World Census of Agriculture
- World Bank microdata library