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Codex Members in the Near East to discuss safety aspects of cell-based foods


On 21 September 2023, a side event on cell-based food will take place in Rome, Italy, during the 11th session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East (CCNE11). During the side event each country will have the opportunity to be part of the discussion, share information about national regulatory situations concerning cell-based food and shape the global perspective on this topic.

To participate in the discussion session during the side event, the presenter speaking for his/her delegation is invited to respond to three questions on the online form. Speakers are invited to use the form to structure their interventions in the side event, which will facilitate covering similar ground across the region and highlighting key messages.

The event will feature the recently issued FAO/WHO publication entitled  “Food safety aspects of cell-based food” as well as the relevant factsheet “Nine things to know about food safety aspects of cell-based food” for the Members to discuss issues that are relevant to Codex activities in the specific regional contexts.

The side event is scheduled from 13.00 to 15.00 CET and interpretation will be available in Arabic, English, and French. The event will be both in-person and online, in hybrid modality. All participants at the CCNE11 meeting are welcome to take part in the side event.


Related links:

Side event programme

Form to take part of the discussion

CCNE11 webpage

FAO Food Safety and Quality – Cell-based food

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