Inocuidad y calidad de los alimentos

Call for experts to participate in consultation on fish consumption


New scientific evidence has become available over the last two decades about the risks and benefits of fish consumption and there is a need to update the Joint FAO/WHO report of the expert consultation that took place in 2010. For this reason, FAO and WHO are looking for experts in nutrition, toxicology, epidemiology, dietary exposure, and risk-benefit assessment among others to review data on levels of nutrients and specific chemical contaminants in a range of fish species, as well as recent scientific literature covering the risks and benefits of fish consumption. These experts will be part of a multidisciplinary team that will assist FAO and WHO to build a new framework for assessing risks and benefits of fish consumption, which will also provide guidance to the Codex Alimentarius Commission in its risk management functions.

The meeting will take place 9-13 October 2023.

The deadline for the submission of your application is 7 April 2023.

For more information about the call for experts, please visit:


Photo: © FAO/Luis Antonio Rojas

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