Безопасность и качество пищевых продуктов

Drawing the connection between food safety and antimicrobial resistance


Jorge Pinto Ferreira, FAO Food Safety Officer, gave a presentation, on 23 May 2022, that was part of a webinar series organized by the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety (USA). The presentation was entitled “Are Food Safety and AMR Friends on Instagram?” The interconnections between several different disciplines, when it comes to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), were highlighted as well as the sometimes not so obvious link between food safety, food security and AMR. It was also a good opportunity to present the ACT (Antimicrobial Codex Texts) project, funded by the Republic of Korea, that FAO is carrying out in six countries, focusing on the implementation of the most recently adopted AMR Codex Alimentarius standards. 

Colleagues with different backgrounds attended the webinars. Students, researchers, academia, and industry were curious, for example, to learn about youth engagement initiatives that FAO is conducting.

Related links:

FAO’s work on antimicrobial resistance

Codex Alimentarius

Center for Food Safety, University of Georgia

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