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Learn about Codex food safety and quality standards in the digital realm


FAO and WHO have produced a new series of eLearning courses, which are now available to anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of the Codex Alimentarius. This collection of food standards, which is fundamental for the safety of food, is set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as part of the Joint FAO-WHO Food Standards Programme.

The courses are geared to Codex Contact Points, government officials, food producers, consumer representatives, Codex observer organizations and members of the scientific community. They are open access and can also be downloaded. The introductory course is available in English, French and Spanish, and multi-lingual versions of subsequent courses will be released during the course of 2023.

“This new series of eLearning courses provides an interactive tool to improve your knowledge on a range of topics to effectively participate in the Codex Alimentarius Commission standard-setting process”, said Dirk Schulz, FAO Food Safety Officer and Coordinator of the global team leading the content development. “The modular nature of each course allows learners to develop their knowledge according to their specific needs, interests and time availability. Upon successful completion, a digital badge is issued to certify the competencies acquired in each course.”

Access the courses at the FAO eLearning Academy here

Read more about the Codex Alimentarius

Find more news about the courses here

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