
Webinar: Carryover/transfer from feed to food of unavoidable vet drug residues


Manufacturers of feed and feed ingredients, livestock farmers, animal source food producers, distributors and salers need to collaborate to identify and manage potential health threats. Collaboration between these entities enables the development and application of appropriate risk management strategies for safe production and use of medicated animal feed. FAO and WHO convened an expert meeting to review the causes of veterinary drug carryover in animal feed and transfer to food, the known risks of such carryover to human health and international trade and suggest appropriate risk management strategies. The report of this expert meeting will be forwarded to Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF) to allow it to consider the risk management recommendations to address health risks and trade issues. Read the report of the joint FAO/WHO expert meeting on Carryover in feed and transfer from feed to food of unavoidable and unintended residues of approved veterinary drugs here

The webinar objectives are:

• providing CCRVDF participants with information on the outputs of the FAO/WHO Expert Meeting of “Carryover in feed and transfer from feed to food of unavoidable and unintended residues of approved veterinary drugs”, more specifically with concrete examples through case studies;
• preparing better for next CCRVDF; and
• facilitating the discussing on this matter during CCRVDF.

CCRVDF participants and stakeholders.


• opening by FAO, WHO, Codex Alimentarius Secretariat and CCRVDF Chairperson
• highlights of the expert meeting, its finding, conclusions and recommendations - Daniela Battaglia, FAO
• case study - Nicarbazin in eggs - one presentation - James Deller, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority
• case study - Ionophores in eggs - one presentation - David Johnson, Canadian Food inspection Agency
• the contribution of the stakeholders
• Q&A - Panel discussion
• closing


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