
An unfortunate fate for Salmonella!


This week in Geneva, Switzerland, the Joint Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) is holding an in-person expert meeting to discuss interventions to control Salmonella in poultry and poultry meat. The secretariat is happy to host international experts from all six FAO regions; Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America, Near East and North America.

The meeting is in response to a request from Codex Alimentarius, as they are looking to update guidance and best practices for poultry as salmonellosis continues to be a significant public health concern. Although the JEMRA has addressed Salmonella in poultry in the past, there have been significant advances in the science since their last publication in 2011.


Read more about JEMRA on the FAO site and the WHO site

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