
Gene editing and food safety


Gene (or genome) editing is a term to cover various molecular biological techniques used for introducing changes in the genome of living organisms. These techniques can be used for many purposes, including medicines, agriculture, and food production, to name a few.

The FAO issue paper “Gene editing and agrifood systems” published in 2022 stated that gene editing technologies represent a promising new tool for plant and animal breeding in low- and middle-income countries. In fact, gene editing can be used to develop diverse traits to increase food production and quality, as well as contributing towards sustainability and climate change resilience. However, as with all new technologies, a very careful analysis by regulatory agencies is the pre-requisite to knowing the safety of any product.

For this purpose, FAO has reviewed the food safety issues related to the topic of gene editing, and the publication “Gene editing and food safety” was issued on 17 April 2023. The publication provides a state-of-the-art review of food safety issues in applying gene editing for food production. A review of the potential applicability of existing Codex Alimentarius texts for food safety assessment is also included. The 32-page document offers key considerations for food safety competent authorities to develop and implement policies and regulatory criteria for products derived from gene editing.


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Photo: © I. De Borhegyi

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